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Status Updates posted by YourLittleBrony

  1. I feel trolled by "Too Many Cooks" o_O

  2. What is this concept of "days off" of which you speak?  I have "days in which I pray that no one calls me to take their shift and days where I conveniently lose my phone so that I dont have to take any calls from people begging me to take their shifts."

    1. tacobob


      I'm always in the middle when it comes to that. I do like the time away..But I also like the money. :o

  3. Bless him, Hayao Miyazaki is so terrible at retirement. :,D

  4. I dont care if its a call for social change quit pushing your agenda on meeeeee! bawwwwww Dx

    1. SunsetSombra


      Ambiguous comment is ambiguous! xD

  5. *rolls around on the floor again*

    1. stormchaser1991


      does your back itchs?

  6. Carl's Jr ads are stupid.

    1. pollo20x6


      Which makes me worry about society in general. Because you always hear "well, they work, don't they". Yes. Yes they do.

  7. Hold my calls! Im having a massive dubbed kill la kill marathon from start to long awaited finish!

    1. Dio


      Wait dubbed? Who is streaming it? I need it!

  8. I must find a way to keep winter from coming!

    1. ToothpasteThy


      ..But how?

      (lel, you're my hero xD)

  9. Ive really grown to hate the term "social justice warrior".

    1. Imagination


      They're my biggest source of entertainment!

  10. I LOVE getting after holiday candy! SAAAALES OMG

    1. RainbowFoxxy


      nom nom nom! Where's those reese's eggs at? My favorite!

  11. It's Mardi Gras! <3 *throws beads*

    1. Solaria


      Wooooo! Wait... ponies don't wear shirts. I'm still keeping the beads.

  12. I know I cant be the only one that feels very iffy celebrating thanksgiving right?

    1. FluffKinz


      We dont actually celebrate Thanksgiving... O_O

  13. "Pineconespineconespineconespineconespineconespinecones..."

  14. Went to an awesome retro video game store yesterday! AND found a copy of SoulBlade! SUPER SWEET! >o<

    1. starswirlthebearded


      I do that on a regular basis. My favorite video game store has every console from Atari and Game n Watches all the way through PS4 and XB1

  15. *hype intensifies*

    1. Frogmyre


      The Nort of Hype approves this hype intensifying.

  16. So Ive been re-reading the HP series lately and a thought keeps coming up. "When in the world did Neville Longbottom get ridiculously hot!?"

    1. QuickLime


      My Little Neville Puberty is magic

  17. Gotta draw something for NightMare Night...hmmmm

  18. I've grown to hate the word "edgy".

    1. pizzamovies


      ah feeling a bit....edgy now are we?

  19. I do take requests, but please keep in mind that they do have lower priority over my real life duties and the commissions I take! Its all a matter of how busy I am! O:

    1. Monochrome


      Wow, I looked at the art in your gallery, and you're really good! I would like to request something, and I can be patient about it since it will probably take a while to get around to for you with all your other stuff. ^w^ Anyways, here's her app:

  20. Bananas! Do you like them? >;D

    1. Jane


      To the Mooooooooooooooooooon!

  21. My stance on gay marriage? In my perfect world, this wouldnt even be a topic of discussion. Found your special someone either same sex or opposite? Go marry em'. Everyone is entitled to happiness.

    1. DreamySunday


      ^this a thousand times ^this

  22. WOAH! Had the weirdest dream last night! >///3///

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Details? Or do you like teasing us? XD

  23. Katsucon was AMAZING!!!! This Princess Celestia had the time of her life!!!

  24. Ugh. Want something done right and on time? Do it yourself.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Isn't that how the saying goes?

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