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RP Certified
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Status Updates posted by MetalBronyATL

  1. I'm now RP Certified, play a cast character, have a professionally drawn OC and have RP banners for my characters. *sniff* I finally feel important.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. leapman
    3. DreamySunday


      Metal... Are you calling me non important?..

    4. MetalBronyATL


      Of course not! What made you think that? *pushes status under bed*

  2. I'm one of those rare few bronies who's not into any other fandom. I'm not into Pokemon, anime, etc. Ponies are just my only thing. Unless of course you consider World of Warcraft and Elder Scrolls fandoms.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MetalBronyATL


      Well, nevermind then. Lol. I didn't know if WoW was a fandom since it's a MMO, but I guess I see why Elder Scrolls is one now that I think about it.

    3. GhostGirl


      Elder Scrolls totally has a fandom. It even has conflict between people who think Skyrim is best and people who think Morrowind is best.

    4. Halide


      Because nobody thinks Oblivion was the best one. Really, nobody does.

  3. I'm one of those rare few bronies who's not into any other fandom. I'm not into Pokemon, anime, etc. Ponies are just my only thing.

  4. I'm serious, Maud is the greatest character ever. I've put my RariTavia fanfic on hold just so I can ship myself with her.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MetalBronyATL


      I definitely won't disagree with you, however my self inserts are pretty good because, well.....I'm just awesome in every catagory.

    3. Bluelight


      HEY HEY HEY! What happened to the princess of the night?

    4. Killjoy


      Metal knows I put Luna off limits...she's mine.

  5. I'm seriously getting so pissed at the blatant homophobia I'm surrounded by. Welcome to the rural South everybody.

    1. YourLittleBrony


      I heard that some counties in Alabama are now refusing to marry ANYONE, regardless of whether or not they are a heterosexual couple. *insert endless facehoofs*

  6. I'm significantly less obsessed with Starlight Glimmer now, so I suppose it's time to return to the Church of Applejack.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AlextheAngel
    3. Corsair


      Nope! Starlight has your cutie mark now. You're stuck!

    4. tacobob


      The Church of Applejack will always welcome back strays...

  7. I'm so sick and tired of life right now.

  8. I'm so sorry guys, I know it's been forever since that episode aired, but I can't help it............Rarity's cowboy boots are so fabulous.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MetalBronyATL


      The struggle is real. I am torn between apples and fabulousity.....

    3. XanXeto


      Hmmm... *Takes the boots and adds ruby apple charms to them, running down the length of the boots* Be torn no more, and have the best of both worlds. :3

    4. tacobob


      Trenderhoof....He went to Ponyville for Rarity..But he stayed for the Applejack! :)

  9. I'm so tired of people confusing metal and screamo. They're too different genres. That's like saying country and bluegrass are the same. Metal takes talent, screamo sucks.

  10. I'm so tired of people confusing metal and screamo. They're two different genres. That's like saying country and bluegrass are the same. Metal takes talent, screamo sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. RarityDash


      It's getting to be a stretch to call Taylor Swift country; most of her big songs are pretty pure pop now at least. As for the original point, while distinct from the current sound, bluegrass really can fairly be classified as a variety of country music. Screamo, on the other hand is a sub genre of emo which has its root in punk rock; it is indeed fairly well removed from metal.

    3. Xarionette


      so i link someone to cannibal corpse's song, Hammer smashed face. they respond "oh i don't like screamo." i retorted with several things that would get me in trouble if i repeated them here.

    4. tacobob


      Tries to like all types of music. :3

  11. I'm so tired. Like I can't function.

  12. I'm so tired. Somebody help.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. QuickLime



    3. MetalBronyATL



    4. starswirlthebearded


      Here have metal on some bagpipes spewing flames

  13. I'm sorry for the depressing status, but I feel it's important to say this. Three years ago today one of my best friends took their own life. If you ever feel hopeless or depressed or anything, please get help and please let somebody know. Talk to ME if you want, I'll listen to you. Much love guys. <3

    1. Slazer


      As someone who has, on two separate occasions, known the kind of depression and mindset that drives someone to take their own life, I truly appreciate you taking the time to say this.

  14. I'm very confused on my best pony stance. It's either Applejack, Rarity, Luna or Cadence. The struggle is real.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Corsair


      Four choices, but none of them is correct. :P

    3. Dio


      Princesses. Always go with princesses.

    4. tacobob


      Bleh! There's like twenty princesses...But there's only one Applejack! :3

  15. I've broken a chair, spilled sweet tea everywhere, and quite possibly hurt my sprained ankle more, but I don't even care. My Falcons just stomped the Saints into the ground. I'm having a field day.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MetalBronyATL


      I should make it a song. The next one would be called "MetalBrony takes football too seriously."

    3. CaptainMcDerp


      Pffft, this whole status gave me the lulz. XD

    4. tacobob


      Oh no, you gone and spilled your sweet, sweet tea! Just thinking about that has done and given me the vapors! (Faints!)

  16. I've come to the realization that I'm madly in love with Starlight Glimmer. Like Oh My God.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MetalBronyATL
    3. ShadowWalking18


      Whats not to love about a crazy cult leader :P

    4. SteelEagle


      Some attractive elemets

  17. I've gone one whole month without a cigarette. I haven't felt this good in a long time.

    1. tacobob
    2. Rosewind


      Hey congrats, you should feel super good about yourself for that!

    3. Blueblood
  18. I've never personally met another brony before. Closest I ever came was when I saw a guy with a Rainbow Dash t-shirt at my friend's apartment, but was unable to talk to him.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pinkewafflepie


      I'm gonna go to brony con someday

    3. MetalBronyATL


      I'm still waiting on Brony Con to come to Atlanta. I don't think I could fund a trip to any of the surrounding states.

    4. stormchaser1991


      i plan on going to brony con someday also

  19. I've posted a blog post explaining what's been going on with me lately. Check it out if you're wondering what's been going on.

  20. I've seriously dropped the ball with RPing, among a lot of other things lately. Life keeps finding a new way to screw me lately. I'm too a point where I can't wake up without dreading the day anymore. I'm sorry guys, I don't mean to complain, I'm just really in a hole right now.

  21. I've struggled with it for so long, but I'm happy to finally say that I've officially quit smoking cigarettes. 2016 will be a year of improving my health.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. MetalBronyATL


      Good luck to you man. The only advice I can give you is don't find something else to fill the void. You just have to suck it up and go cold turkey.

    3. Dio


      Gratz, man! I know how rough it can be from seeing my military friend struggle with it. Keep it up!

    4. Admin


      I'm so proud of you! I'm trying to lay off the cake, personally.

  22. If anybody wants to add me on Skype, my name is moonshieldatl. I don't have a camera yet but I plan on getting one soon. As for posts, I know I said I'd post today, but I promise it will be soon. Peace, everypony.

  23. If anypony needs me, I'll be busy cleaning my brains off the ceiling, because today's episode blew my mind.

  24. If only I could sleep. I'm running on six Mountain Dews right now. My health is most likely plummeting.

  25. If the series ended for good after today, I'd be satisfied. That episode was beautiful.

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