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Everything posted by RCTwilightSparkle

  1. mine is giant high res photo of science pony, the actual BG resolution is 2048x1152
  2. Oooh if you'd like to draw any of my OCs I'd love that! My most active are Star Chaser and Bolt thanks (if you're too swamped don't worry about it) Edit: there is a link to my log in my sig!
  3. Twilight tried her best to stay focused on the task at hand and just keep filling the buckets. She wasn't paying attention to all of the chaos around her because she knew that just wouldn't help anything, it would only distract her. There was one pump so the unicorn did her best to get everything filled quickly. Unfortunately, filling up one bucket at a time was taking way too long and the fire was spreading, not that Twilight even noticed right now. The quiet concentration in Twi's mind was broken by AppleJack who had a great idea to get things going faster. By working with AppleJack they could get a constant stream of water on that fire, that should do a lot to put it out or at least keep it from spreading. "AppleJack, I think it's ok if we reschedule our lunch date." she said with a little smile as she levitated the hose over by the fire, almost effortlessly. "Don't worry, we won't let you lose the barn" Twi said as reassuringly as she possibly could. After a few seconds of adjusting her placement the hose was ready to go, she looked at her friend and said "Alright, ready when you are!"
  4. The pause between her question and a response felt like hours, even though it had only been a few seconds. A million thoughts raced through Bolt's head as she waited for Carrot to say something... anything. She felt like she blew it, that he didn't really like her that way and that he must have invited her out as just a friend. Now, because she was so forward, she would scare him away! He was just so sweet and nice, and he seemed like he liked her. At least she thought so, she was never really good at these things.The little filly closed her eyes as she looked away and took a deep breath. Just as she was about to open her mouth and start apologizing, Carrot answered her. Carrot's answer made her a little worried, she thought that maybe he felt pressured by her question. As much as she didn't want to ask out of fear that he'd change his mind, she felt like she had to. "Are... are you sure? I don't want you to feel like it has to be just because I asked... but if you do really want it to be, I really want it to be too.". She made her best effort not to sound shaky or nervous when she said it. Trying to take some of the focus off of that last line, Bolt gently took the flowers from Carrot and put them down so she could get a better look at them. "Wow, these are beautiful..." She spoke quietly and just let her voice trail off as she waited for an answer.
  5. That's a Twilight shirt, I've also got a CMC hoodie on and a MLP backpack on in that photo. I think the picture answers the question
  6. As Twilight got closer to Sweet Apple Acres she could no longer deny that the smoke in the distance was definitely coming from the farm! Twi had been waiting in town for AJ to get back but when her friend didn't return in over an hour she decided to go find her. "oh no..." Twi muttered to herself as she raced past rows of apple trees trying to locate the smoke. As she got to the main part of the farm the barn came into clear view and there was smoke pouring out of it! By the time Twi got to the scene, Big Mac was just about to run inside. The purple unicorn frantically looked around for something, anything, with some water in it that she could try to dump on the fire. It looked like she was too late for that and all of the immediate water was already being put to use. Twilight saw a few empty buckets sitting next to a nearby apple tree and using her magic she picked them up and raced over to the water pump to fill them.
  7. Carrot made the mistake of asking Bolt about weather creation, she could talk anypony's ear off for HOURS about weather creation. The filly grinned and started explaining, trying her best to be brief about it "Clouds and storms are actually my specialty! it's why summer is my favorite season, it's when I get to make the best storm clouds! Lightning ... that is kinda tricky, it sort of makes itself. The way that works is when you get your cloud formation just right it starts to make lightning. As long as you take care of your clouds and keep a close eye on them then they'll make lightning for the whole storm with just a little prodding. Maybe I could show you some time!" Bolt wasn't sure how interested Carrot was about the weather so she decided to stop there. The last thing she wanted was to make him bored by going on and on about something he didn't really care about. As Bolt told her story about her lion in the sky, she didn't even think to connect it with what was going on right there in that field. It was only when she was done and Carrot starting talking to her again that she realized she felt a lot like that lion constellation. She smiled as he told her about the other lion in the sky that she had never noticed all these years. "Wow... I guess they don't have to be so lonely..." She said quietly as her voice trailed off. The little pink filly was barely paying attention for a moment because she was just staring at the stars, they really were beautiful. She was so distracted by her own thoughts that she didn't even notice Carrot picking up a pretty bouquet of flowers out of his cart. When Bolt looked back towards Carrot, he had the flowers in his mouth and he was looking right into her eyes. After letting out a little yelp she giggled "Are those for me?! ... so does that mean this really IS a date?" she blurted out. Although Bolt probably wouldn't have said it nearly that straight forward under any other circumstance she was caught off guard because of her day dreaming and those absolutely beautiful flowers! She was embarrassed that she just came out and asked like that and so before Carrot even had a chance to answer she ducked her head a little and blushed bright red. She could feel her cheeks burning and she was so nervous that he was going to say it wasn't really a date.
  8. Twilight fussed a bit over ShadowMist making sure that she was alright. The mare looked a little dizzy and the whole situation definitely startled her "Don't worry about the mess, Spike and I can take care of it... are you sure you're alright?". Twilight was always quite stubborn when it came to admitting she wasn't ok, especially when only asked once, so she asked again just to be safe. Her attention was turned to the piles of books she stacked up without a thought on the floor around her. Assessing the mess it didn't look too bad, none of the books were damaged; they would just have to be reorganized and put back. Looking around after hearing another unknown voice, Twilight noticed another two ponies had stepped into the library "Wow this place is busy today!". She didn't pay too much attention to the pony who slipped himself in quietly, he didn't seem to want to be noticed or talked to. Maybe he knew exactly what he wanted and didn't want to get in the way.
  9. Scootaloo grabbed the scrub brush and started cleaning the floors, she got a few of the muddy hoof prints up but her scrubbing was kinda just spreading the mud around and getting it soapy. The little foal was doing her best and tried to keep her new soapy mud mess away from anything of Rarity's. Completely oblivious to what Sweetie Belle had just done, she looked up just in time to see Rarity's silk roll right out the door. "Oh! I'll get it!' Scootaloo yelled as she started to chase after the fabric. Not watching out for where she scrubbed, Scoot slipped on some bubbles and fell on the silk. Nervous that Rarity would get mad at her she looked where the white mare had been standing to gauge her reaction.... but Rarity was gone. "Uh oh, where did your sis-" Before she could finish her sentence she heard a scream coming from down the hall. "Sweetie Belle we have to find out what happened to Rarity!" she said as she scampered down the hall trying to figure out what door the yell came from.
  10. The house was quiet, except for a few birds chirping and singing up on Star Chaser's roof. Star was getting ready for her flight with Diomedes like she would any other flight, with a sense of zen calmness about her. As she double checked the contents of her saddle bags she hummed along with the birds outside. The quick double check went the same as they usually did, she wasn’t missing anything. Doctor's orders were that she shouldn’t carry much extra weight, and when she told this to Dio, he insisted on carrying everything, which was sweet of him. Unfortunately Star's stubborn nature just couldn't let that happen and so she packed a few little treats and snacks along with the typical flight gear she always carried, it couldn't have all weighed more than a few pounds. Trying to stay relaxed while getting ready wasn't nearly as easy as the old days, usually back then she wasn't preparing for a date AND a flight all at the same time. As Star Chaser continued to get ready she was walking around her house, humming and getting lost in her own thoughts. Scenes of the gala replayed in her head and for a moment she felt like she was back on that grassy field tucked under Dio’s wing. All she could hear were the crickets distantly chirping from that night, so Star couldn’t help but jump a little at the sound of a knock on her door. Instinctively, Star pulled her right wing close to her, as she always did when she knew she wasn’t alone. As soon as she did that and didn’t feel the distinctive feeling of her bindings against her feathers, she remembered. A little smirk spread across her face and as she walked to the door she stretched out her wings and then tucked both of them neatly by her sides. The ex-Wonderbolt took a deep breath, shook out her mane a little bit and opened the door. She couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Dio, even though it had only been a few weeks she really missed him. ”Hey you!” she said playfully ”Ready to go?.
  11. Scootaloo stood by Rarity and waited for Sweetie belle to get back, she wasn't sure exactly what to do during the silence so the little foal just looked around the room. They sure did manage to make a mess, mannequins were knocked over and dresses were dirty. There were muddy hoof prints all over the place and out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of a roll of Rarity's special gold silk with mud on it. The thought that she might have ruined some of that silk wasn't a pleasant one, she knew how Rarity got upset last time when Sweetie used it to make capes. Instead of saying anything about it, Scootaloo decided to just look the other way hoping Rarity had already seen it and wasn't mad. After a minute or two, Sweetie Belle came back with the bucket and Scoot trotted carefully over to her friend. She looked back up at Rarity with a little grin. "Ok now what? do we scrub the mud off the floor next?" Scootaloo just wanted to double check with Rarity before doing ANYTHING so she that she couldn't accidentally make anything worse.
  12. just letting everyone know I'll be posting as scootaloo asap, things are just a little chaotic at home. My grandparents are moving into my parents house, everything is disorganized and I haven't had much time to be alone and write a good post.
  13. A smile spread across Twilight's face as Spike boasted, she managed not to giggle as he acted quite proud of himself. He had a right to be proud, he truly was quite a handsome dragon, especially compared to many of the duller colored dragons she'd seen and read about. The mare turned to face Starlight as she told Twilight she was just visiting. "That's interesting" she said curiously "Compared to a lot of the big cities we don't have an expansive library. I've been trying to change that, a lot of my favorite books from Canterlot have been brought over." A loud sneeze followed by a crash cut Twi short as she was speaking. Instinctively she turned her head towards the noise to see poor ShadowMist covered in books! A soft pink glow surrounded Twi's horn as she used her magic to gently lift the books off the filly. "ShadowMist are you alright?" She said as she got the last of the books off and stacked them into neat but out of order piles.
  14. Just a heads up to everypony that it is very unlikely I'll be responding to any RPs before August 6th. If my cast member RPs move I'll post in those to keep them going but my OC threads need to be put on hold because of my biology finals. I'll still be on IRC and available via PM if anypony needs me
  15. To everyone who's RPs I've been holding up... I'm sorry! I've had a lot of work to do in my bio class. As far as I know the only cast RP that is waiting for me to post is scotchie's CMC thread, if I'm forgetting any please let me know via PM! as far as my OC threads go, I'll try my best to get to them by Thursday :heart:
  16. Your GIRLFRIEND?! it was totally my fault!
  17. oooo Buxy great thread idea! I'll definitely be trying both of your recipes from the first post!
  18. It came up to my waist. There was no way it was leaving with me unnoticed.
  19. I will be so disappointed in you if you didn't steal this for me.
  20. Yeah, not in the first round or this one. I have a feeling the only CMC love we'll see is for CMC chronicles. And The SHow Stoppers is so good! I know! Show Stoppers is definitely up there on my favorites
  21. Wow I LOVE your art! I'd be so excited if you wanted to draw any of my OCs! you can find links and pics here! viewtopic.php?f=19&t=449&p=3188#p3188 Thanks!
  22. The Filly tried her hardest to act awake and put together as Spike worried about her, she struggled to keep from yawning but it was pointless. Twilight covered her mouth with a hoof as she yawned and gave Spike another little sincere smile. "I'm fine Spike! she lied, she didn't even notice that she walked right out of her bedroom without really fixing her mane. "I don't have to go back to sleep, I'm sure there's lots that needs to get done in here" A quick look around the library and she realized just how true that statement was, there were books out of order all over the place. Twilight looked over at at Starlight Melody and introduced herself, the little filly seemed a bit nervous, maybe from being knocked into. "Hi Starlight! I'm Twilight Sparkle, it's a pleasure to meet you... are you new in town?" she paused "Oh the poetry, is right over here." She said as she trotted over. Her horn glowed pink as she pulled a book out slightly. "From here on, on this shelf all the way down to the end." she looked over to the end of the row, it wrapped around a curve in the tree trunk wall. It was hard for Twi to stifle a little giggle as Spike noticed the filly staring at him. Usually he liked the attention, maybe the purple dragon was just overworked today, more reason to stay up and help him get things around the library. "You have to remember, Spike, not a lot of ponies have seen a dragon around here." After that Starlight spoke up for herself, a handsome dragon, she couldn't imagine Spike still being irritated after that one.
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