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Brony Behind the Computer


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My Twitter profile pic (cropped from a larger DA picture) is my best:

(DA): http://fav.me/d3ekd22 (lots more in my gallery)


Gallery is slightly PG-rated because a lot of the images show live weapons (not the linked pic)



Here's one from the 17th of September. I remember 'cause it was both the premier of season 2, and the day that the Crimson Tide beat the living mess out North Texas' raggedy excuse for a football team.

(I'm also a little intense when it comes to Alabama football. Pardon, that.)

The faint trace of a mustache has also disappeared. : P

  • 2 weeks later...

You're not the only one who has a constant 'srs faec' as a default expression.


Oh my... You look so like me...

*head dives* searching a not threatening pic (totally not slinging a bazooka or something)


I've been told by numinous people (One was a ginger) that I look like Heath Ledger. (from 10 things I hate about you)

And because of this, yes, I do spend a lot of time staring at myself in the mirror.

Modesty -1


Kinda iffy about posting this pic cuz it has my last name in it...

So I'll keep it up for a limited time... until a better substitute comes by (aka when I get my webcam working again)

[Deleted. Will post replacement as soon as possible :)]


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