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Everything posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. Snails blushed from horn to hoof and visibly drooped in shame. Its bad enough when horn magic dont work well, worse when it overdoes what they are trying to do. "Ummm sorry Miz Cheerilee. Haywire talked me into tryin' ta lift her into th' tree with m'horn power so she could see th' Wonderbolts better.... An' a hornet stung me..." He turned so Cheerilee could see the big, swelling red bump, right on his left cutie mark. "...It hurt so bad, this burst came outa' me an' sent her flyin'..." Snails looked up at where Haywire was "This still hurts really bad, but ah'm worried Haywire could get hurt much worse, an' ah cant undo lifting her! I'm too little!"
  2. (OOC; while I would like to touch base with Mojo about this before I respond since its Haywire that's going to get in trouble, I think I can answer in a way to keep the ball rolling until he comes back sometime friday) Snails Watched in relief as Zecora came trotting over to help, then Cheerilee asked the foals point blank what did this to the bunny, making it clear any fibbing might endanger the bunny's health. Snails scuffed a hoof and made sure he kept an eye on the poor bunny as a reminder to tell the truth. "Um well, ah was watching Apple Bumpkin explain about th' chicks, an wonderin' what kind a' strange bugs they have roun' here. Suddenly somethin' flew over me an' Snips, and made a clacking sound on the tree. I saw a rock drop inta th' bush an' there was a yelp..." Snails wanted to tell about the slingshot, but he only only a glimpse of it so he couldnt' be sure it was one, and Haywire would be mad at him too. but, there was the bunny, right there... He continued, telling more than he wanted to, hoping Haywire would tell the full truth. "Haywire came up from over there.." He pointed where she had been. "..when ah' suggested seeing what the yelp was, an' she agreed it was a great idea. Thet's when we found th' bunny."
  3. It could be Luna knew what Starswirl looked like because she was closer to his time and was therefore the most popular figure in history at the time she was taught. Jump ahead over a thousand years when Luna was freed from being Nightmare Moon, and she finds the average pony says "Starswirl who?" There has to have been a number of historial figures added to the history books every generation to study -for a thousand years. (thats gonna be a lot for joe pony to remember) It must be a relief to Luna to have met a unicorn who did not have that response and in fact dressed up as him. I can just wonder what Luna was taught about the events behind Hearth's warming Eve. Now that would be fun to ask Luna about.
  4. (OOC: I believe it is lime's turn, and Mojo will likely be offline for several days. Do we want to make a PM thread in the site messenger for news updates? )
  5. Steam power is still correct as mentioned in previous replies. its how the steam is produced that tells a lot about pony tech. We now have proof the steam trains are primarily coal fired, though I would not doubt some rare ones may use unicorn magic to produce the steam if the Flim Flam Brothers SSCS6K steampunk device is any indication.
  6. I remember when they canceled SJ and they explained why then. The studio and team doing SJ was given an "offer they could not refuse" from Lucasfilms to do 15 minute shorts of the "Clone Wars" in the same style as SJ for Cartoon Network. (This seems to be what they based the current CGI series on...) This required the selfsame artists working on SJ and meant they could do one or the other but not both, as Gennedy explained in an interview. I had strong hopes they would jump right back on Samurai Jack as a series and finish it or at least do an OAV DVD release tying up all the loose ends, back when the hand-drawn look was still current. Ooops! Cartoon Network! Y U DUMB AT LOGIC!?
  7. I seriously doubt Equestria would be a shock or suck whether I ended up a pony or a human there. The system is stacked so that mean ponies always get whats coming to them eventually. the Weather is set up to be comfortable most of the time. And anyplace Big Mac could walk into, I could if I was stuck a human. There's some very special talents reguarding food many bronys could "bring to the table" if they were adventurous and stuck as humans. Think the Griffons would pay through the beak for a competent butcher and BBQer? I would think so. Not to mention all the things fingers can accomplish in other ways.
  8. Madam Bistro trotted briskly in the bright Appleoosan morning, even if her stomach rumbled hungrily. She had not had much to eat that morning, being so nervous. Aside from having had a brief.. well, whirlwind, tour of the orchards before, and wanting a more leisurely view of them, she also wanted to be there to assist Miss Snowfall if it came to it. She had a substantial portion of her capital going into expanding into a hotel, and among other worries for the success of that.. Bistro wasnt sure how well the Stalliongrad mare would take the heat of the Appleoosan day, as well as being there for in case she became upset again. The mocha mare especially wanted to be sure Braeburn was on his best behavior for the tour to prevent that.
  9. Snails blushed as the Pathfinder seemed to genuinely enjoy his answers, even if she gave a little tease asking if he crushed on Outback Jack "Umm nope, nope, nope, but th' legendary flutterpony princess in at least one book sounds rilly cute..." He turned to keep vigil near the door, watching as Rainbow Dash came closer and closer, and watching for Snips. Snails finally noticed a pony of the right shape in a Diamond Dog costume and wearing a fez and vest combo as Zala. The orange unicorn foal bounced up and down "Snips! Ah see ya! Hurry!" Just then, a con staffer put up a sign and closed the door. he peered around the pony and up. "C-c-c-closed?! How kin ya Close!" He stood off to the side, stunned and visibly crushed! What would the convention be without his best bud? What would it be without Rainbow Dash? Pathfinder seemed to be taking this news just as well, and seemed to blink over and get into it with the con staff. He watched with rising hope as Pathfinder found more con badges, and even gave him a reassuring ruffle of his mane. Snails then started jumping up and down, then did a midair flip when Pathfinder reopened the door and smashed the sign for good measure. "YAYYYY! Pathfinder izza real heroine! Come on in Snips!"
  10. (OOC: I'm surprised Applebloom has not noticed anything of a certain straw hat on her head. ) Thorn looked ahead in the line. His long ears perked up seeing a Wonderbolt and what appeared to be Daring Do. The russet donkey chuckled "Oh my, this heroine of Equestria must really have an effect on even famous ponies...." He blinked and did a double take, seeing the orchard owner from Dodge Junction was there too. Thorn waved "Miss Cherry Jubilee! Greetings! It is a wonderful surprise to see you here! Your Cherrychanga recipie is one of our more popular items!" A moment later, hoofsteps announced the arrival of another pony. Thorn turned to look and found Metal Maker was there "Oh, is this a small world or what? Greetings Double M!" Meanwhile, Flim panted as he homed in on where he felt his brother was his horn glowing neon green as he searched with his horn. "Brother Flam! Where are you?!" He groaned as he wiped apple bits off his messy mane. Whoever hit him had good aim and great strength behind it...
  11. Im afraid I do not. will it be a srurprise?
  12. Amber Wands whinnied and started to give chase as the mystery pony ran away after he stopped laughing and was caught at it. "Who are you? Explain yourself!" She lost sight of him in the heavy rain of chocolate milk, slipping and sliding to a stop. Even with an umbrella floating over her, it did not stop the ground from getting slippery with milk fat. Amber wands floated herself back upright in time to see Balance Scales have to shed shrinking clothes "This Chaos is getting wierder by the moment." One pony dashed past still on the trail of the mystery pony. "I think we had better catch up.." Suddenly, a blue box appeared, one the old archives said seemed drawn to bouts of chaos or war, not as a bringer, only a symptom and with a legendary adventurer aboard. If anypony could help, it may be this strange pony. "Hold that thought... this might be our backup..." She trotted on over, investigating him with her wand, "Not much magic there. at least this is not Discord in disguise. ...Excuse me sir, Who might you be? And are you here to help us?"
  13. *bows to the two mares for their responses* I pinkie pie promise. Whats the most cupcakes Pinkie Pie ever ate at one time?
  14. (OOC: sorry for the delay, had to get the ball rolling.) Already shaken from Madam Bistro going on this journey, his jaw dropped to the floor when the reason for the trip barreled through the door and rolled into a table, smashing it. He continued to watch, stunned as Dusty jumped out the window and galloped off. After several minutes, Thorn shakes himself like a dog and trots into the kitchen to return with the HLT and sets it before Geary. "I...I dont suppose you repair windows too..."
  15. Shanna and Hoss flapped their wings happily, thouroughly enjoying themselves as they heard the gleeful noises from the buffalo. The mare yelled back to the buffalos. "See, now this is the magic of friendship, all of us working together to get you up here." Hoss grinned and added "Yes, exactly! What do you two think of this?" Lightning Horn whooped "This in incredible! It's like standing on a mesa with nothing under me!" Back in the bistro, Flim looked outside in awe, then back at Flam with a smirk "If I remember, my Dear Brother Flam, I agreed with you. As for buffalo affording it, we shall see. Unless I misheard... those ponies are giving rides... *gasp* -for free!"
  16. Snails had been confidently striding forward when the shadow kept getting bigger... He stopped right where he was when there was a sudden roar ahead, but kept his horn glowing. "H-haywire... ah dont think that was th' wind..." He looked around, making the shadows bob a bit, "Um Haywire, Silver Spoon, I'm up fer ideas, includin' backing up...."
  17. A small bay filly no bigger than Scootaloo was buzzing her black-banded wings with effort, a snowy owl had ahold of her saddlebags and was assisting her weak flight. The filly waved a dainty ebon hoof "Okay Blizzy, we're here. lets set me down over there please." Shanna really didnt want her brother to know what happened to her during her errand, so the fewer witnesses the better. The new filly eeked and ducked behind a stump as a disheveled yellow stallion ran around Zecora's tree and burst in. Shanna and Blizzy looked at each other, then back to the hut. The filly spoke in a small voice. "I..I guess I'll just sit here a minute an' see if anypony leaves. It might be a bit..crowded..." Anypony looking out the window will see a black maned filly and a white owl watching the hut...
  18. Would Snails' best bud Snips still have trouble getting in? Would he have pre-registered too? If not this could be a very interesting "Gooonies" slice of action
  19. (OOC; there seems to be some confusion as to which pony the foal is on. I'll go with her being on Professor Krashkop until Rosewind says she goes to Tiny.) Candy shook her head as Pumpkin Cake made her move, and a new mess "Oh dear! I was afraid of that. Pumpkin, you naughty little foal!" The mare blinked as when she went to grab her, the foal jumped on the professor and he started trotting on reflex, like she had somehow lifted herself with her horn power. Now she was sure of it, Discord may have had some interesting effects on the unborn of Ponyville. She went over to pony Joe and helped him clean himself off "Oh dear. is this anything heard of for unicorn foals, Joe?"
  20. Flim chuckled as the foal was lifted onto his back and trotted proudly out of the railway station. It felt soo good to be entertaining family. I guess it helped their reputation with the GoLucky's that they were getting along so well with their Dear Cousin Miss Fortune. So much so that Reno's father would let them watch the foal for a week. The yellow unicorn totted up to the SSCS6K and let Reno climb off onto the machine. "Yes, yes! A grand tour of Canterlot, Celestia's Sacred ground! A city of many wonders, both mundane and profound! Shall we walk or..." he grinned an nodded to the machine "..drive around?"
  21. The yellow unicorn sat down and watched the earth pony cousin as Ace worked the cards like the twins wove tapestries with words. Not wanting to irk the card player he was about to play with, Flim strove not to sing, though some rhyming may occur... Flim went wide eyed and blinked, stunned at the wild names he was tossing out for a "simple" game of poker. "No, No betting, not today. Those styles you mention are bewildering anyway." He ahemed and looked to his right "Dear Brother Flim, Since you are the card player in the team, I suggest you choose what we play." He whispered to Flam "I am glad its for fun and not money, I am quite certain he does with cards what we do with sales, when family is not going to be affected..."
  22. Flim grinned as he also galloped up and offered Reno a hug "Weclome Cousin Reno! We are so glad to have you here." He danced in step with his brother, adding choruses whenever Flam stopped for a breath. "Yes , tell us anything, anything you'll try, Bungee jumping or using a hang glider to fly! To the library, the movies, the play, we're off! Whatever it is we wont scoff. Bowling and pizza are your command? We will do that and whatever you demand! Yes Yes tell us true, Reno GoLucky This week is all about you!" Flim finished on his knees with a florish, his forelegs spread wide. He smiled at Reno, his eyes on the foal's level, before he leaned forward onto all fours. "Well that was a fun song. Care for a ponyback ride back to our transportation while Flam has your luggage?"
  23. The smooth lipped half of the World Famous Flim Flam Brothers gulped as the angry mare stood over him. He would not have minded if Luna had opened the earth under him at that moment facing that angry glare. Flim gasped in surprise as Applejack turned away from him and instead of bucking him into next week, returned with a bushel of apples which she promptly dropped on his back. The unicorn watched, amazed, as Applejack reached into his vest and extracted the price of a bushel of apples. At a loss for words for the first time in his career as a con.. sales pony, he finally found his voice. "A-after all we did...why?...." His mind was sent reeling when she gave him a lukewarm kiss on the cheek. The angry mare told him off but good and ordered him to leave, which he did, galloping quickly in the direction he could feel his brother was. It suddenly hit him; She was Honesty and Integrity itself... was that what it meant? He didnt' know what was worse; that their perfume business would continue on the benefit of something the Brothers considered something for suckers they could drop at their convenience, "honesty"... or the memory of the honest kiss that would surely fill his dreams for weeks... "Why... why could we not have tried this honesty when we met her..." -----Meanwhile------ Thorn the donkey, currently wearing a derby and string tie, had been traveling to visit his parents in Canterlot for a few days, when there was a layover in Ponyville waiting for the Friendship Express. His eyes widened as he read the flyers. A great hero mare, one of those that had even come to Appleoosa, and made it safe for Madam Bistro and him to come and open her B&B Bistro. One who had even worked for Cherry Jubilee over in Dodge Junction for a couple weeks before her friends came and got her back in a tussle still being talked about in the salt lick bars in Dodge Junction and Appleoosa. "Apples and a kiss? I do believe my parents deserve some Sweet Apple Acre apples, and how often does a donkey get to kiss a pony? And a Heroine of Equestria at that?" Thorn smiled and the russet donkey trotted to Sweet Apple Acres, following the directions and soon arrived at the end of the line as a face that had plagued Appleoosa galloped by in fear "Was that one of the Flim Flam Brothers?"
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