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Planned Inactivity or Leaving?


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We'll miss you, Lime. :-( Incidentally, while I'm here, after a pneumonia scare, I'm bedridden and my laptop has been confiscated. I'll try to get better asap so I can reply to my RPs <3

I remember having to go through that as a kid in elementary school. I hope that you'll avoid getting pneumonia and can recover quickly; get plenty of rest and fluids too says Dr. Fluttershy. :Flutter:

Hi Everypony. I have some unfortunate news. I'm going to have to have some time away from Canterlot. My throat tumour treatments are making me very ill. So, I'll be taking maybe three weeks of absence to go into intensive care at the hospital so they can switch my medications. I hope I can come home soon after I leave. As of tomorrow evening I'll be spending very little time here on the forums but I'll try my hardest to get back on. I'll miss everypony in Canterlot and I don't want to put my activity here on hold, but it's a necessity and I apologise for any inconvenience to my RPs. I feel incredibly sad right now. Goodbye for now, Canterlot. I hope to see you soon. RaincloudRunner. <3

I think everyone will understand given the emergency of your situation and because of the desire for all of us see you recover back to full health and all. :) I hope everything works out well for you on the new medication; my thoughts are with you.

Gah I'm back for good this time. I've finally got the hospital bills to an amout that is lower than my phone number and I can sit up for more than five minuets at a time. Sorry for the massive delay everyone, I'm getting back to my RPs today.

As always, it is great to have you back Techno. :)

Oh of course not you Hoss! You always make me feel welcome and appreciated Incidentally I am over myself now..XD I'm sorry for being a drama queen guys I'm back <3

Most excellent, welcome back *hugs*

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I hope this is where you post when you are not going to be online for a while. Today I'm going camping, so I won't have access to the internet. I'll be back Friday, and if I don't return, I was eaten by bears, wolves, mountain lions etc.

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I hope this is where you post when you are not going to be online for a while. Today I'm going camping, so I won't have access to the internet. I'll be back Friday, and if I don't return, I was eaten by bears, wolves, mountain lions etc.

Don't forget about Ursa Majors, Hydra, etc.! Have fun!

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Oh no! come back soon!

Thanks silver, Love the new Pinkie + Blues Avatar btw :)

I think I've gotten the situation under control, Hopefully I'll be back now for a while

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Forgive me for my intermitent absence everypony, but my real life mare has been requiring way too many cares for me to even log in unless I'm on animation classes back at school. Now that my summer vacations are right around the corner, I expect to be able to visit more often. But for the ones I had roleplays going on ... I will either leave them or return to them in a really slow pace,. Sorry everypony :(

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I apologise for not being online recently. I never planned on becoming inactive as I really enjoy devoting my free time to this forum. But being a college student, who doesn't live near her college isn't easy. I have long days. I spend about three hours of each day travelling on a bus. I can't bear to be away from my pets and pets aren't allowed on the college campus. So, I chose the travelling. I'm used to the long days, so that isn't my reason for disappearing. The truth was I got behind on my assignments. So, I had to dettach myself from the forum to get things done or I would have got kicked out. I've completed the assignments now. And I've only got four days until I'm off for summer. So, I'm back.

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My Internet died last night. The good news is that I have my iPhone, 3G and guts. So... Yeah.

iPhone + MyWi = Internet on PC again!

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Sorry for my slow responses in the mane RP, the county fair has been in town and it's quite distracting... I'll be more active on Monday when it is gone.

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I'm going to be a bit scarce this week and most of next week. Work decided to have another crunch time project the same week I'm gearing up for bronycon, so IRL takes priority. Next week I will be overseeing the launch of the project and doing last minute tweaks. Hopefully the madness will end by the end of next week and I can resume some semblance of a normal posting schedule for RP and help train some of the new staff.

See you guys on the other side.

- Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab using Tapatalk 2.

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Good luck with your project and have fun at BroNYCon, Dio!

Tales, enjoy yourself in Cali and if you run into a Nick Bardiwal, say hi to him for me.

Dessa have fun at BroNYCon!

We'll be awaiting your return!

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I'm going to BroNYcon with some friends. I'll be posting here until Thursday afternoon. After that my posting will be sporadic if none at all due to the con. I will be resuming posting on late Monday.

I look forward to seeing anypony from here at BroNYcon!

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