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Planned Inactivity or Leaving?


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Now its time for my convention, Convergence. Will be mostly afk for the duration of the convention, which will be Thursday through Sunday. I'll be able to keep an eye on the gallery for folks but I can't promise I'll have time to answer any posts or RP while I am there.

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I apologize for being so inactive here to all my RP family, driving the big blue behemoth leaves very little time for being down...but I have a computer at home right now, so I can at least TRY to post up....then I'll be sporadic again, for a little while anyways.

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This isn't so much a planned break as it is an apology for sluggish replies and a notice that it may continue for a little bit. Roommate and I have less than a month left on our lease, are too broke to lease at a new place, and are basically scrambling to find jobs. Things have been busy and stressful. :-(

I know I'm not in a whole lot of threads right now but I'm sorry to keep folks waiting. Adulthood sucks. :-|

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After some time has passed, I have decided that it's time to come back.

YAY!!!! Welcome back, Skye!!!

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I'll be leaving in ten days (On July 20th) until July 29th for a camp. I will be completely and totally unable to access any technology at this time unfortunately, so any RP's I'm in will have to go on hold or do without me. Sorry!

I'll post this again the day I'm actually leaving, which isn't for another 10 days- but I just find that advanced warnings are nice. :)

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Well, I am going to be gone for approximately the next 11 or so days, I will be leaving the country and Will be in Ireland/britain/Scotland. If I am in Areas of wifi, i'll try and pop on. like at hotel's and the like, however I am quite certain that my amount of participation on this site will decline in the next two weeks.

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My laptop has a pretty nasty virus and I need to do a complete reinstall of windows 7, I'll be gone for a few days while I get everything fixed again.


What a foolish reason for a foolish laptop to so foolishly seize functioning.

I jest. Hope you can sort it out soon, Techno. :)

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AAA okay. So, I found a job (yay!) and it's full-time (yay!), but my lease at my current place is up on July 31st, so I am in the process of both leasing a new place to live and then moving there. While working full-time.

So, I am gonna say I'm not going to be available for RPs and such until July 31st. Fingers crossed that we get a lease signed and our stuff moved before then and I can come back earlier, but until then, I'm going to be a flurry of packing and paperwork.

Adulthood. :|


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AAA okay. So, I found a job (yay!) and it's full-time (yay!), but my lease at my current place is up on July 31st, so I am in the process of both leasing a new place to live and then moving there. While working full-time.

So, I am gonna say I'm not going to be available for RPs and such until July 31st. Fingers crossed that we get a lease signed and our stuff moved before then and I can come back earlier, but until then, I'm going to be a flurry of packing and paperwork.

Adulthood. :-|


I'm gonna put a towel on your spot until you return, so people at the pool know it's taken.. :c

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