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Status Updates posted by stormchaser1991

  1. i am sorry if this sounds dumb or if i miss something somewhere but who is this mare that AJ is looking at is the logo here at the top

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lyipheoryia


      Countess Colouratura (Rara)

    3. stormchaser1991


      yea i did from the top its hard to see her cutie mark

    4. Lyipheoryia
  2. I am going to crawl into a cloest and cry for a couple minutes *goes into cloest and crys*

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Smartbrony


      No, I don't believe I was.....but if I was then I'm sorry.

    3. thedailypony
    4. stormchaser1991


      on a different Mlp rping sit e i got kick out of RP because another pony in it i had rp with in the past said i "lack of detail and meaningful contribution". said the to the host and because of this i got kick out of the RP

  3. digital cookies for everypony for me finally moving out of my parents house

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. stormchaser1991


      well better then living in my parents home which i call a prison, i get alot more rights there and best of all my systems which they won't let me have here

    3. CandyStar


      Just a quick question, when you say "they" you mean your parents?

    4. stormchaser1991


      yes i mean my parents when i say they

  4. There is an old saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is the future and today is special thats way its called the present

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Smartbrony


      Seriously. Who do you think taught Kung Fu to humans?

    3. DreamySunday
    4. Smartbrony


      It's like how all the great benders from Avatar were taught by creatures. In this case, a talking panda.

  5. i found a great new RP site for ponies that like or want to do 18+ RPs but Canterlot will always be my number 1 Rp website

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Zealot


      Indeed I think it would, I'd have to check the rules or ask an admin.

    3. Zealot


      Well a quick check makes me even more unsure. Impression I got is that it's a general 'no' across the board for any kind of NSFW content, including roleplay. It's unclear though. If the need should arise I would contact an admin.

    4. Blueblood


      In general, the answer *is* no, hence why I think it useful to have an alternative site to point others to.

  6. hey does anypony know of somepony that makes banners?

    1. DragonoftheSkysAir


      what kind of banner do you want?

    2. stormchaser1991


      i explained it kinda in a post i made in the art section its called Banner request and question go find it to see and post in it if you think you can

  7. i was told about the RP log for my ponies but the only LOG thing is in WOE and not having a WOE pony i can't make one there i was wondering if there is another one i missed or something else i could use instead

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. stormchaser1991


      also Zealot i don't know if you notice but CC doesn't have a LOG either

    3. Zealot


      Yes, I did. I think it would be best if we just had one log subforum open to everyone though. No need for multiple.

    4. stormchaser1991


      yea i agree or made a complete different area for the different LOGs of each type but that would properly require a site update or not idk about that kinda thing anyway thanks for helping me with this and understanding my problem. i do hope they consider doing this i think it alot of ponies would use it i know i will

  8. attention everypony today is my birthday yay me

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hawkeye12


      Happy birthday! Have some cake! *totally isn't a chocolate bomb inside*

    3. stormchaser1991


      sorry i can't eat chocolate so Bassclef can have the cake instead

    4. tacobob


      Remember. Canterlot birthdays. The birthday pony has to give US gifts! GIMMIE

  9. does anypony know when season 5 will continue? i am thinking sometime in the fall

  10. hey who have seen ghe movie trailer called Pixels, if so BEST ALIEN INVASION EVER PERIOD also on a side not what do you think of it

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. tacobob


      It had an 0% on Rotten Tomatoes until recently.

    3. starswirlthebearded


      Since it is no longer the 1990s... I'm going to say... don't waste your money on Sandler.

      If you can, find Mr Holmes. Supporting a limited release film is always nice. Also good movies to see... Ant-man and Trainwreck. Also, of course, there is Inside-out, but that should go without saying.

    4. Hawkeye12


      Eh, I'm gonna see it anyway. The movie may be bad, but writing a bad review is fun in a strange kinda way. >:D

  11. I was just re watching Owl's Well That Ends Well anf notice thaat BonBon has a twin

  12. attention everypony i'm RPing with as i am sure as everypony else that has a mobile device. I have two device i post and will post on the mobile device aka my 3ds xl. You can tell which i am post on by two things 1.i have started posting talk text in color because i can that why and my 3ds won't allow that and 2. even though i press the enter key to go to the next line it doesn't process that when i click post.

  13. hey early i found a video that explains the pinkie sense and it makes alot of sense, and it has a nice diagram to show it, its by the cutie mark laboratory if i posted a link who would want to see how that works i bet alot of alot ponies does he did something twilight couldn't he but facts and logic behind it to show how it work and when twilight took an entire ep to do and fail

  14. i love fighting as ryu in smash

  15. That moment in smash bros online when you have the final smash and you aim to get two but get all three and KO them all, LOL

    1. Hawkeye12


      Or when you KO punch em all with Little Mac- best feeling ever.

    2. stormchaser1991


      yea that is more hard to do i just download the bundle season 2 pack for both season you want to add me for either PM me

  16. i saw the new ep a while about and i was like wtf why is bonbon a spy or secret agent or whatever she is yes i know one of her names is sweetie drops

    1. DreamySunday


      Because they wanted to use both her Canon and Fanon name and make something silly at the same time XD Oh M.A. Larson x3

  17. hey can somepony smart help me i want to ponyfi the word humanity how would i do that

    1. SunsetSombra


      Equinity - bam, right there!

    2. IceStorm
  18. i am sad :( because whenever i start an RP i want to do it always ends up dieing for some reason or another

    1. Lux


      Happens to me too.

    2. QuickLime


      You need do way with instain mother!

  19. it is my sister birthday today. yay for her

  20. does anypony want to Smash on wii u

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stormchaser1991


      I added u mine is Sonicmon1991 send a PM when your ready also if you want to do anything else like the wii u chat

    3. DreamySunday


      I have Smash Wii U! But I don't have a Wii U...

    4. stormchaser1991
  21. normally i don't care for spoilers but since ep 100 is a special milestone for the show i am going to go into the ep spoil free

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stormchaser1991


      that is pretty easy to do and not easy at the same time

    3. tacobob


      * spends the next few weeks in a cave *

    4. InSaNiTyCaT


      I'm sorry this killed me, I was laughing so hard, agreed though!

  22. in the newest ep Gilda has be redeem to me

  23. The ultimate movie is coming out during july!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bluelight


      It looks interesting (watched trailer)

    3. tacobob


      Hey that looks....oh...Adam Sandler..nevermind....>< HOWEVER, they are doing a movie version of PLAYER ONE..Which is based off the book by Ernest Cline. If you have not read it yet. You gottta!

    4. ToothpasteThy


      Interstellar already came out, m8.

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