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Status Updates posted by MetalBronyATL

  1. If there was a top five list of the worst things to happen to humanity, nu metal should go somewhere on that list.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Halide


      I honestly would've said wall street is a lot more deserving of a place on that list.

    3. Apolline Allura

      Apolline Allura

      Mmmmm... Wall Street is so dreamy...

    4. Solaria


      I'd say the Mayan apocalypse not coming to pass tops the list for me. Oh well, Norse Ragnarok in a few days! Second chances.

  2. If you ask me, the Hub is pretty lucky to have MLP. Most of the other shows are pretty terrible.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. starswirlthebearded


      Really? I'm pretty sure what they are doing is playing all batman in order (TAS then New Batman Adventures now Batman Beyond (which is what is currently playing) And will go back to Batman TAS when that is done. As for Tiny Toons and Animaniacs... I watch them *everyday.* Check the Hub's schedule, they are still there.

    3. MetalBronyATL


      I was referring to Littlest Pet Shop and stuff like that. That show is abhorable.

    4. SongHeart


      oh. theyre not on when I'm awake I guess. and @metalbrony oh yeah those shows suck....

  3. If you listen to the albums Epica and The Black Halo by Kamelot all the way through, your life will be better.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. starswirlthebearded


      oh wait... you meant the album Epica by Kamelot not the band, sorry :P

    3. MetalBronyATL


      To answer your question, I am in fact a fan of the BAND Epica, as well as Amaranthe. On that note, I'm pretty sure Elize Ryd is the most beautiful woman on the planet. :P

    4. QuickLime


      Funny! Last I checked my names not Elize Ryd!

  4. In Flames + Opeth Tour is coming to Atlanta this December! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *fangirling intensifies*

  5. In Flames <3

    1. SongHeart


      This is what I want my homeschool program in

  6. In Flames is the best band in the universe.

  7. In Flames is the greatest band ever. Have I ever mentioned that they're my favorite band? I don't think I have.

  8. In Flames is the greatest band ever. Who agrees?

    1. Sailu


      if you like them check out the raven and the reaping. i like them too though~

    2. Sailu


      if you like them check out the raven and the reaping. i like them too though~

  9. In Flames, my favorite band, followed me on Twitter recently. I sent them a funny picture and they retweeted it. Now I'm dealing with a thousand notifications from people retweeting it.

  10. In my last status when I said that people who don't listen to melodic death metal are wrong, I was totally kidding. There is no best music and I respect all opinions. Again, I was joking. Why so serious, guys? lol

  11. In other news, my face is bruised from falling out of bed this morning. Also, Applejack is best pony.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Killjoy


      actually the party horse does because what happens when all morale of ponies fail...chaos...chaos is what happens. Pinkie keeps the balance by making sure everypony is content. Apple can't maintain order, but laughter can.

    3. stormchaser1991


      i agree with killjoy

    4. tacobob


      Let me ask this random pony in Ponyville..Hey Mister! Who's the better pony, Rarity, or Applejack?

  12. In our town, in our town, we work as a team! You can't have a nightmare, if you never dream!

  13. In your spare time, watch a S1 episode and then watch a S4 episode. It's quite astounding how far this show has come in a short period of time.

    1. tacobob


      It's still all awesome. :3

  14. Is it bad that I get a weird feeling when a Mod/Admin/Well-Respected Member visits my profile?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rosewind


      *shifty eyes*

    3. leapman


      Oh no! She spotted me...I need to engage LURKER MODE!

    4. Dabom444


      To da Moooon!!

  15. Is it possible to change your username?

    1. Corsair


      Yep. just have to make a request to the site admins, Diomedes and Rosewind. They can help you out.

    2. leapman


      But I like MetalBronyATL :I

  16. It doesn't matter if you see glass half empty or half full, because at the end of the day, you still only have half a glass of water.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. MetalBronyATL


      Ewww. Good riddance. I prefer rum.

    3. Smartbrony


      But no matter what the glass is full. One part water, the rest air. :)

    4. Dunder


      What if you think it's water, but you actually find out it's Hydrochloric acid?

  17. It feels weird that there wasn't a new episode today. Hopefully the next one is worth the wait.

  18. It's an Opeth kind of day.

  19. It's been, what, three weeks since Simple Ways came out? I still can't get over Rarity's cowboy boots. That much fabulousity should be illegal.

    1. SongHeart


      sweet celestia i hope you don't hear about her going to be wearing native american stuff in next weeks episode....

  20. It's cold and I don't like it.

  21. It's cold.

    1. SymphonicFire


      Don't worry. When it is summer you'll say it's hot

  22. It's currently 4:46pm in Georgia, and nothing catastrophic has happened. Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself. Icestorms suck.

  23. It's one of those days where I wish somebody would crack my skull open with a baseball bat. I'm sorry, I'm not one to complain needlessly on the internet, but I'm absolutely in the gutter right now.

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