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Status Updates posted by Lyipheoryia

  1. Sick for my birthday?

    I guess so...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CatCakey


      Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (It's my birthday in 16 days)

    3. Rosewind


      Think of it as a gift from your immune system!


      ...yeah that was bad. Hope you feel better soon!

    4. Eventide


      Typical! I tend to only get sick during holidays. On your birthday is even worse. Hope you get well soon.

  2. Slow on replies, sorry~ 

    On the other hand...I now know what a platyhelminthes is. 

    1. ToothpasteThy


      Slow on first posts, sorry~

      On the other hand, what even is that word? O_o'

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Worms.  Lots and lots of worms.  The word is a worm.  Wordworm.  



    3. ToothpasteThy


      Ya learn something new every day~

  3. Slow on rp's again, sorry.

    On the other hand, the RWBY ship of Sun and Blake are almost official!

    1. DreamySunday


      <Last minute Changes to Blake and the captain of that boat.>

    2. SymphonicFire


      Eh, I'm still all for Bumblebee...<goes to look for fanfics>

  4. Slow on rp's...slow on posts...gimme a second to catch up on life~

    1. Eventide


      However long you need Lyi. :) There's no rush.

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Yeah...I'm the idiotic person that signs up/starts waaay too many rp's, then unfortunately delays my replies for whiles :(.  Replies will be up-soon, though!   

    3. Jabberwock


      Hey take absolutely as much time as you need! I am an infinitely patient person, so I don't mind waiting as long as you need! ^^

  5. Sometimes, when you hear about a world disaster and think, "Psh.  It's so far away-doesn't concern me,"  


    Yes-yes it does concern you.  

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Imagination


      It's cultural and social suicide, to be blunt. People don't, or pretend not to care about these events because they're so disconnected from the world that they don't even seem to realize that these were people. Living, breathing people, that if they had saw or talked to even once they would care or at least notice and pause for thought if something happened to them.


      It's the sort of thing that contributes to things like the bystander effect. If it's not affecting them, it's not their place to interfere/someone else will interfere. But instead everyone just stands around, wondering what's going on.

    3. Lyipheoryia


      The other day, I was telling my friend about the Ft. McMurray fire.  She had no idea what it was, or what was going on.  She then proclaimed the agree that-even if I fire burnt down all of the world-she wouldn't care or give a **** until it touched her neighborhood.  


      I was shocked, mortified, and afraid of what our world and generation has become.

    4. SymphonicFire


      Air quality warming has been lifted at Fort Mac yesterday! Now for the fire warning! :)

  6. Sorry for lack of posts...storm just ended~



  7. Sorry for my prolonged absence, there's just been a lot going on :).  Thanks for staying patient for posts!




    <And what in the world is up with my avatar!>    

    1. Bellosh


      Welcome back, Lyi! I finally got around to starting the RP with Yue and her ministers. Check out the OOC note before posting!


      Thread: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/22964-the-court-of-the-dragon-throne-pm-for-invite/
      OOC Note: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/22679-the-empress-has-job-openings-oh-and-needs-friends/?page=2#comment-594257


      Check your PMs too! :D

  8. That was one interesting retreat I went on...


    Which involved me getting sick throughout the entire trip :| 

  9. The rp spree hath begun!  Please refrain from replying for the time being, as it gets me and my list (yes, I have a list of rp's to reply to) very mixed up.  Same goes to Skype rp's, please and thank you :D.

  10. The Sparkle Princess Pants of the Glitter Kingdom, over the Crystal Glade  <waves to everyone>

    1. Bellosh


      You know, one day we'll be turning off the ability to change display names. You better settle on one soon......

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Gahhh..~  I'd better choose one :/

  11. Today is the day, 

    That is truer than true,

    That I've been here a year,

    In this forum so dear~


    Thanks for all the good times, and let's make some *great* times!    

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rosewind


      Oh nice, happy anniversary!


    3. Sondash145


      Here's to not getting bored of things! What? Well, anyways, happy anniversary.

    4. Lyipheoryia


      Thanks everyone!

  12. Too many character idea, not enough time.  Oh dear~

    1. Jabberwock


      I know those feels SO MUCH.

  13. Update:  It's died.  Literally.  Now, it won't even load at all.  Oh, and my screen turned black. 


    Sorry to all those I have rp's with @PyroBlaze@IceStorm@QueenCerali@FiniteZero and everyone else.  You guys can either put the rp on hiatus, or continue on without me.  Rping on mobile is haaarrdd.

    1. FiniteZero


      Oh. Hrm.

      I'll put ours on Hiatus for now.

    2. PyroBlaze
  14. Wah!  What happened to Canterlot!!!

    <scrolls down from ginormous banner>

    Ahh...there it is 

    1. Sondash145


      I felt the same way.

    2. Davroth


      I opened it on my phone first.. XD

    3. Eventide


      It does look nice, but it doesn't seem so practical for it to be there each time I load a page. I'd like if I could set it not to appear, or only see it on the Home page or something.

  15. What rp's do I need to reply to again?  I have on my list: Spellbound Gala, Meeting the Boss, Astrapi (Skype), and Changeling (Skype).

    Is that all?  My notifications are still a little wiry...so...

    1. Bogle


      Saddle Arabian's Treasure (no rush, though). 

  16. When in the world did you become an Rp Help Staff?  

    Congratulations!   :Pinkie:

    1. Pretzelparty


      Thanks, Lyipheoryia! Technically I was staff before for a while. But I had to be let go for reasons I'd rather not go into, but I'm happy to be on staff again and am glad to be a part of the site's inner workings again! There are likely going to be some changes with how things are being done here so keep an eye out for any announcements! 

      I'll be helping out with apps by the way. :) So I hope we'll see some more stuff with you and others!

  17. When you realize your childhood friend is now a celebrity, actor, TV host, and one of the world's best dancers.  


    It's okay...I've had my own accomplishments?  Riiiighhhhhttt....~?

  18. Wow.  Just...wow.  I found out something remarkable and extraordinary about an acquaintance.  Something that took me months to decipher.


    Something that could have taken me seconds if I just looked at her profile page.  

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. QueenCerali
    3. Lyipheoryia


      You probably already know (it's on her profile).  Or you can ask you yourself!  SymphonicFire...I thought she was male.

    4. Eventide
  19. Wow...it's been a while since I've been here~  I was thinking of leaving the forum, since I've been having less and less time on my hands-but I was reading one of my old roleplays the other day, and I think those are worth staying for :) 


    So yeah!  I'm back :D  

    1. Rosewind


      Well it is kinda dead right now, even with the new season starting up. This site'll be here whenever you pop back in!

    2. SymphonicFire


      Lyi! Welcome back! :catbug: 

    3. Blueblood


      Glad you thought me worth coming back to!  Hopefully, I'll make it worth your while.

  20. You know what day it is?  FRIDAY.  You know what's on Friday?  ROLEPLAY.  Actually...that's for Saturday.  I'm going to watch Eddie the Eagle :kissy:.

  21. You want a nice-off?  Let's have a nice-off!  

  22. (insert something witty here)

    1. ToothpasteThy



  23. *hugs everyone* friends forever!

  24. *sigh* time difference...New Year's is still many hours away...

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