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Status Updates posted by Pretzelparty

  1. The street outside my window looks like Silent hill O_O

    1. Sailu


      sweet~ ashes on the streets and super thick fog, and air raid sires

    2. NeoExlucky


      I must live close to you, that's what my neighborhood looks like right now.

  2. There's a new earthpony in WOE... No where to have her first appear. I'm taking suggestions~ She's a bestselling author of horror,supernatural, and thriller books under her name.

    1. RedCedar


      Book signing in your city of choice?

    2. Blueblood


      We're well into the first thread, but I think this will end up being something that snags her interest.

  3. Thinking if I should make an OOC thread for my "Aftermath of a failed invasion" thread...

  4. Thinking of apping a dragon OC for canterlot chronicles ...

  5. thinking of having my magic teaching/scholarpone teach some ponies who need a hoof with elemental and other magic abilities...

    1. DragonoftheSkysAir
    2. Lux


      Got a few ponies that can join.

  6. This event has struck me and a certain flower with inspiration...

  7. to celebrate my first cast app... Imma draw Coco! =3

    1. Lux


      Oh you got Coco Pommel? Congrats!

    2. Pretzelparty


      Thank you, lux! I ope I can do her justice. :)

    3. tacobob


      I'm sure you will. ^_^

  8. to start my use of Coco... I'm thinking of maybe a thread like inkbrand's tattoo parlor where Coco can make ponies outfits and I can draw them... if anyone has any suggestions for where coco would start don't hesitate to speak up!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. starswirlthebearded


      my jazz mare might use her services if this ever comes to pass...

    3. tacobob


      Yeah, somebody needs to cover up all those naked, naked ponies!

    4. Tymiko


      Hey, I think that idea is really cool! I just want to advise you to take caution because I know Inkbrand has a backlog of customers due to the demand of their art, so it might be difficult to keep up with your demand, as well. If you think you can, though, by all means, go for it!

  9. tomorrow will tryo t push out posts for good times, ice storm, factory, hugs, and flim flam

    1. RarityDash


      Don't force yourself if you don't feel up to it. Focus on getting better. :)

    2. tacobob


      And don't forget 'Hassle in Ye Olde Castle'.

  10. Tour of peace, Coltrado, hugs!, nexus race, hassle ... all posts to do today.

  11. Tryign to push through Writer's block...

    1. Lyipheoryia
    2. Blueblood


      *Cheers on PressyPone!*

    3. DerpRavener


      I know that feeling. I wish you the best of luck.

  12. ugh I think I'm getting sick again I hoe it;s not the flu >_<

    1. tacobob


      Ugh. Sorry to hear that. D:

    2. ShadowWalking18


      *Puts on gas mask and hazmat suit* *Thumbs up*

  13. unfair trade, hassle and dreamscape all post si intend to work on tomorrow

    1. tacobob


      Ack! You're naked! Wheres your avatar pic? D:

    2. Pretzelparty


      I kinda accidently erased it... only problem is i don't have the image file on this computer so i cant reupload the old one :(

    3. tacobob


      Hurray! You gots a new one.

  14. until my laptop is fixed expect me not to post in a long while...

  15. upcoming picture of Presteza in a costume... oh what will she be for this Nightmare Night?

  16. Well I won't be going to work today... I guess I should get some posting done.

  17. Well! No posting for me today, not with this welcome image. XD

    1. tacobob


      Ugh. I see what you mean. So far its stopped popping up.

    2. Pretzelparty


      apparently it was an april fools joke XD...

    3. tacobob


      Well, at least there's an RP for this. PIES! Yay!

  18. when you guys make a post as your character, do you listen to music that you feels best captures how they are? Or am I the only one who does this?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ciraxis


      I rather try to choose something that would 'fit' the 'climate' of the scene, even if feelings of my character are different. If I write about events that's foreboding and dark so is the music I listen. Happy tunes for cheerful ones and so on.

    3. TheFinestSorcerer


      Depends more on the mood to be perfectly honest with you. Sometimes the song doesn't fit at all, but I listen to it cuz it gets ME going.

    4. DreamySunday
  19. Why do so many ponies get Pressy's name wrong?!XD

    1. ShadowWalking18


      Its all intentional Preztela :) because its funny to see her reaction

  20. will be doing posts tonight

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pretzelparty


      *smoke pours out of head with frustration*

    3. ShadowWalking18


      *Lifts a flagon* Hooray!!!

    4. tacobob


      Hey! Canterlot is a smoke free web site!

  21. Will have a peachy's portrait post prepared... tomrrow...darn I though I could keep that illiteration going...

    1. tacobob


      peachy's particularly pleasant portrait prepared posthaste!

  22. Will try and get some posts done but I think I'm coming down with something :(

    1. PyroBlaze


      Sorry to hear that. I hope you don't actually catch any colds. Or, if you do, I hope you will get better soon afterwards.

    2. tacobob


      relax and drink lots of ginger ale.

  23. wondering what would be a good cutie mark that implies an affinity for offensive magic as well as strategy

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Halide


      A really angry bee in a wizard hat.

    3. tacobob


      A chess piece that looks like a wizard! :3

    4. NeoExlucky
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