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Angie Cakes

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I keep clicking on the new content button, but there's never any new interesting topics :scream: I guess that means it's time for me to make a new one

lets reach into my grab bag of generic questions...

what kind of jobs do you guys have?

me being the highly-reliant-on-my-parents-16-year-old that I am, have never had a real job before. I've done a bit of babysitting though :P

no spell check because I'm too lazy~

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I'm a cashier...but soon, I'll be giving up that life of taking the guff from everypony that gives it, using the phrase 'kill them with kindness' without mercy and taking up the role of navigator for a trucker then becoming one myself.

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I'm in tech support, working for one of the world's "leading IT companies". Usually customers will want their issues resolved immediately on the PC, even if it's their fault. (I downloaded something and the next thing I knew, I've got pop-ups everywhere, I don't care if I derped it, you must fix it or I'll never buy another [insert company name here] product again!)

I'm usually overworked since I handle a team under me. I also have to deal with overbearing bosses and higher ups. I always have overtime work and stuff. It sounds miserable I know but the only thing keeping me going is the feeling of being able to help someone resolve an issue and that they were really grateful for it.

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I work at an entertainment store called Hastings. We sell books and CDS, and rent and sell movies and video games. We also sell some t-shirts and action figures, board games, puzzles... we just sell a lot of miscellaneous stuff. I work at the register and in the books section on different days.

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I work at a video game store as a shift manager. I was recently promoted so I'm still learning the ropes. However, I rather enjoy it and most days I only mildly feel the urge to smack a customer for questions that make me wonder if their messing with me or just really really, well, dumb. My favorite question? Well...

Customer - Hey, I'm looking for this DS game...

Me - Okay, what's it called?

Customer - I don't know...

Me - *stare*

Customer - But it comes with a lot of games...

Me - Oh, you mean like the Namco Museum or Arcade games?

Customer - No no, it has a bunch of games like Mario, Pokemon and s**t.

Me - Oh, I know which ones, yeah, no... Those are illegal to sell in the US.

Customer - Do you sell them though?

Me - *sigh* No, they're illegal...

Customer - Well, do you know where I can find one?

Me - No. They. Are. I-LLE-GAL.

Customer - Come on, don't be like that. You MUST know.

Me - *facehoof* Seriously, I don't know. Again, they are illegal to sell in the US. I have no clue, you are just going to have to go it alone.

Customer - Fine f**k*r, you just don't want to tell me cause you're a p*ss*!

Me - *sigh and stare* Can I help you with anything else?

Customer - Yeah! F**K OFF! *walks away*

Me - Have a great day sir!

Customer - *middle finger*

Yup! Granted not all conversations are word for word like this, but most questions related to this follow a similar pattern. Still, I enjoy my job and you know why? Benefit of knowledge! Like, did you ponies know that the Batman Arkham City game has a collectors edition? Yes? Well, do you ponies know what it looks like or for that matter held it in your own hoofs and gawked at it with a longing gaze? I know I have :blah:

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i have 2 part time jobs actually.

1. I work at a Wawa as a Coffee host which basically means make coffee etc.for customers. (It's a regional convenience Store think of like a 7-11 or Quik Check and that's Wawa for you)

2. I work at a local movie theater as a ticket taker.

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i have 2 part time jobs actually.

1. I work at a Wawa as a Coffee host which basically means make coffee etc.for customers. (It's a regional convenience Store think of like a 7-11 or Quik Check and that's Wawa for you)

2. I work at a local movie theater as a ticket taker.

ah, I thought you said you were working IN wawa for a second there. Wawa is the small town where my grandparents used to live.

ah, they're not dead D: they just sold the house and live on a farm now

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The economy is restraining my employment attempts. I live in a place with fourteen percent unemployment. I sold my soul to McDonald's and Walmart. Both of them rejected me.

Right now, I don't think it's possible for me to land a job, being that I've never had one. There's always someone out there with this so-called "experience" that people apparently want, when people that held jobs five months ago are dying to flip hamburgers and help grandma tell the difference between toner cartridges for minimum wage.

It'll probably be a few months or years, (preferably the former) before I can land a job. Until then, I'll just enjoy not having to work, because once I go into the working world, I won't be leaving for a long time.

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I work as a pastry cook in an artisanal little shop in Paris (I have Pinkies' and the Cakes' job). I do a lot of individual little cakes and baked goods but no big cakes (which anoys me, I want to learn to do this). I'm trying to find a job somewhere else in order to learn different things and to have my own house and stuff.

I've also worked a few student jobs, I've watched over kids in a school, I've been an office monkey ( "administrative assistant" where I basically answered the phone and did whatever my superior didn't wanted to do (sorting mail, sending stuff, classifying things) ) and both of them paid well for student jobs. I've also worked in a museum, where I made sure nobody did anything stupid (basically, I did nothing and ensured everybody did nothing as well).

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i have 2 part time jobs actually.

1. I work at a Wawa as a Coffee host which basically means make coffee etc.for customers. (It's a regional convenience Store think of like a 7-11 or Quik Check and that's Wawa for you)

2. I work at a local movie theater as a ticket taker.

WAWA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now give me a Hoagie, STAT!

I make the online courses to go along with college textbooks (Mathematics only). Basically, I'm a Project Manager.

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Well, I WAS PC support and IT purchaser for a chain of nursing homes. Then, they started selling off the nursing homes and they downsized the IT staff. Right now, I'm basically doing data entry at a large bank in their loan support department.

In the past, I've worked several retail jobs, worked at two different pizza places behind the counter,worked two summers at a theme park, worked in a couple of warehouse jobs, in a mail room, and also spent 6 1/2 years in the US Navy.

On an odd note, four of the stores I've worked at and one company have subsequently gone out-of-business after I worked there.

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I work in fast food... I'm trying to become an assistant manager, but  i'm not sure how thats gonna work out... I WANT to work at Gamestop or something...

We all want to work at Gamestop or something, in reality....I mean hello, paid to play games? Too bad they want gaming experience for FPS which I don't play at all.
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We all want to work at Gamestop or something, in reality....I mean hello, paid to play games? Too bad they want gaming experience for FPS which I don't play at all.

Well, no, its not about playing games on the job... in fact i doubt they EVER get to actually PLAY games on the clock... but its more about it being something i'm knowledgeable about, and something i'm interested in talking about... Chicken is delicious, but you can't make a conversation piece out of it, and theres not really much discussion about which chicken would be best to get...

but at Gamestop or something, i know about games, i can talk about games, i can help people find games, etc... it's something i know and enjoy, and just talking about and being able to be around what i enjoy that would be fun... playing games all day would be fun for a while, but thats not really what i want.

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