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How would your OC's fit into the universe of the EQG Movie?


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I thought of this question while I was travelling today. Those of you who seen the film (and even those who haven't) know the basic concept of the characters of the MLP FiM universe living in a 'human' world and focused on a High School setting. My question is, how would your (and my) fan-created characters fit into the 'world' of the Equestria Girls movie?

I'll go first! Bear with me, I have quite a few OC's:

Earth Ponies:

Mojo -- he'd be a student dressed in retro 60's style clothes and probably flirting with girls (most of whom would probably slap him silly). His best subjects would be ecology, art and poetry/writing

Saddlesore -- I could picture the world's grumpiest pony as a grumbling janitor at the school

Tankena (Tank Mare) -- I see her as a bright student with a lot of potential but also a very loud,very strong personality that would probably made her many enemies. Her best subject: Science/Physics


Starflower: She'd be a tall, lanky School Nurse

Misty Magic -- She'd be a nerdette who would probably resemble Steve Urkel in the way she keeps having accidents. Her best subject: Home Economics. Her parents (Mighty Magic and Abracadabra) would be in small time show business while her grandfather Hoofcourt Magic might be a retired/substitute teacher at the school

Doc Holly Day -- Obviously the school Doctor


Julibee Flyer -- She'd be active in the school's Dance Team and Drama Club and still have a sister-like relationship with Mojo. Her best subject: English Literature

Louise LaMare -- I could see her as a young Englist Lit. teacher at the school

Professor Clyde Krashkop-- He'd be a Physics/Chemistry teacher at the school (who frequently blows up the School Lab with his experiments)

The Hay Family:

Of course, all three would be students. Haymaker's best subject would be Phys. Ed. and she'd probably get into many fights in school taking up for other kids who were being bullied. Her brother Hayseed would excel in Shop Class and Auto Body/Repair classes too. He'd still get punched by Haymaker when he teased her too. Little Haywire would be there too (since apparently the CMC go there) so she'd be a menace to all. Principles Celestia and Luna would have their hands full with her!

I'm leaving out all my 'Orphanage' characters because I don't think they'd be at Canterlot High at all.

But I do have one buffalo character:

ThunderClap-- Obvious, he'd be a Native American student who I believe would do well academically and try hard to get along with others. Best Class: Bookkeeping (he'd be career minded).

Ok, there's my guesses, now it's your turn! Have fun with it!


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Lore Weaver - I see him as, well, me but with purple skin and blue hair. He'd still be the local bookstore owner.

Guiding Light - Just an awkward kid in Middle School who is unsure of what he wants to do with his future.

Fire Heart - She'd be just starting out in high school, but she would actually be tough to translate over since her lack of control with her fire ability wouldn't happen human side.

Earth Ponies

Apple Cinnamon - She'll still be a country singer and fiddle player.

Sweet Surprise - I picture her as the hyperactive candy store owner who loves anything involving candy.

Pegasus Ponies

Night Watcher - She'll probably be a cop patrolling the night.

Sky Flare- The school's daredevil. I see him as an extreme sports fan.

Crystal Ponies:

Heart Healer - Probably the school's crazy guidance counselor.

Cast Pony

Carrot Top - Not sure if she's in the movie, but I see her as either someone who works at a grocery store or a high school girl that is a vegetarian and loves to learn about biology and home economics.

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Hmm, haven't seen the film yet, but bringing them into a high school setting seems an interesting exercise. Let's see...


Radiant Steel - she'd be an exceedingly fastidious student; probably a part of a student council or something of that fashion. No one would take her very seriously, despite the authority she believes she has. Puts in enough effort to keep her grades high.

Hopesong - a cute, upbeat younger student. More interested in friends and mild mischief than studies. English would be her best subject; math her worst.

Snowfall - she'd be the beautiful, cool rich girl and model student admired by male and female students alike. She would have fans flocking around her, but not much stock into any of it, focusing instead on an unlikely love.

Damask Luster - he'd be a quiet but popular student. His good looks and talents for poetry and music win him a lot of female fans, who he's too shy to approach. Would slack off on his studies some.

Serendipity - she would be a total oddball hipster student. Popular for her good looks and trend setting fashion, but still generally considered unusual. A surprisingly good student all around, who seems to do well without giving much visible effort.

Crystal Snowflake - she'd have to be a teacher given her age; probably would teach English. She'd be the stern, no nonsense unapproachable teacher that no one would want.

Earth ponies:

Lady Luck - she'd probably be something of a good natured slacker student. Frequently truant and difficult, but actually quite smart and crafty. She'd be exceptional at coming up with working excuses to get out of everything.

Midnight Brand - another older mare, so she too would be a teacher; probably of history, who also coaches one of the girls' sports teams. She'd be the cool teacher who is kind of scary sometimes. Popular with male students for her good looks.

Ardent Fate - a younger student and a poor one at that. More content to daydream and spend her time lost in fantasy games and comics than she is to actually learn. most around her would find her very weird.

Starless Shroud - a shifty delinquent student. Has visible contempt for the school but sucks up to the teachers to get out of real trouble. Despite it all would be good at History and Theatre.

Harlequin Salad - she'd be a somewhat nerdy student, but considered fun enough to not be unpopular. Watches a lot of cooking shows and tries to get her friends to sample what she makes, something they're not very eager to ever do. Not a great student academics wise.


Spirit Flame - she'd be a very unapproachable young student. Very quiet and focused on academics, but not because she doesn't like being around others as much as she doesn't know how to be social. Excels at science and math but is quite poor at other subjects.

Dazzle Dawn - a friendly student, well liked for her cheerful attitude and good humor, but not especially popular. Tries really hard but is a poor student, having to cram constantly just to keep up.

Arcana - a cold, haughty student without many friends. Somewhat pretentious and curtly mannered, but among the smartest at the school and quick to flaunt it to any who question her. Most avoid her.

Steel Dagger - a handsome, very popular student who enjoys toying with the female students' hearts. Good at both sports and academics, his best subjects being History and Math. A lot of other male students resent him.

Gray Lexis - he'd be a science teacher, and a fun, popular one. Highly unpredictable, and prone to get off topic in his lectures, but very invested in his students and eager to help them succeed.

Crystal ponies:

Alexandrite Tilt - a very poised star athlete, as good in academics as she is in sports. Popular with the female students, though a touch shy. Exceedingly good at History and English.

Tourmaline Glass - a pretentious and gloomy emo/goth student. Distances herself from others purposefully. Smart but only really applies herself in English class.


Verity Essence - a cool gamer girl student. Has mostly male friends but doesn't seem to mind. Popular, but considered hard to approach. Good at science and math but lousy at History.

Sierra (assuming she's not a dog... :/) - she'd be a fairly ordinary student who doesn't stand out too much. A member of the track team and more focused on that and on her daydreams than her studies. History is her best subject.

Vivid Flair - a nerdy student with an eccentric, off-kilter attitude. Very into games, comics, sci fi and fantasy. Considered by most to be weird. A model student all around, but exemplary at science and math.

Insara - she'd probably be a drama teacher; considered somewhat odd, but has a generally fun approach and enjoys occasionally messing with her students in playful ways. Tries to be encouraging.

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Pitch Light - He'd be the gaming, obsessive teenage boy with a desire for love. His only clubs'd be theater and anime... he hates sports. Everyone thinks he's a girl, and sometimes ends up in a skirt/dress on a bet for a good amount of money. He's very introverted, and would be sitting by himself at the cafeteria, but if someone talked to hum about a game or show he liked, oh man...

Also, reminiscent of his lack of Cutie Mark, he wears a plain black shirt with dark brown pants. His skin is gray.

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Spin Art - She would be in sports and art. Her clothing would be like skater boy cross-dressing type of thing. Her popularity status would be middle class since she is nice to people by saying hi down the hall and being open minded and is always making friends. FLUNKING IN MATH. She's involved with helping out with ASB stuff.

Mended Heart - She would be involved in the Writing Club. She resides with the skateboarders group. All the boys like her because she is such a flirt, but she has very few close friends. Without her flirting ability, she doesn't stand out and her negative self makes people avoid her. Even her coat colour is a dark "grayish" colour, she will have a light gray colour skin instead.

Also they are best friends!

Jigsaw - Film club and yearbook. Whenever there's a babysitting community service flyer up she would always volunteer. Her grades are excellent, mature personality, and popular among her peers. She ain't a snob though. It is possible that she could be in ASB. She will have a lighter blue skin than her coat.

Three Cloud - A Freshie! He has really good grades. Introverted so he isn't popular and is always at the library.

Coffee Rush - Known in the school as one of the "crazies" due to her hyper and crazy personality. In drama class and book club. She resides in the hipsters group.

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Razor- He would have that tough guy exterior, and might be a bit shorter then most kids his age but certainly not small small. He would be in serious competition with Rainbow Dash and might be some what of an outcast due to his tempermental nature when it comes to being picked on*Celestia and Luna would see him a lot in their offices* He would wear tight jeans and a simple white t-shirt with a leather jacket. Though beneath his cold exterior he is a loyal and kind friend and person....just don't mention the height :P oh and don't mess with his little sister Glimmer....least you want to end up in the hospital XD

Glimmer: Would be super girly. But don't touch the bow or you might loss an arm. She would follow her brother around constantly and she would always get what she wanted from him, as he has such a weak will when it comes to her. Though don't let her appearance fool you, she would be just as skilled in martial arts as Razor would.

Glemmer: Every have the really embarrassing parent. Well that's Glemmer to her son Razor :P She would always be trying to make him appear more sociable and buy him more cheerier clothes, which he would just toss in his closet and forget. She would most likely be a fashion designer in the EQG world, and maybe a sub teacher so she can spend more time with her kids.

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