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Emotional Scenes


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There have been scenes in MLP:FiM that really hit me in the feels. Whether it is because I put myself in a character's shoes, took a step back to consider how these ponies feel or have been in similar situations as depicted, I empathize with these characters.

Like when the Diamond Dogs took Rarity, and Spike couldn't save the person he loved despite his best efforts. I know I would have felt like the lowest **** for letting her go. I wonder what thoughts raced through his mind as he ran back to Ponyville; how weak he must have felt.

Or perhaps that time when Pinkie Pie was so overwhelmed with the baby Cakes that she couldn't help but break down and cry.. I know I've been there before. I even teared up at that part, just by understanding what she might have been feeling-- a sense of frustration, failure, losing control and all hope.

I guess I am emotionally attracted to scenes such as these because I have a general fear of letting people/myself down... But who can say differently? :blush:

So, am I just an emotional wreck or are you guys able to feel for these characters as well? Also, what scenes trigger these emotions inside of you, and why?

Edit: Darn... I guess I put this in the wrong sub-forum. Sorry!

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Emotional scenes for me would be:

  • When during the Royal Canterlot Wedding all of her friends and even Princess Celestia thinks Twilight is wrong that Cadence is a fraud.
  • When Pinkie starts crying after not being able to foalsit the Cake Twins.
  • When Fluttershy is scared of ponies staring at her durning Hurricane Fluttershy and she is crying with her animal friends.
  • When Luna returns to Ponyville for Nightmare Night.

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Oh, the big one for me is in Return of Harmony Part 2 when Twilight realizes her friends were corrupted by Discord and she turns grey. That actually made me cry, and few shows or movies do that.

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When Tank delivers Rainbow across the finish line, I cry every time. Such loyalty and friendship deserves my sweet and salty tears of emotion!

When Pinkie breaks down and cries in Baby Cakes, and the Twins dump flour on themselves? Oh yes, more tears! I'm actually tearing up right now thinking about it.

I've decided if I ever met Lauren Faust, I'd probably cry for real. No joke. If you ever see a fangirl blubbering all over Our Creator, you'll know who it is.

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  • When rarity see's sweetie belle's picture.
  • When Fluttershy is crying in the hurricane fluttershy episode.

These two, yes!

Oh, the big one for me is in Return of Harmony Part 2 when Twilight realizes her friends were corrupted by Discord and she turns grey. That actually made me cry, and few shows or movies do that.

I agree with Lux. Twilight turning gray was just heartbreaking to me. And the montage of all the past letters she looked at while she was gray was also pretty sad to me as well.

Also, when Twilight sang the reprise of BBBFF. If you listen to SImGretina's song, "Magic Feat. Dusk Shine", and listen to the end of it to hear his version of the reprise, it really puts more emphasis on it, which made me cry.

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My personal picks:

- When Twilight Sparkle turns grey in Return of Harmony Part 2, and she cries. OH LORD. The first time I saw that episode, I literally felt like crying. There was enough subtly in that scene to convey the true impact that the whole moment had. They KNEW how much of impact there was if they DIDN'T have any dialogue of some sort, which is why no other character speaks for a good 10-15 seconds after that moment, because they knew that allowing the audience to digest what just occurred and allowing the moment to tell its emotion was perfect.

- The entirety of Smile, Smile, Smile for the fact that it culminates so perfectly. As soon as the chorus comes in, I get absolute chills. Beautiful work by Amy Keating Rogers and Daniel Ingram.

- The ending of Family Appreciation Day, specifically when Granny Smith tells the story. That whole moment is so perfectly subtle.

- When Fluttershy breaks down crying in Hurricane Fluttershy The whole moment between her and Rainbow Dash is perfectly-done, and even Rainbow Dash's expression shows she realized how badly she just screwed up, but she simply hides it against her own emotion. Just WONDERFUL display, and one of the reasons why I place this episode as my favorite (Behind the premieres/finales).

- The second half of A Canterlot Wedding Part 1. Not only does Twilight's own brother turn his back on her, but her friends and HER LOVING TEACHER turn their back on her. The look of absolute despair on Twilight Sparkle's face after Celestia leaves her has me shed tears even when I THINK about it. The huge tonal shift that occurs when the False Cadence is revealed is what really seals it, however.

- The entirety of A Canterlot Wedding Part 2. Absolutely huge scale, stakes-raised, wonderful moments, great sense of humor, and the ending that made me, the guy who rarely ever cries at anything, shed joyous tears. Just a perfect exclamation point to end an excellent season.

- That absolutely unforgettable moment at the end of "Secret of My Excess". No dialogue was needed, because simple expression and subtle detail was enough to make me extremely emotional. That moment alone makes me love the episode.

I've decided if I ever met Lauren Faust, I'd probably cry for real. No joke.

I did this. No joke.

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What a wonderful thread.

Twilight giving up in return to harmony was maybe the second most emotional moment for me.

I cry every time I see Celestia forgiving and embracing Luna in the pilot.

The scene were Fluttershy emotionally crashes after her iron will rampage was also very sad.

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I don't know what it is about this scene, but I cry every single time ;_;

The music is what makes the scene for me. It's an incredible piece of art. Were it not for that, I might actually just find it a bit silly... (Seriously, I can't not think "Team Rocket's blasting off again!" whenever I see it...)

For me, however, I have to go with the scene in A Canterlot Wedding Part 1 where Twilight's friends and Celestia basically decide she's a horrible pony and leave her alone, and then she sings a horribly depressing and sad song. :(

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- The entirety of Smile, Smile, Smile for the fact that it culminates so perfectly. As soon as the chorus comes in, I get absolute chills. Beautiful work by Amy Keating Rogers and Daniel Ingram.

- That absolutely unforgettable moment at the end of "Secret of My Excess". No dialogue was needed, because simple expression and subtle detail was enough to make me extremely emotional. That moment alone makes me love the episode.

Oh, man, I completely forgot about those two! What was I thinking?! I blame the summer heat here. But yeah, those are actually things that I replayed over and over again.

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Yeah. Hearth's Warming Eve rarely pops up as anyone's favorite episodes, and a lot of people seem to just forget about it, despite the fact that I feel it was really well written and had a great song at the end.

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I also forgot to mention, the last scene with the celebration at the end of Friendship is Magic Part 2 is extremely emotional, so much so I cried.

It really wasn't that it was emotional in context, however. You see, I had never watched the pilot until I had seen 10 or so episodes, so I think what hit home for me was that I knew what was to come, and the impact that Celestia's decision at the end of Part 2 is therefore magnified and increases in its emotional value, because you know all the wonderful things that the Mane 6 are about to experience as the best of friends.

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I don't usually cry much when it comes to emotional scenes, even when I do relate to them. Maybe it's because I'm a horrible pony? :sniff:

There have only been two scenes I can think of in the series thus far that I began to tear up at.

The first was when Rarity takes a look at Sweetie Belle's picture in Sisterhooves Social. Now, my own ambitions by coincidence mirror that of Rarity: get your name out so that ponies know who you are, we both have champagne tastes (though of the two of us, I'm the only one with a beer budget :wail: ) and tend to be as giving to our friends as we're able, though we both go in over our heads every once and a while. All the more reason then for empathy, because my relationship with my younger step-brother is nearly identical to that between Sweetie Belle and Rarity: he's very dedicated and looks up to me, but I don't appreciate it as much as I ought to, even seeing him as a nuisance on occasion. So, when I did get to seeing that picture, a show of the love and appreciation Sweetie Belle had for Rarity, which she was so quick to admonish at first, but actually came to appreciate when she actually took the time to look, it wouldn't be such a surprise to know that I felt the same way that Rarity did at that very moment: like I wasn't appreciating my step-brother (9 years old and a brony as well, how about that, no?) for what he was worth. Though that episode spoke to me in many ways, it was that particular scene that stirred some powerful emotions in me.

The second was only one moment in A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2, but it was a beautiful moment, and one that I feel compelled to play over and over again when I get home: those two, maybe three seconds where Cadence embraces Shining Armor, still under the control of Chrysalis, and sends out that one, single heart. Unsure of whether she could do anything at all, she poured all the love she ever had for him into one, single, tiny little spark, and sent it off, perhaps unintentionally, and yet in the end, it was that very spark that saved him. As a lover myself in a sadly long-distance relationship with a kind, tolerant, and rather cute young man, I felt something unexplainable when I first saw that scene, and if felt to me like it, in my mind, meant, that no matter how great the distance, even if he doesn't know my face like he used to, even if he does forget my name, everything he has done for me could never let me love him any less.

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Huh. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the scene from winter wrap up, where Twilight ends up crying and runs off. Granted, it wasn't terribly long, but it did actually make me feel rather sad for her. Especially after she messed up so badly by using magic, and began to feel useless. In fact, that episode was when I really started liking Twilight.

I may not have shed any tears, but that scene was one of the more memorable parts of the episode for me. Perhaps even the season.

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