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Status Updates posted by Lyipheoryia

  1. *Trying to get some Luna hype up before I post my lore thread*. C'mon, Luna fans!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dragonlover101


      Go luna, everybody's favorite woona

    3. Smartbrony


      Well, looks like your plan has pulled out every other Discussion Thread owner there is. Good work :3

    4. Smartbrony


      *almost every other

  2. 40 posts!

    1. Lyipheoryia


      50 posts! What am I doing? I'm supposed to be studying microbiology...

  3. 66 Notifications...I guess you guys really did succeed in spamming me :).

  4. A bit late on replies, apologies to all~

  5. A bit slow on rp's...tis the problem of the Christmas season. I promise they shall be replied to by latest tomorrow.

    1. MidnightMask


      Yay RPs! Go Lyi! You can post it!

  6. A friend just basically ended the chapter of our friendship. Huh...I'm a bit confused at the moment.

    1. TheFinestSorcerer
    2. Lyipheoryia


      Through a strangely cryptic email. Then a reply about 4 hours later regretting the former and recanting his words. Word of advise, trust your conscious over the word of a teenager.

  7. A teensy bit behind in rp replies. Sorry~

  8. After you go an an rp spree: Wait...did I just sign up for, like, >7 rp's?

    1. ToothpasteThy


      lul, don't get in over your head xD

  9. Another question: Are ordinary members allowed to start posts in WoE or CC?

    1. Hawkeye12


      I don't think so. Actually, I don't think you could even if you wanted to. But when your app gets accepted and you get 'RP Certified' then you can post away!

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Okay! Thanks for he info :)

    3. Corsair


      Yep, what Hawkeye said. Once you have a character app approved in CC, you can post with that character in CC. Once you have a character app approved for WoE. you can post in WoE or CC.

  10. Anybody wanna rp? Pm me :)

  11. Anybrony wanna rp? I'm trying to get my characters a weensy bit more active:)

    1. SeaJay


      Sure~ What might you have in mind? OwO

    2. Gfan93
    3. Lyipheoryia
  12. Anyone around here an editor on FimFiction? Just wondering...

    1. Zealot


      I do that from time to time. Why, need a grammar fix?

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Perhaps, is the username the same as over there?

    3. Zealot


      Yep. Send me what you have, I'll take a look if you want.

  13. Anyone have a Crystal Pony OC and want to rp with her?

    1. ToothpasteThy


      lul, my crystal pony is a guy, so no? xP

    2. tacobob


      I'm sure they can RP some crystal smooches. :3

  14. Anyone here read A Separate Piece? I made a comic based on it.

    1. QueenCerali


      I haven't read that, but I'd like to the the comic!

    2. AlextheAngel


      That is an amazing book. I would very much like to see this comic~.

    3. Lyipheoryia
  15. Anyone here with a fashion-loving OC?

    1. QueenCerali


      Zeran is. sort of. and I have Rolir, but that's an entirely different matter. I'll probably expand on Zeran's fashion sense soon..... once I'm sure of how :3

    2. Lyipheoryia
    3. QueenCerali


      dangit, Kala's an artist, but I didn't give her any fashion sense yet..... one moment while I make a new OC. I've been watning to do so for a while.

  16. Anyone know of a free game similar to Torchlight? (Good soundtrack, choices of character classes, really good plot)

    1. DerpRavener


      The only one that comes to mind and fits all those criteria* is the Ur Quan Masters. *Note: it doesn't actually have a class system, but there are a number of ships which can be unlocked and built which play very differently from each other. I like to use a guide when I play through it. Alternately, more and more MMORPGs are going F2P, and those supposedly have stories. I can't vouch for any though.

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Sounds neat! I can't seem to find its official website, though...

  17. Anyone know the ponified title for Lord of the Flies?

    1. Smartbrony


      No, but if I had to guess I'd say Lord of the Parasprites.

    2. Lyipheoryia
  18. Anyone wanna rp in FFA?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DreamySunday


      Aww, I thought you had an idea :( XD

    3. Lyipheoryia


      I don't really know how to write a starter...hehe

    4. Wurmpleguy
  19. Anyone wanna rp? Pm me!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DragonoftheSkysAir
    3. Lyipheoryia


      Sure! Let's take this to a pm, and you can write the starter.

    4. DragonoftheSkysAir


      Okay but I'm not very good at starting or coming up with a story line

  20. Anyone want to rp with me? Starlight (reformed villian), Starry (blind scientist, family issues), Agile (Royal guard), Candles (Changeling), Steam (rich businessmare)

    1. Shadowbolt0


      Sure, why not. Pm me and we'll sort something out

  21. Anyone want to rp? Pm me!

    1. BassClef


      Well sure. Why not?

  22. Anyone want to start an rp family with me?

  23. Anyone? How do I delete an unwanted album?

    1. starswirlthebearded


      I don't see a way. I'd contact Dio to see if he could do it. But it looks like users can only delete images, not the album itself.

    2. Rosewind


      PM me with the album you would like deleted or report your album and ask for it to be deleted.

    3. Lyipheoryia


      I shall report it, thank you :)

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