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Advertising sucks.

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So yeah, i can't help but notice how horrible advertising is nowadays... commercials usually have little to do with what they're selling... It's becoming an annoyance. how do advertisers not notice how idiotic their commercials are?

For example, watching the daily show online. commercial with Alex Trebic advertising wheat thins. basically a guy is telling a story, and Alex is interrupting him with random tidbits of information barely relating to his story. it ends with "Do what you do with Wheat thins"

.... So wheat thins turn you into a know-it-all who can't stfu? I dont want to but wheat thins if that's the case!

I can see how it MIGHT work in reality. the commercial is so stupid that people get to talking about it, and suddenly Wheat thins is on everyone's mind... so when they see it in the store you get reminded that it's been on you mind and you want it subconsciously.

but CONSCIOUSLY i think its stupid, idiotic, pointless, a waste of money, and the EXACT reason i want to skip commercials... now if they made commercials as entertaining as the shows i'm watching, than i wouldn't even WANT to skip them! The super bowl commercials are AWESOME, i love watching them, they'er fun, funny, and epic! I dont even like football, but i will watch the super bowl merely for the commercials! They need to do these commercials more often...

So, Discuss bad commercials, good commercials, and what commercials you would make to advertise something...

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I make it a point to not watch commercials if I'm watching television for some reason! Which, incidentally, is not often now that S2 is over.

I also agree a lot of ads are really dumb, and there's a lot of psychological reasoning for that.

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So yeah, i can't help but notice how horrible advertising is nowadays... commercials usually have little to do with what they're selling... It's becoming an annoyance. how do advertisers not notice how idiotic their commercials are?

For example, watching the daily show online. commercial with Alex Trebic advertising wheat thins. basically a guy is telling a story, and Alex is interrupting him with random tidbits of information barely relating to his story. it ends with "Do what you do with Wheat thins"

.... So wheat thins turn you into a know-it-all who can't stfu? I dont want to but wheat thins if that's the case!

I can see how it MIGHT work in reality. the commercial is so stupid that people get to talking about it, and suddenly Wheat thins is on everyone's mind... so when they see it in the store you get reminded that it's been on you mind and you want it subconsciously.

but CONSCIOUSLY i think its stupid, idiotic, pointless, a waste of money, and the EXACT reason i want to skip commercials... now if they made commercials as entertaining as the shows i'm watching, than i wouldn't even WANT to skip them! The super bowl commercials are AWESOME, i love watching them, they'er fun, funny, and epic! I dont even like football, but i will watch the super bowl merely for the commercials! They need to do these commercials more often...

So, Discuss bad commercials, good commercials, and what commercials you would make to advertise something...

All commercial aim at Viral adding which is an ad aimed to spawn a memetic effect. Most meme are stupid or used in a folly(humorous) fashion so the commercial are designed to reproduce the same wide spread effect which reduces the cost of advertising since only an internet or movie ad can be utilized while after spawning a memetic effect the ad will be carried via single person to social circle to other social circles. There are many ways to achieve a memetic effect but because the desired effect is mostly organic and random, the actual success of getting this desired outcome is low. The idea is that by using a standard set of viral add gimmicks they can achieve this viral effect or at LEAST increase the standard chances.

One is the use of a likeable avatar-the Old Spice guy-which very silly but charming and likeable.

The second is a witty commercial that aimed at delivering a point, companies don't utilize this commercial because for the most part they come off as arrogant and annoying over something un-important like...chocolate..(what are you going to say: Your life sucks, eat chocolate. This chocolate is great, YOUR an idiot is you don't buy it-

Third is the utilization of sneak ads and jokes the one you have addressed.

The whole idea of a viral add is that a standard ad will by and large only cross the first bridge of desired communication- getting the message through- although there is an un-notified and very important SECOND bridge that requires crossing to make an ad not only successful but have extensive chances at achieving a memetic effect. This is charm and wit, the idea is that the ad destroys the sense of faceless, emotionless corporate image that all companies have built over the years by assuming a typical social stance via a message. You can consider these ads no more a lame, annoying joke that a stranger trying to tell you to break the ice.

The use of avatar is more successful in this I think because it actually gives a face to the company as well a personality if successful but the problem is that avatar require some level of commitment and if it generally un-likeable they won't be able to scrub off its stench so easily.

In short, they are using a well known method that has accumulated good viral effects in the past but just trying to be equal footing in terms of personality with your buyers is not easy. Its not easy to turn a box...with the words.."buy this" into something the person will actually like, find charming and want to interact with. A good viral video has interaction between the companies and the buyers-once again referring to the old spice guy-and thus react faster and more organically thanks to micro managing via the internet.

So..yes...they suck...marginally..but..most ads suck. They are ads. If they were good we would be excited to watch them. For all the stupidity behind it, there are methods behind the madness.

Anyway. I'm not really into marketing, I just had to make a viral ad assignment in college, we don't really go that deep. This is mostly light research and guessing on my part.

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I'm glad to see that we're not the only ones in France to have bad adds. Honestly, i've also ben observing that phenomenon which is the steadyly decrease in credibility of adds. Each time a new add i'm like "Oh my.....what the **** is that ***.."

There was a time where the big thing was to redub american / english adds with dubing not at all matching the lips, making it so obvious you just remembered the add not for its product but because how bad it was dubed. But even worth, now they are redubing even FRENCH videos! They don't even try to make it sound comvincing or reshooting a piece of the advertisment, they really just rework the scripts, with the same pictures.

Good adds are really now rare to find, and take us really for dumb people..and it's universal.

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As long as the add isn't ten million times louder then the show I'll be happy with it

It turns out that ads are not louder in absolute volume than the tv shows. They just hang out near the maximum allowable volume, while a reasonable tv show only goes there for short things like gun shots.

Also, ads are pretty amazing. They allow us to pay for content without money.

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this add just makes me hope that that car's parachute didnt deploy properly. Seriously what are they trying to say? I got nothing from that. Its like they all sat down and said "Ok whats our next add campaign." "...i dunno but wouldnt it be cool to drop one of our new models out of a plane, I always thought that would be cool." "aw yeah me too lets do it!"

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On the volume thing, I remember reading somewhere (online) that the old rule was that the commercial couldn't be louder than the show so that's where the "hovering at the level of the loudest sound in the show" phenomena happened. But there are supposed to be new rules going into effect that specify that the average volume, not the peak, is the limit on ads. Soooo can't wait for that!

I hate most ads. I love the "Where rainbows -PUNCH HOLES INT HE SKY!-" bit though. :smirk:

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Internet advertisement: Can be scammed, a touch of soft porn, lies, etc.

TV advertisement: A few funny(Most of the hilarious one was the last Super Bowl game's commercials) ones, cliched with humor, and its better than the Internet's.

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  • 1 month later...

So yeah, i can't help but notice how horrible advertising is nowadays... commercials usually have little to do with what they're selling... It's becoming an annoyance. how do advertisers not notice how idiotic their commercials are?

For example, watching the daily show online. commercial with Alex Trebic advertising wheat thins. basically a guy is telling a story, and Alex is interrupting him with random tidbits of information barely relating to his story. it ends with "Do what you do with Wheat thins"

.... So wheat thins turn you into a know-it-all who can't stfu? I dont want to but wheat thins if that's the case!

I can see how it MIGHT work in reality. the commercial is so stupid that people get to talking about it, and suddenly Wheat thins is on everyone's mind... so when they see it in the store you get reminded that it's been on you mind and you want it subconsciously.

but CONSCIOUSLY i think its stupid, idiotic, pointless, a waste of money, and the EXACT reason i want to skip commercials... now if they made commercials as entertaining as the shows i'm watching, than i wouldn't even WANT to skip them! The super bowl commercials are AWESOME, i love watching them, they'er fun, funny, and epic! I dont even like football, but i will watch the super bowl merely for the commercials! They need to do these commercials more often...

So, Discuss bad commercials, good commercials, and what commercials you would make to advertise something...

EDIT: Just to add another rant.. I hate companies that completely miss the point of 'social marketing'. Some companies get some good advertising from have a good Facebook or Twitter page that people enjoy liking/following. Yet some companies just completely miss the point and upload crap that nobody cares about then wonder why nobody gives a foal's hoof about their company :I

..oh... and really shallow attempts at viral marketing. ... no.

I completely agree...

There are so many pretentious and lazy adverts out there that you can't help but think, "How much money have they wasted on that?"

There are a couple of diamonds in the sewage of adverts though :P I guess half the time it must be companies going to some media company saying "WE WANT ADVERTZ IN LIEK 3 DAYS PLZ". Well that's how it seems anyway..

But yeah, agreed <3

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Like many things, they can all be hit and miss. In with the "Equestria girls" you also have your "EHT'S TWALAHT SPORKLES BAHLEWN's". I'm also a great believer in 'anti-advertising' of products. If an ad annoys you so much you vow never to buy one of the company's products ever.

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