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  • QuickLime

    Guidelines and Etiquette for Chatting and Rping In CanterChat

    By QuickLime

    Hello and Welcome to QL'S Guide! I know I already posted earlier today on how to Register your nickname on Canterchat! Link to it is here! But for now I want to talk to you about how one should act, and roleplay in the new and improved Canterlot IRC Irc is a bit different than the old chat, this guide will be broken up into 3 parts 1: Name Etiquette 2: Chatting Etiquette 3: Roleplaying Etiquette Name Etiquette It should BE obvious but you should NEVER use a username that is not yours, and when

Grouchy Day?

So I guess blogs you can post about you and your life eh? I'll take some part of this greatness! Not sure if anyone would care really. >.> But anyway! I just hope things get better. Today I feel really grouchy.... I mean I was like blurting out inappropriate words (you know...) which was very uncommon of me. Well I was tired. I was up to 11 last night and I let my friend in to duct tape my roommate's closet so she gets to choose the clothes my friend picked out for her. Well at 5 in the m



Yeah, I'm starting a blog.

Wubs up, everypony? This is my very first blog post [colour=#ff0000]EVER [/colour][colour=#000000]so I don't really expect too much out of this. For starters, I noticed that my friend was going darklordfoxhousenuts whenever he got a reply to his blog, so I figured that maybe there was something about it. So vroom goes the Skarmory; let's talk! [/colour] [colour=#000000] [/colour][colour=#000000]I'd like to point out that the new spoiler for the end of season three doesn't phase me in the least



A Very Blue Day

A Very Blue Day I'm Lyra Heartstrings, a unicorn mare, and I live in Ponyville. My best friend's name is Bon Bon, but we weren't always best friends. I wasn't always happy, either, but now I am! I hope this story will help whoever reads it to understand how I got to this point in my life. I guess I'll start with my time at Ponyville Elementary. I didn't have any friends, see, because I was a blank flank, and everypony else already had their cutie marks! The popular fillies of my cl



So you want to learn how to Rp Part:1

I have noticed in the CanterChat that we sometimes get people who are new to rping(RolePlaying) and have no idea how to start! WELP let me help you with that ;D First lemmi explain what Rping IS and then we'll move onto the lesson! Roleplaying is collaborating with one or more people to write a story or adventure, it is a great writing exercise and is also a wonderful way to expand your vocabulary! The benefits to rping are as followed1: It keeps your imagination healthy by causing you to use



What is now on my mind:

[colour=#000080]Some things I wish to keep behind![/colour] [colour=#000080]Like writing in long prose. I may not handle very well, suppose.[/colour] [colour=#000080]The tragic death of a mother who disowned me. Now, tell me: how wrong it is that I don't grieve that much about it?[/colour] ... [colour=#000080]An anectdote at the theatrical worshop:[/colour] [colour=#000080]"Not everyone can get up on the stage," I spoke proudly to my pupils. The ladders at the sides had been disassembled, so



A night of marble colour.

[colour=#000080]A vivid light slipped past my sense.[/colour] [colour=#000080]"Already day?" I, bothered, whined.[/colour] [colour=#000080]The silver orb allowed to find[/colour] [colour=#000080]The source and might of shine so tense.[/colour] [colour=#000080]"But, Moon, in such a night, why do you hide?"[/colour] [colour=#000080]Her shape became a flicker;[/colour] [colour=#000080]I couldn't see it quicker.[/colour] [colour=#000080]My words were gone; she wouldn't just abide.[/colour]



Depression, Stress and Anxiety

Well, I'm in the process of organizing a late 25th birthday party for myself this Saturday (it's been a week in progress), I've invited people, but only two people have bothered to respond in the event page, one of them has to ask his mum, but other than that no replies... I'm thinking of cancelling the whole bloody thing all together!!! OH DEAR GOD! The depression, stress and anxiety has kicked in!!!



I now know a very rare feel...

[Note: References to myself being victim of a crime in this post are purely exaggerations of an event in a well-umpired war-simulation game. No authorities (except maybe a ref) are to be contacted!) I now know the feel of a tall, rotund, masked man holding a pistol up to my face and yelling at me to beg for mercy. As I backed off with my hands up, I walk straight into another masked man, also holding a pistol and asking for the same. Like a flash, I snapped down to my own and began to lift it



Happy Video-game time!

I received some unexpected cash. 180€ or about 1.337.000$ and decided to rebirth mi "Sega mega drive CD 32X" machine that I burn in a 66.6667% back in 2011, so I got a 32X and a CD2 for cheap (happily I saved all the cables, the real McCoy behind the high price of those old devices) so,I could play again old time classics like... Sonic (no, that one still cranks on my mega drive) Sonic CD Night Trap Sol Feaces Batman Returns Virtua racing Deluxe :kissy: Knuckles Chaotix Even I could try s



Lovely Alice.

The piercing glow of her merry eyes And its contrast with a speech so wise; How she never stops and always tries At sight of challenge of great size. I am delighted to admire The burning passion, spreading fire Of her dazzling work entire And every whim the little do desire. Yet at soothing times as these, To watch her slumbering in ease Reminds me why I hold the keys. To protect my sister: such is the geass.



Canterlot RP Spotlight #5: The Great & Powerful Trixie

[colour=#6699cc]TRIXIE: A COMMENTARY BY BELLOSH101[/colour] Step right up, ladies and gentlemen! Today, I have an amazing article for all you fine folks. Nay; I have the finest blog post you’ll ever read this week! So gather ‘round everybody, as I now write about the (second-most) greatest and powerful unicorn of all time!!! By now, if you don’t know who Trixie is, you probably haven’t been visiting Equestria Daily enough. Having appeared in two episodes of MLP:FiM now, this pompous stage m



That time amid the night...

[colour=#000080]Howbeit our dreams hath joy of Luna's guard,[/colour] [colour=#000080]Perhaps there is a time when such delight is lost,[/colour] [colour=#000080]For amid the night the mare shall rest her art,[/colour] [colour=#000080](Some tell) to sing about what mattered most.[/colour] [colour=#000080]With skies so dark and clouded,[/colour] [colour=#000080]A cause of nighttime sorrow,[/colour] [colour=#000080]Arrays of thoughts stay shrouded,[/colour] [colour=#000080]Faith lost until tomorro



Just so you guys know

I've found myself on a different RP site, and have been devoting a lot of my time there. That's kinda why my activity level here has dropped significantly. Perhaps I just needed a break from Canterlot for a while, due to a disagreement with some members here, I lost the desire to RP here for a while, but I'm (more or less) back. And for Celestia's sake, somepony talk to me every once in a while! I love talkin to you guys



I'm Bored (and Possibly Quite Very Lonely)!

2 days until I turn 25, I'm trying to organize a get-together at my place for ponies (and people) I know for it, which will be on the 2nd of Feb. Thing is, I hate organizing things, I hate disappointing ponies/people (and ultimately myself), I am a chronic worrier, and much like AJ in season 3 episode 8, I want it to be perfect... but what if no-one comes? What if something happens? I'm making myself sick with worry and stress. I don't know what to do



On the subject of names

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would be just as sweet." Ah yes, names. Somehow my musings of late has drifted to the one thing that somehow seems both incredibly important and incredibly meaningless at the same time. How many fantasy novels have I read where magic works off of knowing the true names of things. How many other tales are there in which the mysterious wanderer has know singular name but rather a selection of nicknames the fearful locals have given him



Anatomy of a RP Character #3: Sugar Apple

[colour=#800080]SUGAR APPLE: A COMMENTARY BY BELLOSH101[/colour] With another Saturday ahead of us, it’s time for Bellosh here to post another article on... anything, haha. This time, I’ll offer up some commentary on another one of my RP characters. So unless you haven’t had the chance to watch the new MLP episode yet, here’s your weekly reading material! (Image drawn by ClairDeLaSoul) Development Process: Initially after my Ingrid Marie app was accepted, I didn’t really have plans to ap



Did y'all know I have the youtubes?

hi! Time for a bit of shameless self promotion! Do you like games? Do you like british guys talking about games? Do you like poorly editied, poorly planned execution of said game? WELL THEN - good news, my channel - Jamminmage has begun. Please come and see me in my dank, dark corner of the internet, Yay.



It might be the end for me......

I'm almost to the point where I'm just done with it all. Between irl stuff and then going online to various brony sites looking for a good time, only to find out a friend and fellow brony is in the metaphorical fetal position because of something absolutely sickening was posted for some sick inconsiderate degenerate's amusement. Is this really how we treat our fellow human beings? Just because you lead an alternitive lifestyle you need to be maliciously condemmed and picked on? Seriously? People



Iron Will

[colour=#282828] Name:Iron Will Sex:Male Age:Colt Species:Earth Pony Pelt colour:White Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style:Short, spiky dark grey mane with a medium length dark grey mane [picture below] Eye colour:Light grey Cutie Mark:Silver Anvil Physique:Taller than average colts, heavily built, muscular. Origin:Rockwington Roleplay Type:The FiM/Show Equestria Universe Occupation:Blacksmith's Apprentice Motivation:Iron has always been amazed by iron working and hopes one day to be a renowne



Dahlia Blossom

Name:[colour=#282828]Dahlia Blossom[/colour] [colour=#282828] [/colour]Sex:[colour=#282828]Female[/colour] [colour=#282828] [/colour]Age:[colour=#282828]Mare [19][/colour] [colour=#282828] [/colour]Species:[colour=#282828]Pegasus [/colour] [colour=#282828] [/colour]Pelt colour:[colour=#282828]White[/colour] [colour=#282828] [/colour]Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style:[colour=#282828]Medium length wavy red mane and matching tail. [picture below][/colour] [colour=#282828] [/colour]Eye colour:[c



Canterlot RP Spotlight #4: Haywire

[colour=#b22222]HAYWIRE: A COMMENTARY BY BELLOSH101[/colour] I said in my last article that I’d cover a RP thread. Well, that plan has been changed, muahahahahaha. For this week’s post, I’ll be covering one of the greatest terrors the kingdom of Equestria has ever known. So, let’s get down to it, shall we? Anybody who has kept track of the foal-centric RP threads for a while now will probably shudder at the mention of Mojo’s filly OC, Haywire. For those who don’t shudder... they should lear



Anatomy of a Good OC

I know I mentioned a "Pimp my Oc" Episode but I never got any pms so that segment is canceled! Today we will instead be talking about how to make a good Oc in both appearance and personality! To once again make clear, I am NOT RPHS, none of this will guarantee your app will get approved, but I like to think that it helps Lets start off with the outside and work our way in!Lets go bit by bit of the pony and explain those various parts and how to improve them! 1: Eyes The eyes are the window



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