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  • QuickLime

    Guidelines and Etiquette for Chatting and Rping In CanterChat

    By QuickLime

    Hello and Welcome to QL'S Guide! I know I already posted earlier today on how to Register your nickname on Canterchat! Link to it is here! But for now I want to talk to you about how one should act, and roleplay in the new and improved Canterlot IRC Irc is a bit different than the old chat, this guide will be broken up into 3 parts 1: Name Etiquette 2: Chatting Etiquette 3: Roleplaying Etiquette Name Etiquette It should BE obvious but you should NEVER use a username that is not yours, and when


So... Ive started a YouTube channel Its official... Now I think this channel is different I Dont know. Some of you might think its stupid or what ever but I think its cool. I want to get to know the Fan-dome more so I created this channel hoping that I could get to know every-pony on a more personal base. If you want you can check out the channel! I would love some feed-back and would love to meet you pony's. It should be fun. I started the channel for fun, I want to have fun! And involve ever



The Origins of the OC's and how to make some

(Warning you are about to read a post written by a pony by the name of Time Spinner. This is Important. XD) So in my last entry I told others about sending your apps into world of equestria. Soon I will be in as well. (Though I'm much more snarky.) While that is all find and dandy a thought came to Neo's mind. He said he wanted to tell the origins of the OC's he plays as and to give tips on designing new OC's. While I'm sure other people have done that, Telling you all the origins of myself and



Another thought.

If just once it came to thought That to others mattered not Times when I stood up and fought, Then to fall would be a waste, And of failure feel the taste, For success would lack its chaste. If I fall, it's for others to see That though painful it may be, It will matter not to me. I've been tripped and pushed around, Often cursed and even bound. But with luck I always found Kinds of those who helped me up, Friends to aid me leap the gap, Later guide across a trap. As a child, I understood, Then



Lovinity Hearts... now rebirthed as a canon character

Alright exciting news every pony! Since the fall of Lovinity when it came to power (in one of the role plays and from Canterlot's residence inspection), I've thought that I'd have to terminate (kill) Lovinity off for good since she's been rejected in not just here but other places on the internet. That changed. Canterlot here offered a personal trainer for Lovinity, giving her the opportunity to lose the OP, become a realistic character, and not be rejected anymore from places. Only Canterlot of



OC Time! Hehee!

Recently, I have seen a lot of OC blog posts. I feel like joining the band wagon! xD Now, I don't have any helpstuffs like QL. I leave that to her and I do my thing. But seriously guys, lay off the alicorn godmods. Those OC's irritate me so much! But what I do have with me is my background history of my OC's and how do they became to be. Here we go! [colour=#add8e6]Spin Art: [/colour]Spin Art is actually my ponysona. A goofy, lost-in-imagination, blue/gray pegasus. That's me! But one thing tha



New Track 4 You Guys

Hey guys here's another song for you all to keep you busy until i start working on my new album just a bit longer till spring break gets here and ill finally have time to sit down and start really working on it. O and this new songs name is (DARE TO. . . ?) And i gotta say its a love/hate for me on this one I love it but also don't if that makes any sense but eh i might just not like it cause i ran into allot of trouble while making it yea that's probally it but don't take my opinion for it go c




Ok, So I decided to try out blogging, I dont get it though. Do people really take time out of their day to read about other peoples days? It seems rather dull if you ask me. But If it makes other happy hell.. Anyway, I guess I could start with this week end. It was pretty eventful all considering the weather. We finally hit about 70 degrees this Friday. It was amazing. I got to go outside and to some photography with a skater buddy of mine, We did some really cool stop-motion shots and I also go



The upcoming truth behind my OC's.

So, I've tried a lot on this site already. Starting from joining the forums, going through writing and successfully passing a few OC apps, to considering various staff positions (and eventually denying myself all of them due to random free time patterns) and ending up with... well, a lot of different things I'm not going to mention. From everything I've done here, there's just this one thing I never yet touched. Blogs. Therefore, after a fierce fight with my own mind, I've decided to gather myse



Your OC and the dealings of equestria

(First of all First post! Second of all while I haven't been an RPer for long I have noticed and learned a few things.) (Warning you are about to read a post written as Time Spinner not Neoexlucky. That is important! XD) So one of the things that is really common with Bronies and pegasisters is an OC. Yourself or a character you made as a pony. Making an OC can be very easy lately as all you have to do is google a few things and play with the Pony generator then *poof* you have your OC but how d



Pings Are Good. Love Your Pings.

During a cast check, you may get a ping. Stop freaking out or being defensive. A ping is good. Under certain interpretations of the rules, if you receive a ping, you should receive a warning. You don't because it isn't fair. A ping doesn't do jack to you. It's a reminder. Maybe you hate being reminded, but that's all it is. The fact that I receive more replies and back speech regarding character pings than I do actual warnings is telling. A ping means you failed some portion of the cast check,



Equestrian Dream! (A Katy Perry Parody)

I think that it’s amazing when that show comes on! I think it's funny when they tell the punch line dumb! I know it gets me, so I’ve let my walls come down, down! Before I watched it, I was a wreck! The things were kinda heavy, it brought me to life! Now every single morning, I watch ponies on the Hub, on the Hub! Let's watch it on Netflix tonight! Tolerance, with love! I can watch until it’s done! You and I, we'll feel young forever! This make me feel like I'm in Equestrian Dream! The way it wa



Dodgeball Tournament

Tonight was the Dodgeball Tournament that everyone was waiting for. It was at six. You go to the gym for some food since they don't serve it in the cafeteria. The food hasn't come yet but you wait. The pizza was being hauled in and there was A LOT of it. You get in line with a group of friends. A guy from your class confronts you and requests you to join their dodgeball team. They needed one guy and one more girl since the other two dropped. Do you accept? >>Yes. >>No. Being anti-soc



I'm back, baby!

First, let me preface with an apology to anypony I may have inconvenienced in my take of leave. Especially, you know, since it was unannounced. Without going in to too much detail (mainly because I'm not a fan of excuses) a family member needed to borrow my laptop, which is my main outlet to the internet. I would have provided notice, but it was unannounced. Also, I'd be lying if I didn't mention a slight waning of muse I've been having, seeing as how I've been spotty regardless of the most rece



Just another Thursday

So, me and another brony I know decided to go and explore an abandoned house near Helsinki. We met up in a shopping centre in Espoo (Just outside Helsinki), he went to buy some booze and I decided to buy energy drink and orange juice. And then, after a 20 minute trip on a bus, we arrived at the spot. A light yellow medium-large 2-story house, the nearest inhabited building was 40 metres away, so noise wasn't a problem. I couldn't fit through a broken window, so I climbed the ladder to the small



The Best Music Videos of All Time

If you'd like direct links to these videos, go ahead and send me a PM! [colour=#ff0000]WARNING: Some of these songs may be explicit or too heavy for some. I'll mark them with red colouring.[/colour] I've created a top ten list. And it was difficult, so very difficult. But I've picked and you can't stop me! This is in no way a list of best songs, that might be impossible. It's just a list of awesome music videos. 10. This Charming Man- The Smiths Morrissey at his most coy. It's so engrossing to



Fandom's Brew! [Parody/slightly nsfw]

I'll type up a fanfiction with the story I've accrued~ They said a word spelled right it bright, but they don't have a clue~ I've got the story all set up, right within my mind! I'll write it out and type it out and let my OC fly! Watch as the fandom works it's magic, Fan music and spin-off shows! Watch the forums boom like thunder, It's time to watch the show 4Chan, do you need it, dear Anon? Sometimes life is just a battle filled with so much commotion! Write a fic and flame the dicks~ Write




Hey guys first off wana apologize for not keeping you guys updated as much as i had planned.Been too long since ive posted a blog on my music ive been real busy since school got back in so i got alot of stuff to do.I had originally planed to start working on a new album but i dont have the time for it rite now .But that doesn't mean im not gona be creating new stuff i still make songs every now and then when i get time so ive come to the conclusion that until things calm down a bit school wise a



Entry 4-Changelings

Let’s talk a moment about Changelings. Changelings are one of those OC types whose likeliness of occurrence is less than Alicorns, but more than Draconequui. Changelings are the new Griffons, the seductive, in-your-face characters who also have the creepy factor going for them. They’re practically villain material. However, I see a lot of Changeling OCs that are Changelings for the sake of being Changelings. Time to reorganize the hive, fillies and gentlecolts, and the Queen here is ready to off



Tucking Me In

I have this little story that I figured I should tell you guys. So...I started a blog. My life seems to be filled with lots of fun, weird, and cute stories. I've decided to share this all with you because you might enjoy reading it. So let's get started! I've got this wonderful boyfriend named Gage. The two of us have been friends since we were just little kids, off and on and off and finally on forever. I'll tell you more about the two of us later, I have a particular story to tell. On the 11th



1st Entry: Special Snowflake Syndrome

Disclaimer: This is NOT serious in anyway. This a tongue in cheek "journal" entry from the eyes of an outside party who is observing our Role Play Environment. Abstract: The idea of a special snowflake character is one that seems to be circulating in every RP around. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Roleplay environments seem to be no different. There appears to be three "mane" types, as these creators often say. The type are completely pure or dark and misunderstood, with the third being wh



Character Showcase : QuickLime!

When I first came to this site I created my first pony character! Her name was QuickLime and she looked like this.. This was made shortly after I saw my first season of MLP XD However after spending some time on it her appearance slightly shifted... Giving her face more expression! But for the longest time she was a blank flank, then Angie Cakes saved the day wiiiith THIS! Causing another change to occur Pony Creator restrictions aside over the years I'v gotten great art telling me how



LM's Rambles On: My Arting Playlist

Well, to start off, its been one heck of a while since I've done one of these little blog entries, my last being about Canterlot, which (by the looks of things) was very well received, and I thank Manestream for answering all of my questions once again. Now onto something more important...can I REALLY keep calling this blog LM's Random Rambles? I mean I've changed my name at least 3 times since then. For continuities sake, I'll keep it the same. Anyway, I'm starting off the rebirth of this blog



The Intent of this Blog

Hey everyone, this is going to be the first entry of this blog. First off, you should know, I'm not much of a blogger, nor am I that much of an RPer. So really, this blog will be full of useless stuff, at least in my opinion. However, I do find it fun to write general musings and observations. Observations especially, since well... if you know me... I'm very much into science, and science is 70% observations and record keeping 20% knowledge, 10% good practices and 50% guess work based on what yo



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