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Brony friends or family?


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Have any friends or family members that are bronies?

Almost all my best friends are bronies (turned by me or my friend Sammy). My boyfriend is pretty 'meh' to the show, but he knows all the characters and will watch it with me (it's not action/adventurey enough for him)

Sadly, I have no brony family members (mostly because I only have a few teenage cousins, most of which have no interest in cartoons). My mom knows of my bronyness, she's pretty indifferent. She wants me to 'grow up' and stop obsessing over cartoons, comics, and collecting toys; but on the other hand she knows it's those things that make me different and interesting. She tells her friends that "My Little Pony is the new hip thing." She's talked about buying me pony toys, but I guess she just doesn't want to keep track of which ones I have, lol.

What makes me sad is that I wear my pony shirts to college (which has about 2,000 students) but no one has stopped to comment on it or even give them a second glance. No college bronies for Brass Song. ;3;

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lesee here. my sister has watched all of season one. we had a marthon during the summer. she's waiting for season two to be over so we can have another marathon next summer.

I have one converted friend. he hasn't watched most of season 2 yet. he's waiting for Christmas break to have a marathon

and that's it. everybody who I know that watches ponies won't watch 'cause they're waiting to watch them all at once. I have nobody to share my excitment about the new episodes with TT3TT what's even sadder is that my converted friend (the more brony-like of the two) has other brony friends, so by the time he sees me, he's already had all his discussions.

also, my family thinks that female teenagers are the people who make up the fanbase, and every time I tell them that it's mostly adult males, they're shocked (even though I've told them all a good ten times already). my family doesn't think much of my brony-ness, they just think it's one of those wierd things I like

do we not have a topic for this already? I can't think of one...

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What makes me sad is that I wear my pony shirts to college (which has about 2,000 students) but no one has stopped to comment on it or even give them a second glance. No college bronies for Brass Song. ;3;

Same story here, although instead of wearing the clothes, I have FiM for my laptop and cellphone wallpapers and draw the characters in public. No one's stopped and chatted so I dunno if that means no bronies or no bronies want to reveal themselves.

Actually, I did come across someone drawing FiM-style characters on her laptop and stopped to talk but it turned out she was just a fan of the toy line, not the show itself. Sooooo.... cloooosse....

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I was converted by many friends at my school. I used to fall into the group that thought MLP in general was for small children, but after having to sit in a class watching the first episode, I got interested. Now I've been trying to convert other friends who still refuse to watch the show even when they listen to all the songs.

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I have 1 friend on a forum that's a brony, and 2 that like the show but dont *love* it...

In Real Life, my DM's a brony (makes for some hilarious in-jokes during games) but nobody else... (well nobody I know, there's a girl I know at a local shop who loves anime, cartoons, and furries, so I suspect she might be, but I've not had a chance to ask her...)

It's a lonly life for a brony in a rural small down in the bible belt...

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My two younger brothers and I regularly quote MLP at each other. My middle brother has a Derpy shirt, my youngest brother is nicknamed Applejack in his section in marching band (and before competitions, the low brass passes around a Celestia figure and presses her button for luck), and what's more is I discovered MLP independently from them. I was posting about it on Facebook and my brothers welcomed me to the herd. There was brohoofing.

I converted one of my roommates, too. She bought me a Fluttershy when I was having a horrible day, and I gave her that little crystal Pinkie Pie keychain.

Then she got me this for my birthday:


Best roommate ever? I think yes.

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My two younger brothers and I regularly quote MLP at each other. My middle brother has a Derpy shirt, my youngest brother is nicknamed Applejack in his section in marching band (and before competitions, the low brass passes around a Celestia figure and presses her button for luck), and what's more is I discovered MLP independently from them. I was posting about it on Facebook and my brothers welcomed me to the herd. There was brohoofing.

I converted one of my roommates, too. She bought me a Fluttershy when I was having a horrible day, and I gave her that little crystal Pinkie Pie keychain.

Then she got me this for my birthday:


Best roommate ever? I think yes.

OMG, that's amazing.

Best room mate ever for sure!

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Most of my close friends are bronies because of me, and through them we've spread the interest in ponydom to around 50 people in our area. It was around episode 10's release that I started showing the series to my skeptical bros...

I've shown my mother and she enjoys it, but isn't too interested. My sister knows about it, but she's too busy with her job and apartment and boyfriend and all to watch it.

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