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Everything posted by Dubstep

  1. Now for one that I heard enough on Pandora to actually memorize the lyrics to!
  2. Now for something that's like a blast from the past (90s~) but from modern times. I always dug MB20, so it's good to know they still are making music!~
  3. Now for a bit of a departure from the rock of the past couple of days for something a little more swing!
  4. Keeping in the theme of weird presented by the last video, here we've got a fairly normal sounding song with a...less than normal video!
  5. And now for something completely different! Some might find this one a little...odd. If you've already seen it you know. If you haven't? Enjoy! One of my faves really.
  6. The personality is in the summary, but I made that clearer/expand on it x3
  7. So, I can't even remember where I found this song, but it's been in my favourites for a while. It's pretty good in general, and the video is wicked trippy.
  8. So let's get this here blog kicked off right. I won't really be adding any fancy commentary on the songs or going into stuff on like a great detail. Just dropping a song in for you to enjoy, or not depending on your tastes. YMMV and all that stuff. So here we go!
  9. Dubstep

    Yù Xīn

    so pretty~
  10. All aboard the Legion Hype Train! Woo woo!~

    1. Rosewind


      I hope Blizzard doesn't decide to end the expac half-finished and induce another year wait for the next...

    2. Dubstep


      I'm really hoping the same. As fun as WoD was, it ended way too soon, with so much that could have been done. But with everything I've seen from Alpha and Beta for Legion, it's shaping up to be one of the best expansions to hit the game in years.

    3. Ciraxis


      Legion Alpha had already more content then whole WoD. I just hope they will add more dungeons in further patches, just like in WotLK and Cataclysm.

  11. Is there a way to like something more than once? o3o I need to like this like, sixty more times or so.
  12. 10/10. 100/100. Best Episode. BEST EPISODE.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dubstep


      Fools! You missed the Ménage à Twi option!

    3. Dio
    4. Dubstep


      Noooo. Twi/Glimglam/Trixie. Or we can go for the ultimate ship: The Great And Powerful Sunlight Sparkdancer.

  13. Some people talk just to hear the sound of their own voice. It baffles me.

  14. You can't flimflam the Glimglam!<3

  15. Man, people out there sure do whine about best Redeemed Character, Starlight Glimmer.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. SunsetSombra


      You may just be burned out on things generally - nothing big or deep required, just plain old mental exhaustion.

    3. Eventide


      That's a plausible hypothesis. ;-) I do have some major exams coming up, that's probably part of it.

    4. Rosewind


      Television in general is pretty awful imo, save for a once-in-a-while thing that might come along.

  17. Woo!~ Five year anniversary! <3

    1. ToothpasteThy


      If you've been here for five years then...

      Gosh, this site is legendary.

      Anyways, congratulations on the milestone, Dubs! Here's to another year of awesomeness~ 


  18. Season 6 incoming! I can already taste the haters' salt~

    1. Dio


      "This is the Dead Sea, the saltiest place on earth.  Other than your mom's basement."

  19. So many good artists around. And meanwhile: I, the humble potato...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lyipheoryia
    3. brianblackberry


      Dude, you''re more popular here than I am, lol. :P

    4. Dubstep


      Pfffft xD that is SO not true

  20. Just realized the two recent OC ideas I've had will bring me up to 440 total @_@

  21. 1am shall forever be my arch-nemesis...

  22. When asked about his goods, the diamond dog couldn't help but to grin and stand up a little straighter as he adjusted his coat "Hehe, well most of the things I trade in are antiques. Things that my pack and I find buried out in the desert. You know, ancient vases, mysterious scrolls, what have you." Gideon nodded his head back towards his cart again. "Gems and jewellery too, but I'm off for the day. Besides, wouldn't wanna take any business attention away from the apple sale here." he said with a wink.
  23. Welcome to Garbageville! Population: Me!

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