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Everything posted by RCTwilightSparkle

  1. my only suggestion is that you please remove the human years age equivalence, it can make things confusing. Thank you
  2. My life is totally crazy! I will be trying my best to get to all of my RP threads this upcoming week but I might miss something, please just PM me if I'm holding up a thread. Thanks!
  3. Ok, a few comments about the app itself Age - Your app lists this pony as a colt, but to even be considered for the Wonderbolts he would have to be a stallion. The Wonderbolts do not accept colts or fillies. Rainbow Dash - Because OCs are not allowed to have pre existing relationships with the cast characters, this part of your app needs to be slightly adjusted. Its very possible you would remember seeing Rainbow Dash while the two of you were in flight school, but you cant word it in a way that would imply you two were friends. If the person RPing Rainbow Dash wants to initiate a past relationship through RP, saying something like "Hey, I remember you!" that's one thing, but you cant write a pre existing relationship into your application. You could change it to say something like "remembers Rainbow Dash from flightschool". Its a small change but it makes a big difference and comes across much better for RPs like this. His Wonderbolt years - The way he was kicked off of the Wonderbolts seems a bit unrealistic to me, why after years of being on the team would they look into his past? and why would they kick him off just because he accidentally hurt a pony during JSFS and knew dangerous stunts? The way he's portrayed in his app it sounds like he was a great team player while on the Wonderbolts and as long as he wasn't doing dangerous or unscheduled tricks during shows I can't see why they would kick him off. Maybe instead of being a well behaved Wonderbolt all the time he insisted on trying out dangerous tricks, either during shows or just for fun during practice? I could easily see a Wonderbolt being relieved of their position for something like that. Or maybe he decides to try something dangerous just one time and accidentally hurts a reserve member of the team? You also talk about getting revenge against the Wonderbolts by making the Shadowbolts, please just keep in mind that the two teams do not compete directly. What exactly would the Shadoowbolts be doing to get revenge?
  4. your tag says that this app is final but you may edit it later? is this app actually final or still WIP?
  5. Sorry Gallow, Freddie did bring up a good point about this character's eyes. They'll have to be reversed so that the sclera is white, personally I still think his eyes will look cool with white sclera and gray iris Once that is changed everything looks good, but I'd LOVE to see an expanded cutie mark story for this character!
  6. could you please change the tag on this app to WIP until he's ready to be evaluated? Thanks!
  7. I'm looking forward to your revisions, like I said I think this character is awesome and has lots of fun potential for RP As much as I totally hate to admit it Scotchie and Pony_Sage are a lot of fun to RP with, Gallow running a funhouse sounds like it could be a great idea!
  8. I understand! personally I think he's a cool hybrid and I could see this being acceptable in mane RP, I'm just not sure yet so I wanted to warn you that it might not be alright. A few comments about the app itself: Cutie mark story - I would love to hear an expanded version of how he actually got his cutie mark. What was the dangerous situation and how exactly did he save himself? I'm also not entirely sure that Equestria has gallows, it is a land of friendship and kindness. Maybe there is a more FiM appropriate symbol that could work equally well as his cutie mark?
  9. I like this app, he seems like a very interesting character with a lot of room for growth! Unfortunately I do think that his being a hybrid will be a problem, I can see what the rest of the staff thinks but right now pony/zebra hybrids are not on the accepted race list for mane RP. You can find the current list of approved races here. Crossover RP allows all races, so in the case that he cannot remain a hybrid for mane RP and you do not want to change him he would still be playable there.
  10. Twilight stood outside of the barn concentrating on her spell. if she didn't maintain her attention on it, the rain cloud would quickly disintegrate into thin air. Without the rain pouring down onto the roof the barn there wasn't anything to prevent the flames from devouring the rest of the structure. Everypony but Twilight started to rush into the barn to take care of the fire inside. From where she was standing, Twi was unable to see into the barn so all she could do was listen to the sounds of her friends yelling and the fire crackling inside. Being left in the dark was making it hard for Twilight to maintain her focus. Somewhere inside she really wanted to dismiss the cloud and help her friends more directly. Although she felt helpless standing outside, she knew she wasn't being useless so she continued to maintain her concentration and did what she did best, her magic. At least until she heard Granny yell that somepony inside was injured. Now Twilight really wasn't sure what to do because she had no idea if the fire was completely put out or not. She looked over at Granny Smith and yelled "Granny, is it safe to stop the rain?". Twi's voice sounded strained because without at least some of her attention on the cloud it would have fallen apart and she just wasn't sure if she'd be able to cast the spell again.
  11. Freddie this character sounds awesome! I'm getting very tempted to make my own OC to help populate Stalliongrad....
  12. The only thing I've been worried about for shadowbolts being in the mane RP is the wonderbolt RPers feeling forced to get roped into all of it. If the shadowbolts could do their own thing without the wonderbolt RPers having to be a part of it to make it work, I think it would be super cool to have them in mane RP! Of course the wonderbolts could get into the fun on an individual basis if they want to as well.
  13. I thought we determined that shadowbolts would not be in mane RP, I could be wrong...
  14. As Star Chaser stood in the doorway she couldn't help but giggle at Dio, who was now standing in front of her with his jaw on the floor. After the look on his face, Star's eyes were drawn straight to Dio's wings. She still couldn't remember the last time she'd seen a stallion with wings as large as his. They seemed to fit just right on his over sized athletic frame, and although she doubted that they were great for complicated tricks, he looked like the type of pegasus who could fly for hours without even slowing down. Only a few moments from now Star would be able to find out if she was right about Dio's flying style. With that idea in her head, Star's mind drifted just one thought too far. The thought of Dio seeing her fly was making the ex-Wonderbolt a little nervous now, even though she hadn't really thought about it before. The last time he, or just about any pony saw her fly she was a Wonderbolt. Now, Star was flying about as well as she did back in her Junior Speedsters days. Not nearly as quick or agile as she was only a few short months ago, but not nearly as mediocre as she felt at that moment. To Star, recovery felt like having to learn to fly all over again like a little filly. She could only manage a half sincere smile as Dio spoke, a little distracted by the thoughts racing around in her head. It all did sound like it would be a nice date... just as long as her wings didn't let her down. Before Star had any more time to worry, Dio unfolded his wings and took off, hovering around roof level and looking down at her. A deep breath cleared the ex-Wonderbolt's mind. 'I'm probably still faster than he is anyway...' she mused to herself, trying to get a little confidence back. With a smirk on her face, Star took off and flew right past Dio. As she passed him she yelled a playful "I'll race ya!". After a few seconds she glanced back to see if Dio was chasing after her. She wasn't flying as fast as she could and had no intentions of actually trying to race him. The lady pegasus just wanted to see what he could do.
  15. I went to PAX East and Anthrocon this year and both of them had TONS of bronies, AC more than PAX but PAX was all the way back in March before ponies got huge
  16. Thanks Lilia we found her the day I beat portal 2 and my roommate suggested the name, it just fit
  17. I just wanted to post in this thread and say that the AppleJack and Twi stamps are mine now and Starfox did an AWESOME job on them! I might have to get a few more
  18. I have a kitty named Chell, we found her in a dumpster earlier this year and she's awesome. She's a purebred Abyssinian of an unknown age (estimated 6-10 years old)
  19. Twilight listened to her friend's advice and braced herself for the flood of water that was about to shoot out of the hose. The first burst of water caused the hose to shudder and shoot water in the wrong direction, but with a few quick adjustments Twilight had everything going smoothly. She was very slowly but surely keeping the fire from spreading out and engulfing more of the barn's roof. This was better than nothing but it wasn't helping put out much of the original fire, it wasn't going to be what saved the barn. As Twilight and Applejack did what they could, another mare who Twi didn't quite recognize came up to her and asked Twilight to make a storm cloud. "A storm cloud..." Twilight's voice trailed off at the end of the statement as she thought about a way to do that. She did know one weather control spell that she learned a while back, shortly after she got to Ponyville. She only tried it once before because the one and only time she cast it, she accidentally ruined a cloud formation that Dash had spent all morning working on. Twilight looked back at the mare "Well... I do know one spell that I can try" Twilight looked over at AppleJack and gave her a slight nod, the hose Twi had been using coiled up neatly next to her as AJ stopped pumping water. The fire took full advantage of their momentary lack of attention and began to spread across the roof again. Twi knew she didn't have any time to waste so she closed her eyes and focused on the spell. The sky grew dark over the barn as Twi's horn glowed bright pink, but there was no rain. The unicorn kept quietly concentrating on her spell and after what seemed like hours but was really only a minute at most, it finally started raining over the barn. The raincloud would certainly not do much to affect the fire that was ravaging the inside of the Apple family barn, but the external structure wouldn't be completely destroyed as long as the spell kept up.
  20. I've been making super quick and easy vegan food lately! first, Smoothies: 8oz of soymilk 4oz of OJ (or other juice) 1 cup of frozen fruit toss it all in a blender until it's smooth Usually I make mine with a cup of strawberries or half strawberries and half blackberries, peaches are really yummy too! Rice and Lentils 2 cups of chopped onion 1 cup of brown lentils 3/4 cups of brown long grain rice 1/2 tablespoon of curry powder 1/2 tablespoon of salt 1/4 tablespoon of cumin black pepper to taste EVOO Add a little EVOO to a pot (one that has a nice tight lid) and put your onions in, cook them for about 5-10 minutes or until they start to get brown. Once they're brown add everything but the cumin and add enough water to the pot to cover everything. Cook on med/low heat for 30-40 minutes, after 30-40 minutes add your cumin and let it cook for another 10. Stir it up and serve at whatever temperature you like I've noticed for my stove I need to leave this cooking for a really long time, so depending on your stove the timing might not be the same. Usually I just keep an eye on it and whenever the rice and lentils are cooked through I call it finished (for me that takes about an hour).
  21. Scootaloo barely got down the hall when Sweetie started talking to her, she didn't want to ignore her friend so she turned back around to listen to what she had to say. "Something... upsetting? but why would she call your name...? Scoot was confused, but Rarity wasn't her big sister so Sweetie must know best. "Oh, wipe up the mud, that makes more sense" she grabbed a clean cloth and started wiping up the wet muddy mess on the floor. Still unable to shake the feeling that something was wrong, Scootaloo kept listening carefully down the hall just in case there was more yelling. Wiping up the mud after scrubbing it was going a lot better than just scrubbing it and Scootaloo was finally making some real progress on the floor. She had a little routine going with her scrub brush in one hoof and the cloth in the other. Just when it seemed like everything was going fine, Rarity yelled again and this time Scootaloo took off and didn't wait for Sweetie Belle to say something. "See I told you something was wrong, now she's yelling for help!" She slipped over the spot she was cleaning but got right up and headed down the hall trying to find where Rarity was yelling from. Rarity's calls for help were still a bit muffled even with the megaphone so it was hard to hear what room she said she was in. "Rarity I can't hear you, what room are you in?" Scoot yelled while going from door to door knocking.
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