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  • QuickLime

    Guidelines and Etiquette for Chatting and Rping In CanterChat

    By QuickLime

    Hello and Welcome to QL'S Guide! I know I already posted earlier today on how to Register your nickname on Canterchat! Link to it is here! But for now I want to talk to you about how one should act, and roleplay in the new and improved Canterlot IRC Irc is a bit different than the old chat, this guide will be broken up into 3 parts 1: Name Etiquette 2: Chatting Etiquette 3: Roleplaying Etiquette Name Etiquette It should BE obvious but you should NEVER use a username that is not yours, and when

Spring Break WHOO...! Hoo...

Spring Break is finally here! I'm leaving the dorm today! I'm literally am not going to be doing anything. Did I guys tell you about how my mum took my main computer's keyboard and I'm not able to use it? Anyway, this break I'm not going to bring my school comp! My mum told me not to! Now I'm practically going to rot in my room! YAY! I'll see you guys in two weeks mm'kay?



Alone Again! Bwahahha

HAHAHA I'm seriously turning insane in this used to be asylum. Roommate's gone for India, best friend off with her boyfriend, and I'm here again! Just here.... Then there's this 10 pound bag of rice from the senior project sitting in my room. I got me Canterlot friends! .... I dunno what to do on this site right now. This is hopeless..........



Mlp Episode 3 Season 1

This episode was great to start in the first few episodes. Mainly because the grand galloping gala was the season finale here. The episode in general was okay, though it did have a few problems here and there. Before we get on with this though I would like to point out the episode came out on April the 21st. Why does that matter? When spike reads the letter for the gala it says that it will happen on the 21st of some date. Just thought I'd share that. Okay, so the reasonings. For applejack, the



Mlp epsiode 1+2 season 1

If you don't like to read but want to see my review, you can check out my video of it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1i0dgbpEktc History ladies and gentlecolts. This is what we have here. I might be a bit biased when it comes to this episode because of how much it changed my life but here we go. I love this episode. If not for the plot then for the characters as a whole. The animation looks good, the voice acting is great, and the writing is good. This is a nice episode that I'm sure almos



The Fandom and Me

Let me just say thanks to all you brony's and pegasisters out there, not in my life have I meet a more amazing group of individuals such as yourselves Your all amazing in your own way, weather it comes to Art, Music, RolePlaying, Or just being amazing. I love every single one of you. I cant tell you how positively you guys have effected my life, I look forward to every-day and have a skip in my step ever scene I discovered this wonderful Show and this inspiring fandom. My Photography and Digita



I think i'm going to review Mlp...

I know a lot of people have done this but I think I'm going to do this. There are moments of boredom I have and I really want to rewatch the entire show so...why not? I don't know. Expect the review of episode 1+2 season 1 of Mlp possibly tomorrow. Not much else to say...Waffles.



Have you ever-?

-Gone an entire day imitating the Christian Bale Batman voice? -Got an invitation to a shirt-and-tie event, and showed up wearing a t-shirt and tie? -Called somebody by someone else's name, and then made the exact same mistake when trying to apologize? -Mistaken a woman for a man? -Vice versa? -Caused an accident during a ski lesson by not moving while a snowboarder was trying to be cool and fly by you, causing him to nick your skis and fly into the rest of your class, leaving you the only one s



Theory on Alicorns

(You are about to read a blog written by the pony; Time Spinner. This is Important. XD) As many of you know I stand against alicorn OC's as many of them are so super overpowered. Now while this is true, could anypony become an alicorn? Well...that might be true. So I;ve been reading a few things about alicorns and a few new things did show p. For example Cadence became an Alicorn a lot like Twilight did except with love instead of friendship and Cadence used to be a pegasus. Well this has taught



[Insert My Roommate's Name Here], Oh Come On!

Me roomie's back! Buttttt...... During Geometry, my roommate came to me and told me there was a slip of Free Labor in our mailbox. Obviously it wasn't hers. "What! You've got to be kidding me." I thought. "What have I done? I've been to all of the assemblies... never missed anything. That one time during study hall.... even though I wasn't in my room I was doing something important......." I was so stressed out during that period. I just wanted to go back to the dorm and check my mail! After th



Something wonderful...

...happened last day. In the chat, a poem began out of nowhere! And everypony played along! And so with Tales the verse began. My thought there was: "are you a fan? It's Frosts! How do you know? Just those who quote him can!" But thus my thought was left abreeze As Quillhart followed word with ease. The most unexpected can make one's heart swell... I wish I'd remember the poem as well.



A romp through New Vegas

So, I've been spending a good portion of my time playing through Fallout: New Vegas, and I realized I haven't posted in my blog for a while. Putting two and two together, I figure I'd just talk about my experiences with the game for a post. The main thing I've learned playing this game is that I am horrid when it comes to playing an evil character. I guess when you play a RPG, a certain amount of character shines through, and mine is just playing with a conscience. Thing is, I often substitute



Joke of the Day :P

((I warn you, this may not be funny.... But it was to me so....) This week all the senior girls are doing the "pregnancy/belly" project. xD It's so weird to see them like that. Anyway during choir class there was this one senior. She was getting out of the classroom and muttered. "Water." Like she needed water. "What?! Her water broke?!" It just shot out of my head, and then I realized it made sense and it was funny. The girl next to me laughed. So the girl who had the "belly" turned around and



Controversies of hasbro

(Warning you are about to read a post written by a pony named Time Spinner. This is Important. XD) Okay so it's safe to say that hasbro has had some disappointing moments in the history of Mlp. I don't want to do this after the show is over because if that happens I might be dead so...that's disappointing...anyways, We're going to talk about a few that strike out to me the most. So let's start. Derpy- Sigh...as a pony it's really hard to see another pony fall into such problems. Derpy was truly



I'm kinda sad now

I'm pretty sad today. I was all fine earlier but then I was watching a video on youtube and one of the links in the description made me all depressed. http://mareodomo.com/index.php?/comics/letters-to-an-absent-father/ As Time has said I am an avid gamer and pokemon was one of the first games I played. After reading these I got seriously depressed and started crying. Mostly because both Ash grew up without a father and I had a few of these moments with both of my parents. The one where he yells



Riivencrest, Part One: The Warlock.

A story I will tell to thee: So long afore the Everfree, When woods were but a single tree, An evil stood above them all, And Riiven was its common call. The warlock hid behind his wall, And whispered trancing lies to youth. He spoke of honor and of truth, Of some things he made to move. By all of them he was adored; They acted out on his accord, So following their hero's word. The stallion root of evil was, Yet death for him's an open clause.



The Experience of Not Having a Roommate

So my roommate's gone for the weekend! She left for our school band tour since yesterday. So lately I have been thinking I should not have a roommate for next year. I guess that's not a good idea. So I'm sitting here typing out my blog entry eating my banana because I missed breakfast that ended a minute ago. And since yesterday I felt pretty darn lonely! D: And yesterday I forgot dinner so I had to run to the cafeteria and hope it was still open. It was almost closing so I was pretty lucky tha



Gaming and Bronies

(Warning: You are about to read something written by the pony; Time Spinner. This is Important. XD) So with Neo really bored we have only one option of things to do. Well technically there's a lot of things but this one is our favorite, Gaming. While going around the brony community we have seen a lot of things. A lot of the time Bronies and gaming are connected. While there are other things like Music, animation, and hipsterness, Bronies seem to enjoy gaming a lot. So in this blog today we are



A Mare Worth Fighting For! (Mulon Parody)

[All] For a long time we've been, trotting off to battle! [snowflake] In our thundering herd, We feel a more like cattle! The pounding boom, Our aching of our aching hooves, Aren't easy to ignore! [braeburn] Hey, think of instead, A mare worth fighting for! [Rainbow Dash] Huh? [braeburn] That's what I said! A mare worth fighting for! I want her coat paler than the moon, with skill that could move the moon! [snowflake] My girl will marvel at my strength, adore my battle scars! [big Mac] I couldn'



Siren's Bard (Gypsy Bard Parody)

When your rife with devastation/ and you can't feel such elation/ It's because of a situation/ That had made you want to die/ But no matter what had happened/ Know that you should not be saddened/ Don't let your spirit go get flattened/ Just chin up and face the sky/ When I was just a little baby/ My momma died, she was taken from me/ I was shipped up north to my father’s place/ Continued to live, just to save face/ So I dealt with changing fate/ Found some things to dedicate/ Memories now blurr



Guard Roll [Never Gonna Give You Up Parody

You’re no stranger to friendship~ As you learn the rules, I shall be, by your side A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guard And if you wanna say you’re hurting It’s my job to, put you at ease! [CHORUS] I don’t wanna mess you up, Beat all who puts you down Stop all who trot around and despise you Never gonna make you cry, I will serve you on the fly, I will stay by your side and protect you! [/CHORUS] I’ve seen you growing for so long. My heart's been ac



Watch out for Wednesday!

It'll gitcha :I Being as awesome as I am, I figured it would be in the universe's best interest to share my most recent thoughts, as I've been neglecting you all of late. For which I do NOT apologize. Cuz. Anywho, I got in a debate with my man friend thing the previous eve on the meaning of the term 'gamer'. To me, a gamer is a label you EARN. It takes time, yo! You need to have a 'who needs sunlight?' sort of attitude! Your videogames are like an extension to your body, and you long for it ever



QuickRant: Coffee Snobs

I get it, people are picky about their coffee, and I can respect wanting something your way, however what I can NOT respect is when you decide to nitpick, lecture, and INSULT people that have different preferences than yours! Why is someone "less a man" if they want their drink with milk? or with Syrup? or with Whipped Cream? They arn't! And quite frankly I should be able to order my "Froo froo" drink without ridicule! If I want my Decafe, half caf, frappe mocha whatever, what right do you hav



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