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Are your friends as confused as mine?


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Hey, bronies. I'm sure many of you have gotten this question before. I'm 27 years old. I'll be with non-brony friends and they'll ask in a completely non-insulting manner why I watch the show. They're not trying to upset me or whatever. They're just genuinely curious about what I see in this show that they see as a show for little girls. What do you say in response to this question?

There are a few reasons I give when the question is posed. I find the show funny. I find the characters funny. I find the writing funny. The references thrown in for the older audience are hilarious which are only funnier given that they're part of a show assumed for little girls. I also mention the internet community. An internet community dedicated to love and tolerance runs so opposite to the usual troll-infested cesspools of the internet. The community also pumps out amazing content ranging from fine art to musical compositions to original animated works. It's amazing.

Sometimes I answer them with a question asking why they liked Homestarrunner when that was huge. It's a funny cartoon with funny writing and funny characters. It's just hard for some people to see past the little girl pony exterior I guess. Admittedly, the characters and sound effects are cute enough to give heart attacks. That's part of the charm for me though. When Fluttershy squees, I melt.

But I want to open it up to the community. What do you say to your friends who don't know why you love ponies?

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I don't really hang out with people who would judge me on my choice in television and the like.

That, and most of my friends at least kind of like it themselves. :)

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Tell them it's splendiferously awesome amazing! It's super-duper ponirific!

Failing that, you might allude that its mix of quality animation, relatable characters, massive fan remix/art talent content, and development staff involvement with the fans all contribute to your positive enthusiasm of the series.

I never need to explain myself to my friends.

Mind explaining yourself to me?


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I didn't tell any of my friends until I was ready and able to defend the show simply and elegantly. They were absolutely caught off guard. But I have received nothing worse than some good natured ribbing. And some serious pleading to keep it on the down-low for the sake of my career/etc.

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I have one friend who seems open to the show but I don't think has actually watched it yet.

I have another friend who tells me that he hates me if I ever bring it up

Oddly enough I got a text from a person I barely knew who said his friend wanted to apologize for saying I like clop because I guess he accused me of it after I played a pony related video at a party. I almost remember the conversation but was really drunk that night. Frankly I feel like if I am going to play a pony video at a party people are allowed to make fun of me

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No, every single one of my friends, and most of my co-workers, know about me and my ponies, many of which that was one of the first quirks they learned about me (but I have been at it for 16 years). And so does Accounts Payable at work, because every time I have a rush for them I put a pony post-it on documents.

Then again, I have really never cared much what people think after I got out of middle school (where I cared too much). Anyone messes with my ponies, I take a pony and make it talk to them and annoy the crap out of them until they never do it again. The biggest culprit is my husband.

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I don't, mostly because I'm so darn terrible at explaining things irl. I could probably win a debate over tons of controversial topics online but irl I just tense up so much it doesn't really matter who has the more valid points.

Also, I'm a teenager. It'll be twice as hard to explain the show to them since "GIRLY KIDDY STUFF IS BAD" kinda view and my nervousness adding up to the pressure.

I should count myself lucky I'm a girl, I think they would eat me alive if I was aboy ;_____;

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To those who immediately got defensive, please read my post. My friends were not insulting me at all. They were genuinely curious in what I saw in this show. This is not a teenage drama thread. My friends and I are all adults. Most had at least seen clips and just didn't see what the hype was about. They weren't judging me. They certainly weren't hating. And I would never stop being friends with someone who didn't like all the things I like.

I feel like some people misunderstand my topic. I'm not complaining that my friends hate me for liking ponies. I'm asking how you explain why you enjoy the show; not because they demanded an explanation, but because they don't get it and want to know why their friend who they respect loves it.

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i really havent fully explained myself to my friends yet, but i have hinted a few things from MLP here and there, like a few video response and memes as such, not many bronies in this part where i live i think, which really sucks because i would love to meet more, im pretty sure if they are your REAL pals, they will fully understand you and the love you have for the show.. :)

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Well... For one, if you haven't already, you could have them watch it. I mean, if they're curious, just have them watch one or two episodes, in the name of curiosity.

Also, ask them why they like any show or movie that you're not into. People like different things for different reasons... or rather, the same ones. What I mean is that, people will not like the same show for the same reasons, but the reasons for liking a show are generally the same.

You like the actors, you like the music, you like the plot, you like the story, you like the characters. I mean, you're watching the show for something, right? You can say the same of any show, you like it for one reason or another.

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i really havent fully explained myself to my friends yet, but i have hinted a few things from MLP here and there, like a few video response and memes as such, not many bronies in this part where i live i think, which really sucks because i would love to meet more, im pretty sure if they are your REAL pals, they will fully understand you and the love you have for the show.. :)

I think the best way to go about the show is to not treat it differently then anything else you watch. I always cringe when people talk about coming out as a brony because thats as ridiculous as coming out as a Doctor Who fan or a Magic the Gathering player. Don't hide it, don't throw it in people's faces. Fact is unless you make a big deal most people who aren't fans won't even catch on to references.

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Being in a country where the brony community is really under rated and the voice acting really doesn't help getting into the show if you do'nt speak english, i really keep that for myself. The only people i told about MLP are people who understand english and i never see in real life :P

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They were all very confused. I didn't give any philosophical answers. I just played a handful of episodes during my bday party and a few joined the herd. Others at least understood how it could appeal.

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My entire school now knows about my status as a Brony.

Many people now know me and refer to me as "Brony", and aren't DISRESPECTFUL of me, but they certainly don't give me upmost of that.

MANY of my peers ask me why I watch the show. I've explained it all, from the great writing, to the references, etc.

I've even gotten some of my friends into the show. My one friend Hayden (Who's a big fan of Western Animation) asked me about the show as soon as I revealed that I liked it. I took him to be joking at first (Like his brother), but I showed him the pilot and he was absolutely hooked. We're now currently planning to watch Season 1 at his house this Saturday, and every day we talk constantly of ponies, cupcakes and Rarity. :blush:

I also turned my girlfriend into a Pegasister. She's admitted to it, and we even constantly joke about the show. Awesome? Totally awesome. :kissy:

As for my best bud...he acts VERY confused by it sometimes, but he accepts it. In fact, after making him watch the .MOV videos and the fact his sister is a HUGE fan of FiM, he's come to accept the Brony culture a bit. I won't push it upon him, but it'll happen... :smug:

Currently, my friend Hayden and I are trying to turn my TV Production teacher into a Brony. With him being a huge film buff/filmmaker, I'm sure he'll give it the most reasonable of chances...and the chances look good at this point, :smirk:

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I get a lot of confused reactions from people, and they will even say they outright hate the show, but nobody's really held it against me so far. Now granted these are all (mostly)mature adults, so we all have an 'agree to disagree' stance in regarding all interests we have.

Otherwise I still go out with my Dashie messenger bag and my pony Tshirts and I dont catch any flack, so... maybe I just live in an area that doesn't care (quite surprising given it's stance on other things) then again, I'm also known to wear my wolf tail and wolf earcuff in public and if it's cold a trenchcoat, so I may just be regarded as "the town weirdo" and nobody gives anything I wear a second look...

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