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[Sweet Apple Acres] 100 Country Kisses (Closed. NO Kisses Left)


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"OH C'MON!" an anxious Granny Smith neighed as Uncle Apple Strudel pulled her away from the apple stand.

"Dat is enough, mein sister!" the bearded stallion neighed sternly. "You vill embarrass AppleJack und dat young stallion if you keep behaving like dis! I vill not allow you to make dem feel any more ackvard! Is dat clear?"

"Reckon ya gotta point thar, brother," the elderly mare confessed, "Say! Mojo want's a bushel of Granny Smith's! Best fetch'm fer'm!"

"Javol!" Apple Strudel neighed with a salute as he walked towards the back where those special apples were kept. This allowed a snickering Granny Smith to sneak back up into position, hoping to finally see Mojo and AJ kiss.

"Well babe, er, I mean, AppleJack, since I paid me bits, guess there's only one thing left to do," the Paint stallion said, but by now, Mojo was visibly nervous. When the hippie brony realized he was about to kiss one of the most famous ponies in Equestra, a pony who with her five friends had saved the kingdom on more than one occassion, the stallion was in awe of her. It would be like kissing a living legend, and now, for the first time in a long time, Mojo was losing his 'trademark cool.' Was he truly worthy of this great honor? Fresh doubts now flooded his mind. Granny noticed his reluctance, and taking a hairpin out of her hair, the wiry lime green mare then jabbed the unsuspecting stallion in the rear, causing him to yelp and lunge forward at AppleJack.

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Applejack shoveled the bits on the side, since Apple Bloom had not yet come back with a fresh chest. "Alright, mister, what kind of kiss would you like?" Applejack was open to extra possibilities with Mojo, since he was mostly a fair stallion and had done her a few favors in the past. She was more than willing to work with him, but it also seemed like he was a little nervous. Typical, but that was OK Applejack smiled and closed her eyes with glee, expecting a response at some point. Little did she know that response would be an attack. Mojo had lunged into Applejack and made contact with her lips. With a yelp, Mojo's mouth made it the open-mouth variety. Applejack was stunned so her mouth was open as well, but seeing as the deed was already in progress, she continued as normal. The momentum of the painted stallion sent them falling back behind the counter, with Applejack yielding to the wight of Mojo's body. She grabbed his neck with her hoof for for leverage at first, but then wrapped it around him to finish the kiss. As soon as a long second or two had passed, Applejack released Mojo from her possession and stood up, helping Mojo gain his own footing in the process. "Well, that was some kiss. I hope you enjoyed it."

Applejack noticed Granny standing behind Mojo. She figured that she just wanted a good view, and guess she got it. But behind her was Applejack's next order. At it was a sour one. Applejack really didn't know where to start, so she defaulted. She sighed apathetically, "What do you want, Trixie?"

53 Kisses left!

Next up

48. Trixie :shifty:

49. Zelda

50. Brawny Boulder

51. Curiosity Sparks

52. Twilight Sparkle

53. Flash Sentry

54. Maple

(If the line order is incorrect, please tell me in PM)

On hold:

Luminous Charge (On standby and may kiss at any time)

Cherry Berry (On standby and may kiss at any time)

Wild Riot (On standby and may kiss at any time)

Survey (On standby and may kiss at any time)

Savory Spell (inactive - PM me when ready)

Problems and rules log (please review):

UPDATE: Users are now allowed a maximum of four (4) characters in this thread to buy apples. Again, cast or original are both acceptable.

-Characters that are inactive will be put on hold when they get to the front of the line. If you are going to be inactive, please PM me. No one is in trouble, and everyone is still being included in the story, should they want to continue. Just give me a heads up.

-If you need to speak out of character with an individual, try to do it in a private message. If you 'have' to do it in the thread, make sure it's at the end of your posts under a spoiler tag. If it is not, it will be reported for deletion.

-Line order is not a posting order, just the order in which they are lined up. If it is your turn in the line or if its coming up soon, feel free to post whenever you want to advance the story. Please refrain from posting too much if you are deep in the queue.

-Limit two characters for each player receiving kisses until further notice. Maximum is now four (4).

-Please keep in mind that a purchase gets your pony a kiss from AJ, not AJ gets a kiss from your pony. If you want to do something 'crazy' that involves AJ, please PM me for permission.

Questions? Post your questions and suggestions in the out of character thread here.



1. Carrot Fields :smug:

2. Reno Golucky

3. Lore Weaver

4. Dunder Blust :???:

5. Gentle Sol

6. Flam watapplejackbyfelixkotd.png

7. Starburst :???:

8. Astral :smug:

9. Flim watapplejackbyfelixkotd.png

10. Silverbolt :smug:


11. Klondike :smug:

12. Lyra Heartstrings

13. Donut "Pony" Joe

14. Rarity ajscreen.png;)

15. Pigpen :smug:

16. Cherry Jubilee :???:

17. Misty Morning :smug:

18. Pathfinder :???:

19. Earth Writer :smug:

20. Thorn


21. Metal Maker :smug:

22. Twilight Shine

23. Opal Shards

24. Bon Bon

25. Electric Vibe :smug:ajscreen.png

26. Princess Luna

27. Guiding Light

28. Mythos Gray

29. Harrington Sleuth

30. Pumpkin Cake


31. Inkwell

32. Pinkie Pie :smirk:

33. Star Storm :smug:

34. Master Mustang

35. Parhelion

36. Prime Meridian

37. Razor

38. Dr. Spin Tale

39. Professor Ashen Smirk

40. Quiet Harmony


41. Ice Storm

42. Heart Line

43. Pocket Change

44. Sugar Rush

45. Moonstone II

46. Valen Orange

47. Mojo


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Gadget walked onto sweet apple acres with a big grin on his face. The soft dirt on his hooves made him feel welcome and the area around him smelled nice, not like canterlot at all. It was more simple and fresh. Gadget was here to pick up some apples for a project he was coming up with. He roamed the farm for a bit until he came to a line with a rather peculiar sign at the front of it. "Apple...kisses?" He had never heard of those apples before but they sounded sweet and innocent, but with a bit of country flavor to them. Surely something he would enjoy. So he stood in line, right behind the pony in front of him. Wondering how the apples would taste.

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This griffon had to be talking nonsense: It sounded like she was trying to claim that Twilight was a princess or something. The bird must be mixing up princess coronations with royal weddings - both having to do with Cadence. Even Trixie remembered Cadence's coronation as a filly. What grandeur! What a spectacle it had been! An inspiration for Trixie's own magnificent shows!

Trixie shook her head. This griffin was either ignorant or was attempting to get Trixie's goat. The former seemed proven when her feathered compatriot turned the conversation back to royal titles; the griffin version of royalty sounded full of intrigue, duplicity, and politicking. No wonder they were such an aggressive species! "We have no Kings or Queens, although distant lands have such titles! Equestria has always had princesses, as far as Trixie knows, and the Great and Knowledgeable Trixie is famous for being a well-spring of knowledge! The title you speak of must be very, very ancient, predating Equestria itself!"

She was admittedly content as she regaled any listeners with her vast breadth of Equestrian history, even if the line seemed ridiculously slow. How long did it take one pony to get his apples?! Useless stallion. The common phrase brought thoughts of Doctor Whooves strongly to mind. What was he up to? Getting himself into all manner of trouble without Trixie, no doubt! He had better not get himself hurt or anything! If he got hurt while she wasn't there to get him out of it, she'd never forgive him! How thoughtless of him, getting hurt without even thinking of what that would do to her! Not that she cared. No, of course not! Just that she needed him to find that ancient grimmoire he kept going on about!

Trixie was preparing a withering comment that would devastate the self-esteem of the glacially slow stallion while looking behind them for the camera the griffon had mentioned. Wait, was that Twilight Sparkle? Ha! What luck, Twilight could watch as the Great and Romantic Trixie gave her friend the most amazing ki- Waitaminute! Something was off. The Perceptive and Observant Trixie could always tell when something was wrong, and something was very wrong here. She narrowed her eyes, staring at Twilight as the unicorn chatted away, taking in the small details - how her hoof pawed at the ground, how her wings fluttered against her sides, how her mane tossed when she - Waaaaait a minute. Wings?! If that wasn’t enough proof to shake the unbelieving unicorn out of her denial, a royal guard called Twilight.. “her highness.”

No this couldn’t be… This was impossible! How ... how ... how could that egghead be an alicorn?! Sure, she was a great magic user, but c’mon!! Trixie was stunned into silence, her mouth agape. It wasn’t fair, it just wasn’t fair! Trixie was going to show she could be just as powerful, just as good at magic, and not through cheating like last time with that accursed amulet! She was going to learn enough arcane mysteries and gain enough mystic power to truly show she could be the best through her own skill, and now… Now ...

Now that Twilight Sparkle had cheated! She'd obviously searched out some rare spell in the Royal Library that would give her this unfair advantage! And now she'd gotten into line right when Trixie was here, JUST to show off to her! She'd obviously been waiting there and flicking her wings like that JUST to make sure Trixie had noticed! Trixie marched right up to the lavender alicorn with determination and anger, “Twilight Sparkle!!! You did this just to show Trixie up, didn’t you! Just to make sure Trixie couldn’t ever have the spotlight again, how.. How selfish!!” Trixie just fell back on her haunches, her forehooves up in the air before her in a pleading fashion, “hooooow cooould yoooou!”

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As Granny Smith looked innocently on and whistled some forgotten tune, the stunned Paint stallion looked embarrassed and shocked at the recent chain of events. Yes, he had gotten his kiss and it was enjoyable, but it puzzled him how that sweet old mare could've jabbed his rear with a pin to spring him into action. Apparently, AppleJack was unaware of her Granny's participation, so Mojo wasn't about to get her into trouble.

"AppleJack! Dreadfully sorry bout all this," the hippie brony said as he helped the orange farm mare up to her feet. "Don't know what came over me, maybe I've been out in this nasty sun too long."

Witnessing his sister's actions, Uncle Apple Strudel pulled her aside.

"I saw vhat you did! Dat vasn't very nice!" he scoulded.

"But it got duh job done!" Granny Smith cackled. "Did ya see how high that hippie goomer jumped? Thought he was gonna leap to duh moon!"

"I am going to tell AppleJack about..." the bearded stallion stopped speaking when he spotted Twilight Sparkle in line. "ACK! UNEEMAL! IT'S DEE PRINCESS!"

"What in tarnation are ya catterwallin' about.. well I'll be a rotten apple! It' IS Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

"Princess? Where?" Mojo asked, suddenly finding Equestria's newest alicorn in the line. Immediately, as Granny Smith and Uncle Apple Strudel bowed, the Paint stallion galloped up to Twilight, bowed and then stood to his four feet. Mesmerized by the beauty of the purple mare, the hippie brony instinctively turned on the 'charm' on her.

"YEAH BABY! Er, I mean, hay, Princess! Really far out meetin' ya here like this! You're one good lookin' babe! How about you and me take in dinner an' a show while yur here? Whatdoya say, sweet stuff?"

As Mojo was making a play for the pony Princess, high above Sweet Apple Acres flew an elderly green Pegasus stallion, singing a Germaney tune to himself during his flight.....


"Au ta leetan Augustine! Augustine! Augustine!" Professor Clyde Krashkop sang before glancing down below. "Vhat have vee here? Looks like a big crowd! I vonder if Apple Vider season came early dis year? Sveet Apple Acres Vider is SO VONDERBA! Perhaps I should go down dere for a better look!"

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Carrot Top stood in front of the archway that led into Sweet Apple Acres, marveling at the sheer size of the place. Sure the orange manned earth pony lived in Ponyville all her life and had made trips to the apple farm, but it seemed that every time she arrived here it was a breathtaking experience. In a way she admired Applejack's hard work and success while admittedly was a little jealous that her carrot farm paled in comparison to the sheer size that was Sweet Apple Acres!

The earth pony mare was on a mission to buy some apples as she found her supply low. Farming carrots was great, but when she needed something else besides the orange vegetable she had to seek out other places. She then spotted a rather unusual sign as she passed deeper into the farm. "Sweet Apple Acres First Annual Apple Kiss!"

"Apple kiss," the mare said wondering who was giving the kissing. Her question was answered seeing a brown stallion receive a kiss from none other than Applejack. Carrot felt a little weird kissing a mare for apples, but for the sake of getting those yummy red, green, and yellow fruits she stood in line and waited her turn.

"Hi there," she said to the mare in front of her, "Guess you're craving apples too. I'm Carrot Top. What's your name?"

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Twilight still didn't understand the ramifications of her political powers nor did she truly understand that her wistful mumblings carried terrible power to the masses, and were a command to a select few. She was used to dealing with Spike, who was an assistant without equal and a close friend of hers. She didn't need to order him, as her desires seemed to ride nicely along with what he was more than happy to do. That had led to more than a few scenarios where he had lacked for things to do and has in some ways been a hassle, but at his worst he was the creature who understood her best. Moving up those charts rather quickly was Flash Sentry, who seemed to be around her more often than not lately. He had been transferred from his post to the Canterlot Guard station that was in charge of guarding Twilight. They had more than once tried to get her to approve a measure to install a station in Ponyville for her guards, but she blocked it. She didn't want them and frankly, she had the Elements of Harmony on her side and they were infinitely more effective. Still, she had to have somepony and after some digging they tossed a pony she knew at her.

And he was doing his best but he took his role too seriously. As far as she was concerned he could take his stipend and purchase a living space and getting into the beating heart of Ponyville, but he held true to his duties. He was present whenever and wherever she didn't really want him to be, though his general laissez faire attitude and kindness made it rather easy to deal with. But for all of that, he was a guard and her whispered desires were a command to him. She had simply mentioned in passing that she had a desire to see certain articles from REA Archive. She didn't think anything of it at the time and had went about her day, but here he was with the results of what looked like hours of backbreaking labor. He carried an absolutely huge pile of materials and as he offered them to her, back breaking, she let out a sympathetic chuckle. No need to tell him his effort had been wasted!

"Oh, thank you Flash!" She said, telepathically picking everything up and holding it aloft with a dull purple glow. Her horn lit bright for a second and the various papers, books, charts and graphs seemed to crackle and pop as in a light flame. The color grew brighter and brighter until with a inaudible crack, the whole stack was reduced to the size of a thimble. She then opened her saddle bag and levitated the small collection in, closing the bag after. Her horn then stopped shining, and she wiped sweat from her brow- it hadn't been hard per se, but keeping everything in this reality while changing the essence of their physical properties meant she had to manipulate literally billions of variables in a delicate balance so as to not destroy anything. Schoolyard stuff really, but she was hungry.

"Thanks for doing that. Relax! Can't believe you flew from Canterlot to here so quickly with such a load to bear. Did you-" She began making small talk before Mojo bowed down in front of her and tried to hit on her. Well, this was a bit awkward. Very awkward actually. She doubted that it was unusual for him, his confidence being off the charts it seemed but ponies tended to treat her with a bit more respect. It threw her off but she still came back with a friendly, if ever awkward, smile.

"Uhh, no thanks, I have plans but...it's nice to meet you mister...?" She let her hoof out, hoping a nice shake would be enough to satiate him and send him on his wa. It was about then that she noticed Granny Smith and Uncle Strudel bowing, and so was a griffon, and another pony stared at her slack jawed. She sighed, defeated but not upset. She gave a weak, reassuring smile.

"Everypony, you may rise. I'm just here for apples...and a kiss, apparently," She let out softly, shaking her head as she started to summon up the nerve to handle what was sure to be a deluge of requests and questions. At least she didn't have to say subjects just yet. A Princess' duty was never done, it seemed, even when she was just trying to get some apples for lunch. Luckily, Trixie saved them all from the same old royal routine.

She whined. She whined the whined that only a whining Trixie could whine so deliciously whiney that it made her feel lightheaded, as if she had some wine. Trixie was a unicorn always searching for magical improvements and no doubt Twilight showing up as a Princess put another decade or so of resentment behind those eyes so well-defined by Trixie's staggering magical aura. With training and focus Trixie could have become one of the most powerful unicorns in the land, with or without an amulet. Twilight could feel it, sense it, just about see her aura crackling about her like a raging storm of unfocused magical potential straining upon the start. But she was brash and unfocused and so her ceiling was that of an elite showpony rather than the grand sorceress she so desperately tried to be.

Plus there was the simple fact that she was even now being a bit on the silly side, though seeing her get lower to the ground and accusatorily plead was funny. Funny enough to counter the sadness that wasted potential struck her so boldly with.

"Trixie, I didn't become a Princess to outshine you. I didn't need to become a Princess to do that," awkward pause, bring it back to what she was doing. Trixie always enjoyed talking about herself.

"What are you doing in Ponyville? It's been a while since the last time...I heard you had been on some sort of 'research expedition'?...and I think it's your turn now," Twilight ended on a happy note, not wanting to let on that said expedition apparently considered of random misadventures with an odd stallion, or so the tale went. Though with Trixie truth and fiction were not mutually exclusive options!

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...hi there...

Maple Abell Blossom was in a very strange place. And I'm not talking about Ponyville, no matter how many oddities have happened in the normally sleepy little town in recent years. This was a wonderfully wistful, wackily waxing, waning, and waffling in terms of weightiness, juxtaposed place. This was the realm of -

"Wait, did you say waffles!?"

No, Maple's hunger-flooded mind, I did not say that. And please, stay out of my narrations. If you haven't noticed, right now you're supposed to be shaking like a leaf as hypoglycaemia slowly infiltrates your every muscle and sabotages their integrity. How the hay did you even get in h-


*Sigh* Sure, Maple. Yes, I have hay. No, wait, no I don't! I don't have any hay! I lied, I'm sorry! Please stop running so fast! And put your tongue back in your mouth! No, no, no, no, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGH-












... Oh no! Stay away from me... Oh, thank sweet Celestia above. That's the real-world Maple's snoring. Yikes.

She looks awfully cute when she's asleep, doesn't she? Rhythmically swaying where she stands; a perfect little strand of drool glistening in the corner of her mouth; her tongue poking out just so... Murmuring "apple" under her breath like a little foal... wouldn't it just be a shame to have this little morsel of adorableness come to an untimely demise?

It would be easy, really; seeing how our little friend here has made it blatantly clear that our two dimensions aren't so separate after all, who's to say I couldn't interact with her as she has done with me? I think she deserves a bit of a rude awakening, don't you? Perhaps a little 'flick' in the ear, not knowing from where, could do the trick. Or, just maybe, a well-timed 'boo' could kick her rear into gear! Hmm, so many choices, and such riches aplenty~

*knock knock*

...Oh no.

"Fourth Wall Police! We have a warrant; open up!"

*sigh* Seriously? There are no doors in this dimension!

"...Oh yeah! We still have a warrant, though!"

Yes, yes, come in.

"You're under arrest for-"

I know, I know; "violating our code of secrecy" and "conspiring to cause interdimensional mischief". Not everyone just signs Narration contracts without reading them. Just book me and spare me the yakfest.

"Umm, well, okay."

Can I just tell the viewer one last thing?

"Fine, but make it quick."

Alright, folks, this is how this post was supposed to end:


This was the realm of being able to note the movement of individual blades of grass in a field, and hear every bird in the symphony of woodland life's individual contribution to the cacophonous harmony, but have such information simply glide through her brain like hot oil on glass. This blissful ignorance also applied to the fact that she was soundly asleep and snoring loudly, but, more thankfully, to the unrelenting crumpling feeling sucking in her belly like a whirlpool.

"Hi there!"

"Mommy...?" Maple didn't even need to bother opening her eyes; the reality was clear. She was five years old, tightly tucked into her soft bed in her Whitetail Woods home.

Guess you're craving apples too. I'm Carrot top. What's your name?"

And that, too, was obvious. Her mother, whose name was Samara, was speaking in her soft voice, and was asking if she wanted some apples and carrots to eat. And my, my, was this little filly hungry.

"Yes, mommy, I would very much like apples and carrots, please."


"That's it?"

Yup, that's how this post was supposed to end all those line breaks ago.

"Wow, you really got sidetracked."

Come back and call me a criminal when you've been knocked out by a rabid horse.

"No, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the author."

...You have got to be kidding me.

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As Princess Twilight Sparkle was speaking to her guard, Curiosity quickly racked his brain and decided on 'Your Royal Highness' as an address. Standing nervously and fixing his eyes on the Princess' forehead he opened his mouth to speak.

"YEAH BABY! Er, I mean, hay, Princess! Really far out meetin' ya here like this! You're one good lookin' babe! How about you and me take in dinner an' a show while yur here? Whatdoya say, sweet stuff?"

Ears flattening and eyes darting nervously he worked his mouth silently for a second before realising that, thankfully, it was not himself that had spoken. What was this foal doing? Were farm workers and country-folk really as blind to society as his parents had always told him? You simply did not speak in such a way to Royalty!

As the Princess calmly defused the situation, far more politely than would be expected, Curiosity backed a slow step away to give this stallion plenty of time to dig himself a hole and room should the guard take exception. A wise move it seemed as the white maned, light blue officer that Curiosity had seen further along the line was now storming this way! Reaching the group that was forming around the Princess she, with a face like thunder, opened her mouth to speak.

Instead she whined. She whined about belittling, she whined about popularity and she had the audacity to call the Princess selfish!

The blue unicorn who was obviously not an REA officer finished her rant and the Princess again addressed her offender politely. Curiosity had heard that Her Royal Highness Princess Celestia was a calm and capable diplomat and it seemed the new member of royalty was similarly talented, turning the conversation around to the unicorn who would hopefully not exasperate the situation further.

Sweet Celestia this was terrible! This was turning out the same way as the gala his parents had kept going on about. Two years ago that designer mother liked so much had apparently exploded at Prince Blueblood before the entire gala had collapsed into chaos and now it was happening here! He would pick up as many blue sparks as they wanted, collect gallons of striped paint and go to the storeroom for the biggest long weight possible if only this would end. He had not been given permission to leave and he certainly was not about to speak for the Princess who was taking this all very well, so he stood looking at the ground with ears flattened, anxiously scuffing his foreleg in the dust.

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What Flash Sentry saw next was what might have been possibly been the most amazing thing he ever saw in his life. Somehow, Princess Twilight managed to perform a spell that shrunk down the private’s entire load of documents into a stack as small as a rock. Flash may have seen his fair share of spells as a member of the Royal Equestrian Army, but what Twilight did was… beyond incredible! The stallion was quite literally… stunned speechless.

As Pvt. Sentry kept standing there with his jaw wide open, Twilight Sparkle tried engaging in small talk with her special REA attaché. But as it goes for a princess of Equestria, the lavender unicorn found herself almost immediately beset by her... faithful subjects. One stallion made a rather cringe-worthy attempt to ask Twilight out, while everyone else seemed to content to bow down. Gathering his wits together, Flash scanned the crowds and determined that nopony posed a probable threat or would be making a scene. Well, almost everypony…

The orange pegasus didn’t have time to figure what Twilight meant by being there for a kiss before a blue unicorn mare named Trixie came by to throw various accusations at the princess. Trixie was obviously a bit demented, and Flash Sentry was all too ready to step in between the two mares and get Trixie to calm down; instead though, the guard stood back while Twilight attempted to explain herself. Nonetheless, Flash snorted and stared intently at the unicorn as a signal that she shouldn’t do anything more to disturb the peace.....

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Applejack could not believe that Mojo had the audacity to ask the new Princess out on a date literally seconds after diving for Applejack's lips. Applejack quickly appeared next to him shove him out of place towards the road to Ponyville. "Get! Get outta here! How dare you have the bits to say summin' like that! Ugh!" Applejack really couldn't believe how Mojo finished. He was doing so well too.

As for activity, nothing was really dying down, and a new wave of ponies was rushing to the back of the line. It was getting busy. Not to mention a Princess! Applejack recognized Twilight for who she was. She knew she would have seen her at some point today, seeing as how Twilight gets around socially these days. But the interference with Trixie made the orange mare nervous. Applejack got between the two, and shoved Trixe back away from Twilight. She waved at Twilight and through in a wink. "Hey Princess!"

She turned to Trixie. "Why don't we get you some apples, huh? Let's not try to get into who's better than who, and whatnot." She put her hoof on Trixie's shoulder as she tried to direct Trixie's attention to the matter at hoof, which consistent of a large quantity of apples for a low bulk price, and a complimentary smooch to seal the sale. Applejack would rather give Trixie the affection she never deserved that to allow her to quarrel once again with Twilight, not that Twilight needed any protection herself. "So. What can of apples does the great and powerful Trixie desire?" Applejack smirked at the blue unicorn, hoping she would see her level of reason.

53 Kisses left!

Next up

48. Trixie :shifty:

49. Zelda

50. Brawny Boulder

51. Curiosity Sparks

52. Twilight Sparkle

53. Flash Sentry

54. Maple

55. Gadget

56. Professor Clyde Krashkop

57. Carrot Top

(If the line order is incorrect, please tell me in PM)

On hold:

Luminous Charge (On standby and may kiss at any time)

Cherry Berry (On standby and may kiss at any time)

Wild Riot (On standby and may kiss at any time)

Survey (On standby and may kiss at any time)

Savory Spell (inactive - PM me when ready)

Problems and rules log (please review):

UPDATE: Users are now allowed a maximum of four (4) characters in this thread to buy apples. Again, cast or original are both acceptable.

-Characters that are inactive will be put on hold when they get to the front of the line. If you are going to be inactive, please PM me. No one is in trouble, and everyone is still being included in the story, should they want to continue. Just give me a heads up.

-If you need to speak out of character with an individual, try to do it in a private message. If you 'have' to do it in the thread, make sure it's at the end of your posts under a spoiler tag. If it is not, it will be reported for deletion.

-Line order is not a posting order, just the order in which they are lined up. If it is your turn in the line or if its coming up soon, feel free to post whenever you want to advance the story. Please refrain from posting too much if you are deep in the queue.

-Limit two characters for each player receiving kisses until further notice. Maximum is now four (4).

-Please keep in mind that a purchase gets your pony a kiss from AJ, not AJ gets a kiss from your pony. If you want to do something 'crazy' that involves AJ, please PM me for permission.

Questions? Post your questions and suggestions in the out of character thread here.



1. Carrot Fields :smug:

2. Reno Golucky

3. Lore Weaver

4. Dunder Blust :???:

5. Gentle Sol

6. Flam watapplejackbyfelixkotd.png

7. Starburst :???:

8. Astral :smug:

9. Flim watapplejackbyfelixkotd.png

10. Silverbolt :smug:


11. Klondike :smug:

12. Lyra Heartstrings

13. Donut "Pony" Joe

14. Rarity ajscreen.png;)

15. Pigpen :smug:

16. Cherry Jubilee :???:

17. Misty Morning :smug:

18. Pathfinder :???:

19. Earth Writer :smug:

20. Thorn


21. Metal Maker :smug:

22. Twilight Shine

23. Opal Shards

24. Bon Bon

25. Electric Vibe :smug:ajscreen.png

26. Princess Luna

27. Guiding Light

28. Mythos Gray

29. Harrington Sleuth

30. Pumpkin Cake


31. Inkwell

32. Pinkie Pie :smirk:

33. Star Storm :smug:

34. Master Mustang

35. Parhelion

36. Prime Meridian

37. Razor

38. Dr. Spin Tale

39. Professor Ashen Smirk

40. Quiet Harmony


41. Ice Storm

42. Heart Line

43. Pocket Change

44. Sugar Rush

45. Moonstone II

46. Valen Orange

47. Mojo


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Carrot Top noticed something very odd about the pony in front of her. In the short time that Carrot Top found her place in line the pony in front of her had fallen asleep!


"Mommy," Carrot said looking around for a moment with a confused look. The mare in front of her wasn't thinking that the orange manned Earth Pony was her mom, was she?

"Yes, mommy, I would very much like apples and carrots, please."

"Ok then..." Carrot Top said awkwardly at the half asleep mare. She began to wonder if trying to meet a new pony while in line was a really good idea.

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"Chill out, babe," Mojo calmly said to AJ as the farm mare pushed the Paint stallion out of the line, "since when is lookin' for a little fun a crime? Besides that, Princess Twi is single, so it's not like I'm tryin' ta be a blinkin' homewrecker."


Shocked by what she had just witnessed, a furious Granny Smith galloped up to Mojo followed by a confused Uncle Apple Strudel.

"How dare ya try ta fer a roll in the hay with the Princess!" the elderly mare yelled.

"Mein sister is right!" her bearded brother added.

"Yur supposed ta be sparkin' mah granddaughter Applejack, ya durn clueless galoot!"

"Javol! You are supposed to be.. VHAT??? GRANNY!!!"

"Oopsie," the now embarrassed Apple matriarch said before starting to back away. "Er, cuse me, gotta git back ta work. C'mon brother!"

"I cannot believe you just said dat," Apple Strudel muttered as he followed his sister back to the apple stand.

A stunned Mojo looked back at Applejack with a look of bewilderment on his face. As he was about to speak, looking in the sky above, the hippie brony gave out a gasp before he shouted.

"YUR MAJESTY! EVERYPONY ELSE! DUCK FOR COVER! THE PERFESSER'S COMIN' IN FOR A LANDING!" he warned before dropping to the ground and lowering his head. In the sky above, the clumsy flying elderly Pegasus stallion was descending quickly.

"I hope no vone minds if I just drop in on dis gathering!" Professor Krashkop neighed, confident that he could land safely (which he rarely ever does).

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For a moment Trixie sat there, mouth agape, with an incredulous look. Deep down she knew that Twilight Sparkle was right, she wasn't now an alicorn as a result of some spell, but because somehow she managed to create a new kind of magic that elevated her to royal status. It was admirable, but at the same time so very much infuriating. Trixie just wanted to show she could, on her own, just once be just as good as Twilight… Just as loved.

In that moment of shock Trixie could have crumbled in despair, folding like so much cheap furniture from Twilight's bristling comment. The temptation to shrink back in shame just as she did after her awful actions with the Alicorn Amulet, and part of her, that voice of the scared little foal, told her to do just that…

No! She was the Great and Powerful Trixie! Not some frightened foal! The azure unicorn stood proudly beck on all fours and gave a confident smile. "Perhaps you forget, but in your first encounter with the Great and Powerful Trixie, you nearly sprained your horn trying to show her up with your flashy rescue!" Trixie stepped closer, her smile became wry, "And in your second fortunate encounter with the Great and Powerful Trixie, you were unable to match up to her magically and needed to resort to trickery and deceit in order to win the day!" She blushed slightly in remembrance of her own dishonest action and rolled her eyes, "admittedly, that day hadn't been Trixie's proudest, and she was glad Twilight has rescued her from the amulet, but she was on a roll!"

She wasn't finished with her retort though, not by a long shot! Since the princess was so curious about what Trixie had been up to, and who wouldn't be interested in the life of such a celebrity, the unicorn show mare was more more than happy to share. "And for your edification, yes! The Great and Powerful Trixie has been traveling the length and breadth of Equestria with a truly knowledgeable individual-" and Trixie would die if Whooves ever found out she'd said that - " and discovered secrets about this land that even the Princesses themselves have likely forgotten, if they ever knew in the first place! I have discovered dark creatures predating Equestria's founding, and vanquished them with style and panache, protecting the good ponies of the land with little thought of praise or reward!" Though, admittedly, a little praise and reward would be nice... nothing fancy, a medal, an award ceremony, perhaps a nice beachfront estate with a giant manorhouse... something modest.

"You may have had good fortune with your fancy schooling! You may have been able to team up against Trixie so you could defeat her en masse! But despite your favored upbringing and unfair advantages, you still go straight for the 'win'! All the book-learning in Equestria cannot give you the suave style, the fantastic showponyship, or the unadulterated flare of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" And with that, she turned around, seized Applejack confidently, dipped her backwards, and kissed her soundly upon the lips in a classic and crowd-pleasing romantic movement, letting the kiss go on long and lingering, as little magical fireworks flew up into the air behind the two mares, sparkles shining from the kiss and a lovely blue heart-shaped aura surrounding the two.

The moment only lasted for a few seconds, but that was all the time Trixie needed. She released the no-doubt twitterpated farmer mare and turned back to the undoubtedly speechless princess, "Trixie dares you to do better!"

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As all the drama unfolded at the front of the line, a small blue Pegasus filly cantered along the short row of ponies, "Hey Zelda!", she called out as she broke into a trot. "We're here! Fire is gonna stop over at the café to get us a couple of..er..Zel?", she turned her attention away from the black furred griffon and followed where her eyes were currently resting, which was on both Applejack and Trixie, "Er, That's new.", her cheeks flushed a little red, "Why is that blue girl kissing Apple Bloom's big sis?" The Pegasus known as Wind Walker had met the little greyish olive filly only a few times, but found her to be instantly likeable and they both had a good deal in common. Both were a part of a very large family that stretched all over Equestria, and both had really cool older siblings. She glanced over at a large sign near the start of the line. Apparently this was some sort of kissing both slash apple stand. You get an bag of apples and a friendly kiss from Miss Applejack. The blue unicorn obviously didn't read the sign properly, "Yesh, she's really going to town with that kiss. Er, Zel, how the heck do you even kiss someone? You don't even have lips! Just one big beak-thing!"

The griffon finally noticed the filly and glanced down at her, "Not sure you should be seeing this squirt. I'm just picking up some apples and er.."

"I'm not a baby!", Wind Walker growled back, "I've kissed a boy before and I know what's going on. You're gonna get some apples and get a smooch from Miss Applejack, and then we're going to go, right?"

Zelda nodded her head. "This was all very awkward.", she thought to herself as she watched the remainder of the kiss between the two mares. She felt downright sorry for Trixie as she probably didn't have a real friend in the world and also had a rather large grudge with Princess Twilight and her friends. The griffon believed the unicorn would be wise to lower her standards and maybe change her feud-partner with some-pony a little less Alicorn-y. If she wanted a dorky unicorn to smack around, Zelda knew more than a few. Still, while she wanted the kiss and the apples, she considered just tossing a few bits towards the others that were helping Applejack. However, the griffon knew the Apple family were as proud as they were hard-working and would not dare to insult them, so she waited for her turn.

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Applejack could believe the boasting of Trixie. She believed another episode of what would be Trixie's showmareship spilling needlessly over everypony who could see. She was stealing the show, and that was to be expected. What wasn't expected, however, was the random attack of lips Trixie forced on Applejack. Was she really using me as a test of being better than Twilight? Applejack thought. But only for a second, while she was attacked venomously with the blue unicorn's saliva and a cocky yet somewhat impressive attitude.

Applejack shook herself after a few moments of incoherence And then she realized a cardinal sin. "Hay! Trixie! Y'all better be payin' for some apples! You only get a kiss if you buy a bushel." She gave Trixie a stare down, however the unicorn was hardly interested in quarreling with her at all it seemed. For the moment, and not all that surprising, she was giving all of her attention and statements towards Twilight as she glared at her from down the line.

52 1/2 Kisses left!

Next up

48. Trixie :shifty:

49. Zelda

50. Brawny Boulder

51. Curiosity Sparks

52. Twilight Sparkle

53. Flash Sentry

54. Maple

55. Gadget

56. Professor Clyde Krashkop

57. Carrot Top

58. Wind Walker?

(If the line order is incorrect, please tell me in PM)

On hold:

Luminous Charge (On standby and may kiss at any time)

Cherry Berry (On standby and may kiss at any time)

Wild Riot (On standby and may kiss at any time)

Survey (On standby and may kiss at any time)

Savory Spell (inactive - PM me when ready)

Problems and rules log (please review):

UPDATE: Users are now allowed a maximum of four (4) characters in this thread to buy apples. Again, cast or original are both acceptable.

-Characters that are inactive will be put on hold when they get to the front of the line. If you are going to be inactive, please PM me. No one is in trouble, and everyone is still being included in the story, should they want to continue. Just give me a heads up.

-If you need to speak out of character with an individual, try to do it in a private message. If you 'have' to do it in the thread, make sure it's at the end of your posts under a spoiler tag. If it is not, it will be reported for deletion.

-Line order is not a posting order, just the order in which they are lined up. If it is your turn in the line or if its coming up soon, feel free to post whenever you want to advance the story. Please refrain from posting too much if you are deep in the queue.

-Limit two characters for each player receiving kisses until further notice. Maximum is now four (4).

-Please keep in mind that a purchase gets your pony a kiss from AJ, not AJ gets a kiss from your pony. If you want to do something 'crazy' that involves AJ, please PM me for permission.

Questions? Post your questions and suggestions in the out of character thread here.



1. Carrot Fields :smug:

2. Reno Golucky

3. Lore Weaver

4. Dunder Blust :???:

5. Gentle Sol

6. Flam watapplejackbyfelixkotd.png

7. Starburst :???:

8. Astral :smug:

9. Flim watapplejackbyfelixkotd.png

10. Silverbolt :smug:


11. Klondike :smug:

12. Lyra Heartstrings

13. Donut "Pony" Joe

14. Rarity ajscreen.png;)

15. Pigpen :smug:

16. Cherry Jubilee :???:

17. Misty Morning :smug:

18. Pathfinder :???:

19. Earth Writer :smug:

20. Thorn


21. Metal Maker :smug:

22. Twilight Shine

23. Opal Shards

24. Bon Bon

25. Electric Vibe :smug:ajscreen.png

26. Princess Luna

27. Guiding Light

28. Mythos Gray

29. Harrington Sleuth

30. Pumpkin Cake


31. Inkwell

32. Pinkie Pie :smirk:

33. Star Storm :smug:

34. Master Mustang

35. Parhelion

36. Prime Meridian

37. Razor

38. Dr. Spin Tale

39. Professor Ashen Smirk

40. Quiet Harmony


41. Ice Storm

42. Heart Line

43. Pocket Change

44. Sugar Rush

45. Moonstone II

46. Valen Orange

47. Mojo


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As Curiosity stood there scuffing the dust an orange mare marched into the expanding crowd of awkwardness he was a part of. He vaguely registered her as being a relative of the red bowed filly giving out kisses and thought about how nice it must be to have ponies looking out for you as the golden maned mare shoved the offending Casanova away with a disgusted sounding put down. He cringed slightly at her casual 'Hay Princess', though he could not help but admire how quickly she addressed the blue unicorn that had accosted the Princess, trying to diffuse the situation further by reminding her of the apples on sale.

Sadly, talking to the whiny pony only made her start whining again. She whittered on about first meetings and sprained horns and Curiosity started weighing up the merits of looking elsewhere for apples. She boasted about second encounters and magical matchings and he found himself looking at the Princess, trying to gauge how she was taking things. Nobly, he decided as the blue one continued, at length, boasting of her travels across Equestria.

If this Trixie really had done so many things, perhaps Curiosity should have a talk with her to clear his own head? Rather, he could set her off and just listen while it all washed over him! The smile that thought caused was quashed as the prideful unicorn began verbally attacking the Princess again! He shook his head and wondered how the little country filly was handling all these grown ups taking over her stand for their own feuds and politics. The poor girl was probably overwh...


Her golden mane spilled down the orange pony's back as her field green eyes widened in surprise, seeming to shimmer as she trembled, caught in the embrace of a classical stage kiss. Over and surrounding her, the blue unicorn held her lips against the country pony, lingering sensually, as her own cloud white hair drifted, framing the scene perfectly. It must have been his imagination but tiny sparks seemed to pass between the two as a faint heart appeared behind them in the age old show of love.

Curiosity knew he was blushing to the roots of his mane but he could not tear his eyes away. After years of prim and proper Canterlot he was in a melting pot of species who all greeted and joked with each other every day, ponies who chatted to Princesses as if they were friends and now displays of affection as publically as this!




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What was once cautious alarm for Pvt. Flash Sentry morphed into a mindless boredom as this Trixie felt content to launch into an all-out tirade against Princess Twilight. Flash already read reports of that one incident where that unicorn once took over all of Ponyville thanks to a long lost amulet… and how Twilight & Company saved the day in the end. Col. Pummel in particular was rumored to have been incredibly displeased that such an occurrence couldn’t have been prevented by the Royal Equestrian Army. But then again, that old stallion was always going about to the ponies under his command that the REA needed to be a more proactive organization. But what really bored Flash to tears was the obviously implausible claims that Trixie had been trekking throughout Equestria learning secrets… secrets that conveniently hadn’t been revealed to the world in any newspaper or magazine lately.

But the young stallion’s earlier thoughts about Pummel made him realize that he had an additional message to give to Twilight Sparkle; one of absolute importance! Assuming that Trixie’s spriel wouldn’t end anytime soon, Pvt. Sentry guessed that now was the perfect time to tell the lavender alicorn what he had to relay. Leaning into Twilight’s ear and covering the mouth with a hoof, the guard whispered; “Oh, I’ve also been instructed to tell you that Colonel Pummel’s commission is finally ready to release its findings. After the attack on Canterlot, it was convened as a special task force to figure out how to prevent another invasion by the changelings.

“Well, the colonel’s ready to give the commission’s recommendations to all the princesses; you included, Twilight. They’ve already scheduled Pummel’s briefing for the day after tomorrow, 10AM sharp. You can make it then, right?” Flash Sentry wasn’t all that personally familiar with Twilight Sparkle yet, but he did know enough about the mare to know of her infamously meticulous scheduling. Hopefully no serious scheduling conflicts would arise, for Col. Pummel wouldn’t tolerate any excuse to have has his briefing set aside to another time.

Busy with his whispering, Flash Sentry missed out on the entirety of Trixie’s spectacular “fireworks display”.....

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Mojo hoped everypony in line had headed his warning, because Professor Krashkop was descending towards them very rapidly. When Granny Smith and Uncle Apple Strudel spotted the incoming Pegasus stallion, they scattered.

"EVERY PONY FER THEMSELVES!" the elderly mare shouted as she ducked into the apple stand.

"ACK! UNEEMAL!" the gray bearded stallion yelled as he rolled under an empty bushel baskets seconds before Professor Krashkop's first impact with the ground near the waiting line. Bouncing above the line, the wayward elderly Pegasus landed on the other side and then came to a sliding stop when he struck one of the wooden fences near the farmhouse. Immediately, Mojo galloped over to him.

"Whoa daddy-o! That was one far out landin'! You ok?"

"Ja! I am quite fine," he said as the Paint stallion helped him up. "Vhy vouldn't I be? Dat vas vone of mein better landings!"

"If ya say so, chum."

"Vhat is going on here? Seems to be a large gathering of some kind,"

"Sweet Apple Acres is sellin' apples and offerin' kisses if ya buy enough, just read the sign, gotta split! See ya round, daddy-o!" Mojo said as he took his bushel of apples, returned to his peddler's wagon and left

( exit Mojo )

Professor Krashkop quickly read the sign and then smiled.

"Dis is VONDERBA! Apples und a kiss by a pretty fraulien! Vhy not?" the elderly Pegasus stallion asked before stepping into the back of the line to wait his turn.

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All Twilight had wanted was a bushel of apples. She was hungry, not starving, but her stomach dictated the functions of her brain just as it did everypony else! The frustrations that resulted from missing a decimal in a thirty-eight point equation while trying to figure out the aural effect on a unicorn foal's upbringing as opposed to the aural effect and it's variances as a teen was one without peer in the known world. And it bled into her attitude as well- she was shorter with ponies when she was hungry, though that made her no different than anypony else in that regard. She had wondered if maybe her new nature and stature made her immune to hunger or at the very least somewhat resistant, but it was not the case. If anything she was even hungrier, the royal appetite sated only by the grandest of feasts that Sweet Apple Acres could provide. All she wanted was an apple, and Trixie was starting to get on her nerves.

Luckily for Trixie's molecular stability, Twilight was distracted almost immediately by Flash Sentry whispering to her some important matters of the crown.

“Oh, I’ve also been instructed to tell you that Colonel Pummel’s commission is finally ready to release its findings. After the attack on Canterlot, it was convened as a special task force to figure out how to prevent another invasion by the changelings."

Ah, yes, she was wondering when the Colonel would finish. One of Equestria's brightest military officers had been charged with a top to bottom review of the terruble lapse in security that allowed the Changelings to commit to the attack so greatly without any hint of a warning as to the nature of the attack. They all understood that certain factors contributed mightily, but she had a feeling the rabbit hole of infestation and incompetence ran deeper than anypony had been willing to look. Even her brother would likely not escape some sort of official reprimand if the commission found he could have prevented his own takeover, even if in the long run such a punishment would mean nothing- he was a great pony and even better captain who had unquestioned loyalty. Mistakes were made but the point of the commission was to find the gaps that could be filled in their defenses.

"And for your edification, yes!"

“Well, the colonel’s ready to give the commission’s recommendations-"

"-Trixie has been traveling the length and breadth of-"

"-Twilight. They’ve already scheduled Pummel’s briefing for the day after tomorrow, 10AM-"

"-with style and panache, protecting the good ponies of the land with little thought of praise or reward!"

"-You can make it then, right?”

Twilight nodded as she bent her will to listen to the important information Flash was giving her. She hadn't expected him to finish so soon but that meant they'd have more time to fix whatever problems he found, and one step closer to improving the security of ponies everywhere. By this time next week she hoped to sign off on a batch of new proposals that would turn the Guards from a swiss-cheese protection unit into the shield they were born to be! Of course that would mean a budget increase, but she had looked over the finances of Equestria a few dozen times for sport and found more than a few places where the budget could be trimmed to make room for improvements in public security. It came down to a simple science- economic disruption caused by unrest, war, and trade abroad suffering because Equestria appeared to lack strength versus the cost of equipping and training a superior force than what was fielded, not including possible recruitment. All things told, she was ready to hear Pummel's report.

"That will be good to hear, Flash-"

"All the book-learning in Equestria-"

"I should be able to make it. I might even travel the night before if I can move some events around. I am assuming that the commission should take up both days allotted-"

"-the unadulterated flare of the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

"-So I'll pack accordingly. If we leave the night before, it'll be no later than eight- I'd like to get a good night's rest before the meeting. I might even get some breakfast. Have you ever been to The Haybale? It's much better than you'd think by the name," Twilight finished, missing the whole spectacle as she spoke with Flash Sentry. Twilight's eye then caught the incoming professor, who was coming in a bit too fast. Normal conditions would have been frightening, even for her, but today's humidity was high. The air was thick, and the thicker the air the easier to manipulate with her unique alicorn powers. A brief glimmer of her horn and a cloud from above found itself jetting towards the contraption until it started to dissipate around it. The effect, even as the cloud seemingly evaporated, was to make the air thicker and increase the air resistance of the craft. It could slow down a bit easier, even if it did distract her from the kiss and fireworks display. Confident that he would be fine- and not wanting to draw attention- Twilight turned back to see Trixie challenging her to do better(not sure at what) with a rather cocky look about her, as usual, while Applejack looked momentarily befuddled and bemused.

"I'm sorry, Trixie. I was discussing matters of the crown. Could you repeat what you said?" Twilight asked politely and with complete and total honesty and sincerity.

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The arrogance! The pomposity! Just because one was a princess doesn’t mean one could be utterly dismissive when being spoken to! “Twilight Sparkle! How could you openly and purposely ignore the Great and Powerful Trixie in such an uncouth manner!! A true princess would have the grace and majesty to listen when one of her subjects spoke! Tsk, tsk, you have so much to learn…”

Trixie looked about, the problem was there were so many distracting individuals, but that can be remedied, “now watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie educates you!” With a bright purple glow of her horn, Trixie formed a lilac colored bubble around herself, Applejack, and Twilight, slicing right between the lavender princess and her pegasus guard. “There! No more distractions!” Trixie couldn’t help but wonder if Twilight was surprised that she learned such spell.

“Now Twilight Sparkle, the Great and Passionate Trixie had challenged you so please do try and pay attention, and do not worry, there is no amulet, no tricks this time! No pony will be in any danger, quite the opposite actually!” With a confident and wry smile Trixie pointed her forehoof at her self-styled rival, “now as Trixie said before, she dares you to do better than this!”

And with that, Trixie reached out to grab Applejack again. "Don't worry," she said, "I won't charge you extra bushels for these passionate kisses... consider them a generous tip!" Then she took Applejack and dipped her back once more, one hoof supporting the earth pony's head, horn glowing to send up little fireworks as her mouth reached Applejack's in a passionate kiss, sparks literally flying from the touch of their lips, surrounding them in a tingling glow showing the light of their love.

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Twilight's patience wore thin as Trixie's epic display of antagonism and annoyance washed over the barrier between being incredibly rude and nearly treasonous. How dare she cast a barrier spell! It was not nearly as strong as the one she had cast before, and Twilight's own power had grown almost exponentially at the same time. The lilac barrier hummed with a low-ebb of power, the aural displacement of matter that was filled up by the barrier weaker than it could have been had it been cast with malice, or with an amulet, or by a Sparkle. It was a pale imitation of a superior art being used as a showboating display masked, even possibly believed, as an intent to separate from distraction. It would be so simple to destroy it, shatter it, break it along with Trixie's heart with a brief glimmer of Twilight's own epic power. But that would invite escalation, and Trixie for all of her problems was not a mare that Twilight wanted to see tossed in a dungeon...yet, anyway. Hopefully her hunger would be sated soon or a dungeon would be the least of Trixie's problems.

"Trixie, stop acting like a little filly who doesn't want to go to bed. I'm just here to get some apples because I'm hungry and you're starting to annoy me," Twilight's volume rose with her frustration every syllable. She just wanted some apples. That was all. Nothing else occupied her attention when she had decided to visit the farm except get some apples, and she was having to deal with one of Equestria's most annoying mares. Trixie had such potential and it was being wasted in showboating and playing games, and Twilight was hungry. Hungry hungry hungry. Trixie then went all in on what it was she was challenging Twilight to, attacking Applejack with a broad, aggressive kiss reminiscent of dime store romance novels that Twilight most assuredly did not read at the library in lieu of research papers. It made Twilight feel uneasy though, something in her causing a small fire to break out as she was unsettled, even a little angered by Trixie's involvement of Applejack. What was this mare thinking involving her friend in her foalish move? The display was fit for a showpony but the barrier prevented others from seeing it well. It was just a show for her, and that made it even more annoying.

"Trixie, stop. I'm not asking you anymore, I'm telling you. Stop," Twilight calmed down, about ready to shatter the barrier before she calmed herself down. She then gently trotted up to Applejack, eying Trixie up with more than a hit of dissatisfaction.

"I'll play along, but just this once- you've got to mature before you can become better at magic," Twilight didn't feel bad about launching that last salvo, levitating fifteen bits out of her bit purse and putting them on the table.

"One bushel for me. Two bushels for Trixie- I'll pay for her since she seems unwilling to do so herself," Twilight announced to Applejack and those close enough to hear. She subtly nodded towards two bushels so Applejack could see.

"Whenever you're ready, Applejack."

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“Now watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie educates you!”

Trixie did not take too kindly to Princess Twilight conducting business at all; before Flash Sentry had time to react, the showboating unicorn successfully cast a barrier spell to separate herself, Twilight, and another mare from the outside world… including an extremely alarmed Pvt. Sentry. “TWIIIILIIIIGHT!!!” shouted the armored stallion as he immediately pounded on the barrier with his hooves; “YOUR HIGHNESS, WHAT’S HAPPENING?” Flash was in a state of panic, and not just because he cared immensely for a princess he was on very friendly relations with. Ponies were going to have Flash’s head should anything happen to Twilight; Princess Celestia was going to lock him in a dungeon, Col. Pummel would use all his influence to drum the incompetent stallion out of the army, and he even envisioned his close buddy Radiant Steel chastising him for not being alert enough around somepony as deviously tricksy as Trixie.

Luckily, Pvt. Sentry knew exactly what he was dealing with thanks to his training. Barrier spells were among the number of basic spells taught to all unicorn recruits in the Royal Equestrian Army, although most of these soldiers only had the capability to project a shield up to a yard or two around them. Trixie’s barrier was slightly bigger than average, but Flash has no reason to believe it would be stronger than average. The pegasus guard surely didn’t have the ability to conjure magical shields, but he did know that even the mightiest of force fields could be broken through with enough application of brute force; a lesson Canterlot painfully learned when the changelings nearly conquered the city.

Once he ruled out banging on the barrier and screaming Twilight’s name to the heavens as effective courses of action, Pvt. Sentry’s instincts kicked in. Taking up to the skies above Sweet Apple Acres, the armored stallion proceeded to repeatedly ram the bubble belly-first at high velocity (he learned the hard way back during his training NOT to ram head-first into a magic shield). To Flash Sentry’s relief, Trixie’s shield was of stronger stuff than anticipated, for hardly any crack appeared on the surface. As long as the madmare didn’t recharge her shield however, the light orange pegasus guessed he could break through within a few minutes or so... but by then, it could be too late! Oh, he just hoped Twilight Sparkle was safe and sound; Flash wasn’t prepared to have his head mounted on Pummel’s wall just yet.....

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Carrot Top looked at the mare near her who was still sleeping soundly despite the arrival of a very clumsy old pegasus, and a familiar blue unicorn who seemed to once again be challenging Twilight to some kind of magic duel. Carrot Top never understood that mare and her desire to be better than all other ponies.

The line began to move but Maple stood in place, still fast asleep.

"Um... Miss," Carrot Top said softly in the mare's ear to now startle her, "You're probably having a nice nap there, but you need to wake up now."

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Applejack was waiting for a response from Twilight. She didn't want to involve Twilight, but she seemed to be involved by default. But she wasn't paying attention, and Trixie's speech was not registered by the only pony that she was attempting to garnish it towards. In fact, it might as well have fallen on deaf ears. But moments later when Twilight discovered Trixie's antagonism and persistence to annoy, Trixie encased the three ponies in a bubble. "What the. Hay what in tarnation! Get us outta here right now, or I'm gonna, I'm gonna..."

Trixie layed into Applejack again. Kiss glow foam at their mouths. Applejack's eyes were seen illustrating the lack of control she seemed to have over the mare who was blatantly violating her a second time. She released again, a thorn's encore, and it made Applejack irate. But before she could yell up again, Twilight displayed her annoyance and convincingly covered the situation exactly how it should have been dealt. Applejack could have hoofled it herself, of course, however it would have not looked as pretty.

Applejack got herself up again, keeping her distance from Trixie's lips. After Twilight offered fifteen bits and a chance to show Trixie off, Applejack couldn't agree more inside to help Twilight. And she knew that Twilight knew Applejack would respond this way. In fact, Applejack was so inspired that she felt to put a little more effort into it just because. Why not? It couldn't possibly be as intrusive as any one of Trixie's sloppy lip shenanigans.

"It would be an honor Princess!" Applejack knew the new edition of Twilight was just like the old, not really wanting labels or titles. But in this case, she wanted to put it front of Trixie as a good reminder of who she is dealing with. As for the other half of what Trixie was dealing with? Applejack wrapped her hooves around Twilight's neck and cupped her face against Twilight's. Like she has done it before to the same mare, she pressured her lips on Twilight's soft face for a few longs seconds. The shape of the two mare's heads seemed oddly parallel and their coordination was uncanny, one would think it was rehearsed. Applejack smack her lips away from Twilight, but before pulling away, gazed into Twilight's eyes with the best love friendship could ever offer. She winked and then pulled her hooves away.

51 Kisses left!

Next up

50. Zelda

51. Brawny Boulder

52. Curiosity Sparks

53. Flash Sentry

54. Maple

55. Gadget

56. Professor Clyde Krashkop

57. Carrot Top

(If the line order is incorrect, please tell me in PM)

On hold:

Luminous Charge (On standby and may kiss at any time)

Cherry Berry (On standby and may kiss at any time)

Wild Riot (On standby and may kiss at any time)

Survey (On standby and may kiss at any time)

Savory Spell (inactive - PM me when ready)

Problems and rules log (please review):

UPDATE: Users are now allowed a maximum of four (4) characters in this thread to buy apples. Again, cast or original are both acceptable.

-Characters that are inactive will be put on hold when they get to the front of the line. If you are going to be inactive, please PM me. No one is in trouble, and everyone is still being included in the story, should they want to continue. Just give me a heads up.

-If you need to speak out of character with an individual, try to do it in a private message. If you 'have' to do it in the thread, make sure it's at the end of your posts under a spoiler tag. If it is not, it will be reported for deletion.

-Line order is not a posting order, just the order in which they are lined up. If it is your turn in the line or if its coming up soon, feel free to post whenever you want to advance the story. Please refrain from posting too much if you are deep in the queue.

-Limit two characters for each player receiving kisses until further notice. Maximum is now four (4).

-Please keep in mind that a purchase gets your pony a kiss from AJ, not AJ gets a kiss from your pony. If you want to do something 'crazy' that involves AJ, please PM me for permission.

Questions? Post your questions and suggestions in the out of character thread here.



1. Carrot Fields :smug:

2. Reno Golucky

3. Lore Weaver

4. Dunder Blust :???:

5. Gentle Sol

6. Flam watapplejackbyfelixkotd.png

7. Starburst :???:

8. Astral :smug:

9. Flim watapplejackbyfelixkotd.png

10. Silverbolt :smug:


11. Klondike :smug:

12. Lyra Heartstrings

13. Donut "Pony" Joe

14. Rarity ajscreen.png;)

15. Pigpen :smug:

16. Cherry Jubilee :???:

17. Misty Morning :smug:

18. Pathfinder :???:

19. Earth Writer :smug:

20. Thorn


21. Metal Maker :smug:

22. Twilight Shine

23. Opal Shards

24. Bon Bon

25. Electric Vibe :smug:ajscreen.png

26. Princess Luna

27. Guiding Light

28. Mythos Gray

29. Harrington Sleuth

30. Pumpkin Cake


31. Inkwell

32. Pinkie Pie :smirk:

33. Star Storm :smug:

34. Master Mustang

35. Parhelion

36. Prime Meridian

37. Razor

38. Dr. Spin Tale

39. Professor Ashen Smirk

40. Quiet Harmony


41. Ice Storm

42. Heart Line

43. Pocket Change

44. Sugar Rush

45. Moonstone II

46. Valen Orange

47. Mojo

48. Trixie :shifty:

49. Princess Twilight Sparkle :blush:


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