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Status Updates posted by MetalBronyATL

  1. Guys, guys, guysguysguysguysguysguysguys, listen to Amon Amarth and play Skyrim at the same time. DO IT!

    1. MagicShine


      Yo not teh boss of me

  2. Shaved my head today. It feels awesome!

  3. I'm done with school, now nothing will stop me from writing my fanfics! *gets distracted by YouTube video*

    1. tacobob


      Remember, when writing all those awesome Tacobob fanfics, it's Tacobob. Not Taco Bob. Thank You. >:D

  4. Just graduated from junior college! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ciraxis


      <Thumbs Up!>

    3. RarityDash


      Maybe with this stage of your education now complete, you'll again realize that Rarity is in fact, best pony. :P (congrats!)

    4. MetalBronyATL


      Thank guys! Even though Applejack is still best pony :P

  5. So I watched the most recent Rainbow Rocks short, and Applejack plays bass. Best pony plays the same instrument that I do. All of my yes.

  6. Today I got told to kill myself because I said I thought Black Veil Brides were cheesy and generic. Gotta love angsty emo kids.

    1. Chevelle


      BVB is 10/10 NOT great.

  7. Graduating junior college this weekend! Going off to a 4-Year with all of my core knocked out. :P

  8. Leedle Leedle Leedle Lee!

  9. So I was wondering, some members have custom member titles. How does one achieve this?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MetalBronyATL


      I figured it was something special among the mods and respected members. Just curious.

    3. MessageinaBottle


      I'm known for building! I think.... *starts thinking about life*

    4. Killjoy


      I think it would be amazing to have the title Awesome Bombastic

  10. I'm very confused on my best pony stance. It's either Applejack, Rarity, Luna or Cadence. The struggle is real.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Corsair


      Four choices, but none of them is correct. :P

    3. Dio


      Princesses. Always go with princesses.

    4. tacobob


      Bleh! There's like twenty princesses...But there's only one Applejack! :3

  11. Keep Calm and Ship RariJack.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SteelEagle


      RariJack is the Omniship's OTP.

    3. RarityDash


      pft! rarijack is mediocre. Raridash is the true way.

    4. ghostfacekiller39


      Rarijack is best ship :D

  12. So I watched EQG again, and I was thinking.....why are the CMC in high school with everyone else when in FiM we know they're significantly younger than the main cast?

    1. GhostGirl


      bear in mind, they also put photo finish (who strikes me as significantly older than the main cast) in high school, too.

    2. MetalBronyATL


      Exactly. And Cheerilee was a faculty, even though she's the same age as the main cast, specifically Rarity since she was in the play she made costumes for.

  13. BronyCon needs to come to Atlanta. Bring the bronyness to Georgia!

    1. tacobob


      Well, you do have a little con called 'Dragoncon' happening over there, and there's bound to be some pony stuff to be found there.

  14. I'm at college and I'm about to do a victory sprint down the hallway because I made an 85 on my microeconomics test that I was sure I'd fail.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bluelight


      a micro-what test?

    3. GhostGirl


      Dude, do it! Passing micro-economics (or really any economics course) is amazing!

    4. starswirlthebearded


      Mostly because microecon is boring as sin.

  15. When I'm having a bad day, you guys cheer me up. I love you guys.

    1. Rosewind
    2. CaptainMcDerp


      I feel exactly the same way. <3 *hugs Canterlot.com*

  16. In Flames is the greatest band ever. Have I ever mentioned that they're my favorite band? I don't think I have.

  17. Morning, everypony! Have a great day, and don't forget that Applejack is best pony! :)

    1. tacobob



    2. Harv0kz


      Nyanpasu. And that's a funny way to say Fluttershy.

    3. stormchaser1991


      silly MetalBrontATL thats not how you spell Pinkie Pie

  18. Already starting another RP app. And yes, he will also be named after an In Flames song. :P

  19. Real talk: I don't like her music, but Lana Del Rey is one of the most gorgeous woman alive.

  20. Unto the Locust by Machine Head is such a good album.

  21. Awwww yeah! Finally RP certified! Thanks RP team! :P

    1. tacobob


      Congrads! Now go out there and play the role!

  22. Guys, what's Robi? I've seen that term floating around a few times and I don't know what it means.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MetalBronyATL


      Oh dear....look what I started

    3. QuickLime


      Naw, I started it earlier XD

    4. MetalBronyATL


      I brought it back to life. :P

  23. True Story: I saw a kid buying an Applejack figure in Wal-Mart, and after asking if he likes FiM he said AJ was his favorite, and we totally high-fived.

  24. Bacon-wrapped steak for dinner. Because 'Murica.

    1. Scarlet


      Bring on the self induced heart attack :P

    2. GhostGirl
  25. I'm in a great mood today. Have a virtual hug, everypony!

    1. Slazer


      *Hug* Hug chain, let's get it going!

    2. Elssir



      With every hugged person we all feel better. :)

    3. Ciraxis
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