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  • QuickLime

    Guidelines and Etiquette for Chatting and Rping In CanterChat

    By QuickLime

    Hello and Welcome to QL'S Guide! I know I already posted earlier today on how to Register your nickname on Canterchat! Link to it is here! But for now I want to talk to you about how one should act, and roleplay in the new and improved Canterlot IRC Irc is a bit different than the old chat, this guide will be broken up into 3 parts 1: Name Etiquette 2: Chatting Etiquette 3: Roleplaying Etiquette Name Etiquette It should BE obvious but you should NEVER use a username that is not yours, and when

So then

A few good things are new. One, I'm becoming a Raver, Kandi Kid, whatever you call us, and secondly, ties with the first but I got me my first Raver beads!!!! Another good thing is this girl is being a. kandi Kid with me! Best thing is, she's a pegasister....and the love of my life....BUT more on that in my rants so if your curious check there



Something That Isn't About Nightmare Night

So... I originally wasn't going to post anything that even mentioned that glorious fiasco even in passing, but it was too delicious not to. No, what I felt like posting about is cliques. Have you noticed them? Perhaps. Some of them are very subtle. Many of you likely read over the evidence every day. But tell me, have you ever studied the little awards? Perhaps the number of likes certain posts get? The origin of the likes even? I won't go into further detail than this, that would spoil ALL of t



Nightmare Night 2013: A bit of a rant

I'll start right off by saying that I really do appreciate the staff trying to come up with something really cool. I know from my own RP experience that mega-events can be a lot of fun, both playing and running them. However, there have been a couple... shall we say, issues I've noticed in this year's Nightmare Night event. I'm not as frustrated as I was two days ago, when I posted a somewhat uncalled-for long and ranty comment on QuickLime's blog, so hopefully I can be somewhat fairer in eva



How Nightmare night 2013 happened (In my head)

(This is a joke.) So once upon a time in the year 1942, DIo invented the lightbulb but it wasn't called the lightbulb at first, it was called Nightmare night! What Dio didn't know was that lurking in the shadows of the run down motel complex that he called his lab was the dastardly Ruler of Equestria! We all know her as Rosewind now, though. Anyway, Rosewind was an evil genius and decided to write down Nightmare night and everything about it so she could steal it and sell it for ONE MILLION DOLL



What GodModing and Over Powered is, and why you shouldn't do it

The recent slew of Godmoding in NMN has really brought this issue to my attention! So tonight folks we are going to talk about Godmoding/OPing and why you shouldn't do it . It's /RUDE/! Who do you think you are by deciding someone isn't doing an action you want them to, and then forcing them to do it instead? No, don't do it, not even for the sake of "The story" unless you get PERMISSION. Example: "HEY COME HERE!" I called at Fluttershy, and then Fluttershy came over blushing" No, if it is



someone to talk to

if you need a non judgement ear to just sit and listen to your rants, raves problems or what not if your open to it my door is open just drop me a PM and I'll offer my insight and see if i can help thanks Sailu



Scratch's Rants {1}

Yo, Scratch here for just a random little rant. I just wanna say, we bronies and pegasisters let other people's negative opinions affect us TOO MUCH! We just need to let loose and tell those people 'I don't care cause no matter what, I have my opinion and you have yours'. Problem being, I see SO MANY of us just hiding out cause we're afraid we'll lose our friends, family, and rep because we say we're a brony or a pegasister. I just want EVERYONE OUT THERE to know this, I am BISEXUAL and a BRONY




Well, it's NIGHTMARE NIGHT! Best holiday EVER for it features one of my favorite characters, the lovely night mother Princess Luna aka Nightmare Moon. So like, anyone got any good Nightmare Night (aka Halloween) techno, rave, or generally good songs for the holiday, give me a heads-up ponies! SCRATCHATTACK SIGNING OFF! *boop*



Neo Reviews: The turnabout storm series

This...this was amazing. I can't tell you how much I love turnabout storm. Unlike most fan-made content I've seen, Turnabout storm just got better and better. I was puzzled at the start, and tried to figure everything out all the way through to the end. I laughed, and I cried. Even now I'm crying as I write this review out to you guys. You know I've gone through some pretty bad times recently, with stuff IRL, things on the Wiki I frequent, and few other things I'd like to keep private, I haven't



talking out loud

well yay me I'm graduating from my trade school in 22 days and getting a $1200 check to boot (taxed of course so about maybe 950) but money for a new amp pedals and a new guitar and start looking for band members. then on to college and working for the rest of my life....sounds like so much fun



Applying for Tier 3 Cast Characters - A Great Opportunity!

Hello everypony! I don't post very often on this blog, but I'd like to address a subject that very near and dear to my heart as a roleplayer on Canterlot.com: Background/Tier 3 Cast Characters! I know that as a roleplayer, naturally folks want to apply for the more popular FiM Cast Characters such as the Mane 6, the Princesses, etc, but to me, there's no greater joy or challenge than to roleplay with a background cast character. Why? Because (1) their history and personality are, for the most



Poor boy....

Poor thing is dealing with a cold, his first. Also, he is crawling. He got his cold from his little friend after he stuck his friend's binky in his mouth.



The story of the internet aether

Hello weary traveler, why don't you sit around my comforting campfire, I'll spin you a tale from my collection of odd stories and offer you some hot chocolate as we begin. Now then are you all settled? Are you comfortable with where you sitting? If not take a chance to get comfy, and we can begin. Now let's see...what story do I pick...Ah, let's talk about the internet aether. Now the internet aether is an enchanting story that can get a bit complicated, so keep your wits about you. Now then, le



What the...Why the...Awww....

So, I've been seeing a lot of hype about Pokemon X/Y and while I don't have a 3ds to play it on, I really want to play it. I love love love Fennikin, it's so cute. But that aside, I've also seen how the game has a horrible glitch. If you save in Lumiose City, your game won't load and the 3ds won't respond. And yes, there is video documentation on it. Is there a fix? Dunno. Unless you plan to blaze the game and hustle through Lumiose, saving there is almost unavoidable. Does it affect Pok



Calliope Steammusic GGG Leftovers

First off, just to clarify, Calliope's parents named her after the Muse, not the instrument. The instrument is named after the same Muse. Second, she did not invent the instrument. She read about it in a book, although she has made some refinements. Third, I put together a YouTube playlist of songs I was going to have her play. The link is . Just never got a chance to state these in RP because of how short the Gala was..




BASS CANNON GO! ATTACK WITH: WUBS! Yo, I'm just a local techno, vinyl, and brony of the great (SACRASM!) state of Kentucky, USA. Lol, well I'm just wanting to start a blog about me and some things I do. I mean if anyone wants to check my EVERDAY stuff, just tell me and I'll do that or make this all bout MLP stuff. Well, I'm ScratchAttack99 but I have a name that I don't care whether you call me Scratch, Cody (my name), or even Kiki that I can go by. Well, not really much to say that I can think



Starting a megaman roleplay site?

Now I don't know if you guys know this or not, but I love mega man. I didn't actually start playing it until recently and I even asked you guys which ones I should play, until I said "You know what, play all the megamans!" So pretty much all in the classic series (Minus 8), plus megaman x, x2, and x3. I also love rping and I thought, "Hey, I already do Sonic, and ponies, and Zelda recently, why not try a mega man roleplay?" So I searched the interwebs only to find that the last post made in a me



Neo Reviews: Mlp episode 20 (My favorite color is green...)

(Warning: The following review contains words written in character to an on going problem here at Neo's internet house. The words of Time Spinner are written in this manner however the words of Change Swipe are written as Neo's true thoughts. Enjoy...) Warning, the following review is about a stupid problem that doesn't even make any sense with characters that seem incredibly annoying and a stupid, lady gaga knock-off! Time Spinner, that's a horrible thing to say. Come on the episode wasn't that



Anatomy of a RP Character #5: Moondancer

MOONDANCER: A COMMENTARY BY BELLOSH101 It always seems like forever since the last blog article these days. It’s been months since the last blog post, character commentary writeup or otherwise. Well sit back and enjoy the ride folks, because this one today might take a while. A looong while..... [/cackle] (Image drawn by LoopEnd) Development Process: First things first, we’ll need a history lesson. You see, Moondancer is technically NOT an original character, for she was born from the de




He's now standing by himself and has said "Dada" with intent. He pulls himself into a stand and will hold onto whatever he just used as leverage until he wants to sit again. Huzzah, he's developing right!



Up to the 7 month mark!

So, I'm going to bring you up to speed on the development of Canterlot's first baby up to his current age and then we'll do routine milestones to celebrate together! First Month: Not much happened, at least on the noticeable level. He began to see colors at around week 3. Second Month: Began holding his head up on his own, began to focus on faces, began to realize he had things attached to him (aka, arms and legs!) Third Month: Oh, boy, those arms and legs began to flail more. He found his han



How many times have you done this in the ChatRoom here?

Really? The people in the chat didn't greet and entertain you within 60 seconds so you get upset and leave? Why do you do this? Here's a tip, kids; Go in the chat and just... hang out. You might have to wait longer than 60 seconds or more for a response. Not everyone is there studying their screens waiting for the next text to be typed to reply too. Also... please note that people are not in there to entertain YOU. YOU may have to initiate a conversation yourself from time to time. Don't sit the



Neo Reviews: The legends of Equestria character creator

I want to look at another character creator that I find does a pretty good job of making pony OC's. Legends of Equestria released their character creator and I figured I'll review it. Anywho let's get to the review. The good: Ponies are in 3D. I can't tell you how long I've awaited this. The mane styles, cutie marks, and tails all look pretty good, oh and that's another thing. There are a huge amount of cutie marks in this creator. While many of my characters don't have their cutie marks in it



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