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Planned Inactivity or Leaving?


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Foremost, my heart goes out to you and your family Steel.

And on a minor note; I thought I'd let everypony know I'm going to go live in tent during the middle-ages for a week.

My pocket-sized magic box will allow me a little communication with the world, but not much.

Wish me luck surviving the war!

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Foremost, my heart goes out to you and your family Steel.

And on a minor note; I thought I'd let everypony know I'm going to go live in tent during the middle-ages for a week.

My pocket-sized magic box will allow me a little communication with the world, but not much.

Wish me luck surviving the war!

Have fun storming the castle! :D

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Sorry for my huge inactivity, I'm coming back to the site this week, in the worst case next week. I had my reasons, sadly they was very important and it made me to cut a bit contact with forum but I never forgot about any of You! <3 I will not explain my entire inactivity, some people who should, they know why I was away for so much time. I will try to get back to everything as soon as I will can! This or next week, I will come more on chat again~

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I'm gonna be gone all day tomorrow to the Wisconsin Dells. Hopefully I'll get some inspiration for my rp threads while I'm there! Gonna be at Noah's Ark Waterpark!

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Because I know that I have/am soon to have threads I've gotta reply to at the moment. And for those of you who have been sitting at your desk waiting on me, my apologies - been getting ready for a trip to Boston, which I'll be leaving for tommorow morning, and I won't be back home until late Friday/early Saturday. I'll have enough time there to have some fun/see the sights there, but I'll basically have no internet access to speak of.


But, there's a slight catch as well. Going shopping/aquarium-going/museum-lurking/whatever-ya-do-there isn't the primary reason I'm going on the trip.



To put it out there, I have a coarctation of the aorta. That basically mean that the aorta (one of the biggest, if not the biggest artery in your heart) is a leetle on the narrow side, which makes it harder for blood, making it more difficult for blood to pump through the heart - which make the heart work harder to get the blood flowing, which we all know can cause one too many problems in the long run. It should be noted that, when it's found when you're older (roughly around my age, add or take some years off) as opposed to when you're really young, it's generally less severe. Still, I'm going to have surgery/get a stent as a means take care of that, so that way I won't have to face too many complications as I go on in life.

Aaaaand, now that I've gotten that outta my chest...sayonara, adios, and g'bye for now? I'll make sure to keep safe on the trip and all that. I'll have fun, act derpy and be even healthier after the whole thing! Capice? :P




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<3 good luck, Jaded. I had a friend who had similar surgery, so hopefully you'll make it through with just the very annoying recovery pain! They going through your leg?

Thanks Scotchie! And for where they're going through, kind of. The incision's being made right at my veeeeery upper/inner thigh, so....eeyup, not sure how strong the pain'll be, though annoying it will definitely be.

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Aaa I know I said I would be back on July 31st, and then I totally wasn't. :-(

My roommates and I had a lease lined up, but then that plan fell through, as did the next one, which left us in the position of having to move our entire house to a third-floor apartment in the space of 24 hours on July 31st, when our original lease was up. And then, not three days later, I got rear-ended at a stop light, which left me on some pretty heavy pain meds while my chiropractor and I try to get my pain under control.

I apologize profusely; I wish I had been able to get online and at least give everyone an update, but between the heat exhaustion (plus regular exhaustion) from moving in 105-degree weather and then dealing with insurance claims for me and the car, on top of the pain meds, has just been overwhelming.

Sorryyyyy ;_;

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Well, horseapples. My life got suddenly extremely busy. I will still be able to post, but the quality of my posts and my ability to do my job as a helpstaffer will be limited for the next two days. I will be back full force on Thursday, I promise!

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