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Everything posted by QuickLime

  1. Oh good! I was hoping you'd do that again
  2. Who wants a Rp with Coco :D?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pretzelparty


      Coco Pommel. Suri polomare's (former assistant) from Rarity takes Manehattan

    3. RainbowFoxxy


      I want to! I'll PM you

    4. ShadowWalking18


      Any rp that can involve fashion is a sure thing for chaos and excitement.

  3. RIP Shirley Temple (I know some of you make jokes on my status, now is NOT the time to make them)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sailu


      wow...how old, and i assume natural causes, or....it came back?

    3. QuickLime


      She was in her eighties..86 I do believe, and it was due to natural causes yes.

    4. Sailu


      ah i see. well bless her soul and all the work she has done on and off screen~

  4. Working on a mean ol food critic pony!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pretzelparty


      i guess not a professional food critic... but that hasnt stopped him from telling a person their food is terrible :P

    3. QuickLime


      Because they make it in his kitchen and then cook it so raw it's still singing under the sea

    4. Slazer


      ^ That was an awesome comeback.


    1. ping111
    2. QuickLime


      We're filing for divorce, I'll not be in this abusive relationship anymore!

  6. Agh! I hate this! I hate the Fault in Our Stars! It is the most awful and most terrible but most beautiful and wonderful thing I have ever had the pleasure of being hurt by ><

  7. More like "Defending what's theirs" If I make an awesome thing, and copyright it, and enjoy making money off my thing, I have the right to come get pissed at you for taking my thing and showing it off, and using it however you want without compensating me for my own work, you don't get to just take people's things without getting permission.
  8. 100% of all deaths are caused by Life

    1. Apolline Allura

      Apolline Allura

      But 60% of all purchases will go to starving clopfic writers, so by all means, continue to support the show! :D

    2. SteelEagle


      30% of statistics are reliable.

    3. QuickLime


      100% of PathFinder is insane in the membrane


  10. He hasn't been here for 3 years...
  11. Is this a new shading technique? It's GORGEOUS
  12. Don't let your child play with a computer tower, that's dangerous as it's filled with electric parts and he could hurt himself
  13. If anyone wants a Rp with any of my cast characters let me know!

  14. I can use Skype again! Oh happy day!

  15. Back from the dentist, I cannot feel my face :|

    1. Slazer


      You'd rather feel your face as though it were ablaze?

    2. QuickLime
  16. If anyone wants a rp thread with Coco let me know!

  17. It's always odd how old enemies sometimes turn into friends!

  18. QuickLime


    I never will understand the fascination with how someone chooses to style their hair and live their lives that people have, her appearance and personal life don't bother me, some of her music is a little eh though Poor Baby, everythings Dad XD
  19. From the album: QuickLime's Ponies!

    Just a bust of a pony I may or may not make later

    © QuickLime

  20. "Matilda" Is rubbish and Roald Dahl needed a bop for that book >C

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. QuickLime


      Not the MOVIE, the BOOK, where he cannot go 2 pages without spewing how special and brilliant Matilda is, and how abused and how sad her life is, and how he spent a solid page LISTING OFF BIG NAME AUTHORS ._.

    3. NeoExlucky


      Oh, no your correct. That's the only case where I can say the book was worse than the movie.

    4. QuickLime


      Bloody awful seriously >C

  21. She's my FFA character whom is the spawn of Discord, I just cannot draw other body parts for anything so just primary pony body it is haha
  22. From the album: QuickLime's Ponies!

    Was testing out the scanner! I drew Pandora in pencil, lined with a sharpie, then uploaded and colored in Pixlr Very proud of this one Pandora is mine, you may not use, edit, or trace this image in any way

    © QuickLime

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