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Crystal Empire Attack: Aftermath RP Ideas & Planning


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"Nothing was the same again after what happened in the Crystal Empire....."

With only hours remaining until the end of the Crystal Faire, now comes time to figure out what happens afterwards. When an entire city is laid to ruins by a rogue caribou army and agents of WRAITH, that brings about consequences. How do the crystal ponies rebuild their homes? What is to be done to counter future caribou threats? Who will bring an end to that dastardly Red Jarl? Let's discuss... THE AFTERMATH!

If you got any aftermath thread ideas that you'd like to bring to life, don't hesitate to mention it. You just might find someone who'll want to join your RP. In the meantime, I'll keep a master list of all proposed thread ideas as a reference for users. :)



I'm very open to post-invasion threads of all sorts personally. Maud, who during the pre-attack thread surveyed the crystal palace, could get involved if anyone wants to do a thread about rebuilding the empire.

Elderflower already has plans to move Lilac's party to post-attack and out of the event, so that will be one place for post-event stuff to come together. That is where Alexandrite will definitely be in the aftermath

I also apped the formerly magically controlled berseker caribou from the thread where I was thread-runner, Randgrid, and would be interested in maybe having her involved in some post-event stuff if there are ideas. Touramline is on the table for post-event threads too.


The Jarl of Askr from whitescar will likely be trying to socialize and encourage her people to familiarize and befriend equestrians. She'd likely start by seeking out the princesses and explaining to them how exactly the red jarl's army got a hold of so much of her clan's major export (especially since only they can grow it); The magical absorbing wooden inlays in their armor.

She and her sister believe it would be a foolish idea to not try and repair the damage the Red jarl has done to their species' relationship in the popular consciousness of Equestria and may send caribou from her clan to assist in the rebuilding of the Crystal empire.


Ooh, yeah, that sort of thread could be fun. Randgrid could be there too on behalf of the king himself, trying to ease tensions as best she can.


Twilight- She will want to go to the Whitescar and will demand answers. Other princesses as well, possibly/maybe? She would also want to work on a way to prevent this from happening against via EPIC. On a lower level, probably earned herself a nice break in Ponyville and Icey among others deserve honors for what they did for her.

The Jarl/Ofrior- After a highly successful raid, they will be heading back to Clan Olin to try and receive more ships and caribou. Probably will head to the Whitescar to drum up support for the Old Ways and will want to head to WRAITH to understand what happened vis a vi Sombra.

EPIC- Equestria's response to WRAITH. Heroes, adventurers, etc. rather than just military so it should be fun.

SnowFinder- Wedding!


About the caribou. They. Got. Flying. Ships.

And not by Sombra power mind you, as they made retreat when he got all Ghastly again. This is so big improvement over regular airships eliminating many flaws. It would be strange, for it to not be noticed by any pony, especially Snowfall. We bordering on some Final Fantasy stuff here.

Also I advise against any immediate actions from either side. Ponies would rather start make preparations, and this is where most of the aftermath should take place. Arming up, rebulding, training and last but not least, searching for a way to deal with Sombra. From caribou side I doubt the find any support any time soon after something that can be summed up as failure.


I'll agree with Ciraxis on caribou having trouble putting a returning coalition together; especially after the betrayal/counter-betrayal between the Red Jarl and WRAITH.

Earth Writer would probably try to write an entire Special Edition by himself, and collapse in exhaustion (not before showing up at Lilac's party, though!)

Kahz would return to the Hive, reporting what he saw. Seeing how ponies handle an invasion would be valuable intelligence, no doubt.

As for Blueblood... He would probably force himself upon Twlight's initiative, if only because the political/social aspect of the thing is the only one he has anything approaching competency in. He might even let himself go North, though Faust only knows what he'll do when he gets there.


Lilac is throwing her party still, but something larger scale that will no longer be happening in her home. It's going to be open for all who participated the event as a salve for the hearts and spirits of all who fought. A celebration, but one geared towards rejuvenation and moving forward. And she's not restricting it to adults, either. The party will probably be hosted at Trillion since she needs a larger venue. She will likely also be very interested in smooching a certain crystal guard whenever she gets a chance.

Sugar Star will be resting and reading dokidoki Sailor Mare comics while her wounds heal after delivering Cyprianus (AKA Slippery or Slippy) to the Princess when Randgrid drops off the remaining caribou she's had wrangled. I think she'd want to get involved in forces that are working to prevent things like this from happening again after all she's seen.

Ryx wants to go to Whitescar to return the hammer of a viking who turned against Cyprianus and was eaten by a lindworm to his family. She feels responsible for the death of Frájls after appealing to his decency only to see him become dinner and frankly has a lot of respect for the guy. If there are threads happening in Whitescar I'd be interested in involving her since she'll be there. I'll probably have her attend Lilac's party as well.

Frostlace will also be going to the party. After this she'll likely return home to Stalliongrad and get back to work. Or maybe visit her new friends! Who knows.

Aaaaaaaand I have an app for Sigrun's sister still pending. When Ylva goes through the app process she'll be going wherever he sister chooses to go. The boutwins are determined to see the caribou propelled in the future and share their High King's ideals so they're interested in bolstering relationships with Equestria and working together. I can't speak for Sigrun but I know this entire event will have Ylva fuming at the Red Jarl and Clan Olin.


Aaaaaaaand I have an app for Sigrun's sister still pending. When Ylva goes through the app process she'll be going wherever he sister chooses to go. The boutwins are determined to see the caribou propelled in the future and share their High King's ideals so they're interested in bolstering relationships with Equestria and working together. I can't speak for Sigrun but I know this entire event will have Ylva fuming at the Red Jarl and Clan Olin.

And now... some eloquent words of Jarl sigrun of askr:



Diamond Cut will help rebuild his hometown of the Empire after the dust settles (This I do plan to make a thread).

Edit: Here is The Thread!

Zecora, having survived her encounter would probably stay and help clean up before heading back to her home with the knowledge of yet another battle she was in.


Lilac is throwing her party still, but something larger scale that will no longer be happening in her home. It's going to be open for all who participated the event as a salve for the hearts and spirits of all who fought. A celebration, but one geared towards rejuvenation and moving forward. And she's not restricting it to adults, either. The party will probably be hosted at Trillion since she needs a larger venue. She will likely also be very interested in smooching a certain crystal guard whenever she gets a chance.

Party's open to all? Flux will definitely be there, no question about that.

Sunrise... I suppose she would be lending what aid she could to the rebuilding.

Tehengu would probably help build up the crystal guard force again.


About the caribou. They. Got. Flying. Ships.

And not by Sombra power mind you, as they made retreat when he got all Ghastly again. This is so big improvement over regular airships eliminating many flaws. It would be strange to for it to not be noticed by any pony, especially Snowfall. We bordering on some Final Fantasy stuff here.

Also I advise against any immediate actions from either side. Ponies would rather start make preparations, and this is where most of the aftermath should take place. Arming up, rebulding, training and last but not least, searching for a way to deal with Sombra. From caribou side I doubt the find any support any time soon after something that can be summed up as failure.

To be fair, I'mma playing it as this being a very longstanding caribou technology. Maybe now that the High King is being all friendly like he can authorize clans to share some tech of that sort with others.

As for failure- Almost the exact opposite! With only three longships, the Red Jarl nearly burned the Crystal Empire down. Clan Olin- and other renegades- will look at this as being quite glorious. The Red Jarl's power and influence has only grown as a result.

I'll be starting the EPIC OP soon.


I...was kinda referring to something else to be honest. I was convinced that there was wreckage of at least one of the ships, from which technology could be reverse-engineered. Guess I wasn't following all threads careful enough.

And about those three ships....

They got help from extremely powerful Dark Magic Sorcerer, a dragon and whatever else was in other threads. On the Empire that was mostly unguarded and taken as surprise. Not very honorable. However Jarl would probably...bend fact a little yes? To portray his crew in better light. That indeed would make his fame grow, even if it build on not so true claims.

Regardless, situation in Whitescar itself can boil after those events. I smell civil war in the air.


Technically they're already in a state of civil war. You should also look to the badlands to the north of the empire and northwest past the changeling kingdom, many renegades and nomadic caribou there who are leaving the Whitescar in opposition to the High King. There are still some disloyal clans in the Whitescar and some loyal clans as part of the nomadic caribou, of course. You also have the intermittent clan warfare among even allied forces every once in a while because dangit why do they get the better land I want that land smashy smashy.

As for how the Olin would view it: Three caribou ships were able to obliterate two REN vessels, deal devastating damage to the Crystal Guard, bring the city to its knees, and return with many spoils all while having to deal with the soiled ambitions of a madstallion and moron in Sombra and a lunatic in that Kastrotite. Heck, with another ship and a bit more ruthlessness they could have taken the whole city! That is how it will be spun and that is how the Clan will see it. After all, they have dozens of ships- giving the Red Jarl two to three times what he had before seems good enough!:D


Had a further idea about Blueblood:

He can't fight, obviously; not to the level required by EPIC. This event's dispelled any illusions he ever had about that, and nopony else ever entertained any. But that's true for most ponies, also demonstrated by the same event.

But there would be means of them contributing. After all, the political is tied to the economic, especially in resource-poor areas like Whitescar. If Twilight lets him in on her expedition North, he could begin pulling contacts for an investment there. Also, look into ways that commerce can be secured against Viking raiders, and whatever else WRAITH might throw at them.

Hence, a "Civilian" counterpart to EPIC, the Allied Mercantile Defense Initiative (AMDI). Or something like that. What do you think?


Now time for some of my own Aftermath plans!

Princess Cadence: her first definite stop is going to be at Lilac's party. After that, things are unclear since I don't want to overextend myself. If I get asked enough times, I might be up for either the Empire Rebuilding or Diplomatic Mission RPs. Especially if Shining Armor can't be inserted in Rebuilding and/or if Blueblood doesn't join the Diplomatic Mission.

Flash Sentry: he's gonna get put on trial for treason. Will he be proven guilty? Wait and see!

Flakey Shards: although she didn't take part in the event, she's still a crystal pony, so maybe I'll dump her in the Rebuilding thread instead of Cadence.

Prof. Morianna Razorclaw: becomes EPIC's biggest advocate in Aquellia, while at the same time calling out the Princesses for pre-invasion negligence and not doing enough to neutralize threats before they happen.

Shadowmane/WRAITH: spin the Invasion as a victory, use their time in the spotlight to recruit and initiate more operations.


Well, Cadence can certainly join the rebuilding thread. The more ponies from the battle in this thread the better. Plus there are a lot of things that can be done (helping injured ponies recover, console traumatized ponies, rebuild buildings, clean up streets, etc.)


Ooo, another thought. In the Party Ends thread the main villain Cyprianus and some invading caribou were tied up to be delivered to the Princess for questioning/etc. There's potential for a thread there, even if Cadence doesn't question them personally.


Upon further reflection, I'm definitely putting in Flakey Shards in the Rebuilding thread sooner or later. Mainly because I want her to badmouth caribou, as she is a mean brat. :P


Ooo, another thought. In the Party Ends thread the main villain Cyprianus and some invading caribou were tied up to be delivered to the Princess for questioning/etc. There's potential for a thread there, even if Cadence doesn't question them personally.

I'd be up to play Cyprianus or the vikings from that thread on an NPC basis, if there is an interest in this sort of thing.


I'm up for anything that involves the R.E.A.

Along with the other threads, who here had an guard or officer character that was caught in the battle?


This is not strictly REA, but Steel's setting up EPIC to take the fight back to WRAITH and the Red Jarl.


I am already interested in the creation of EPIC, but I would also be interested for the courtmarsheling of Flash Sentry. I believe Ice Storm would be a good defense for Flash as she has seen both sides of him during the fighting and can attest to him being brainwashed. Also be interested in the rejuvination party, but the rebuilding an empire is a maybe. Ice isn't really good at building things, unless it's Ice related.


Added Lilac's 3 party threads to the Master List of Aftermath RPs. :D


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