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Status Updates posted by Lyipheoryia

  1. Anyone around here an editor on FimFiction? Just wondering...

    1. Zealot


      I do that from time to time. Why, need a grammar fix?

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Perhaps, is the username the same as over there?

    3. Zealot


      Yep. Send me what you have, I'll take a look if you want.

  2. Anyone? How do I delete an unwanted album?

    1. starswirlthebearded


      I don't see a way. I'd contact Dio to see if he could do it. But it looks like users can only delete images, not the album itself.

    2. Rosewind


      PM me with the album you would like deleted or report your album and ask for it to be deleted.

    3. Lyipheoryia


      I shall report it, thank you :)

  3. What are the member titles? Rock farmer, Blamk flank, CM Crusader...

    1. AlextheAngel


      Parasprite, 20% Cooler, Equestrian, then Wonderbolt. I believe that's it.

    2. Lyipheoryia


      I'm a crazy oatmeal...I eat lots of crazy oatmeals...

    3. AlextheAngel


      Ah! Forgot about that one. I do believe that's before Parasprite.

  4. Anyone here with a fashion-loving OC?

    1. QueenCerali


      Zeran is. sort of. and I have Rolir, but that's an entirely different matter. I'll probably expand on Zeran's fashion sense soon..... once I'm sure of how :3

    2. Lyipheoryia
    3. QueenCerali


      dangit, Kala's an artist, but I didn't give her any fashion sense yet..... one moment while I make a new OC. I've been watning to do so for a while.

  5. How many of you are on EP? I think I'd like to join if enough of you guys (my friends) are on there as well.

    1. TheFinestSorcerer
    2. Lyipheoryia


      Everypony. Those on EP will know...

    3. LostSanity


      Everypony.com? I am...

  6. Need more energy.  Need less work.  Need to roleplay.  Need money~  


    Sorry to all the people I'm rping with, but work is really starting to pile up on my teeny tiny desk~ 

    1. Rudan


      Life can be a barrel of doo-doo, don't worry about it. Just focus on sorting your stuff out and relax.

    2. Sondash145


      Ah, I too am swamped.

      I'm not good at giving advice, just wanted you to know you're not the only one.

    3. ToothpasteThy


      Need more money and need less work? I do believe those to things don't often go together 8v

  7. Any rp's I have yet to reply to?  Please link below :).  I used to have a document with the links to all my rp's, but my PC got a little wiry recently and the document basically won't load.  

    1. Bellosh


      If you'd so like, Calamity is free to address the Imperial Court now that the Chancellor wrapped up her report: 


    2. Blueblood
    3. Rudan
  8. I'm back!  It's been quite a long break, some school stuff, some away-from-PC stuff~  I lost track of a few rp's, so if you're waiting on my reply, just poke me here :) 

    1. Rosewind


      WELCOME BACK! I was wondering where you were off to!

    2. QueenCerali


      *glomps Lyi* LYIIIIII

    3. SpicyDemon
  9. #Optimismtothefullest


    I need it for the tough week ahead~

    1. DreamySunday


      You can do it!


    2. AlextheAngel


      Need cuddles? I will happily provide with cuddles!

    3. ToothpasteThy





      Best of luck, Lyi ^_^ 

  10. Thank you for the very...um...interesting avatar :P 

    1. SymphonicFire


      <gasp> It's Tori <3 

    2. Davroth


      Oh, I guess I'm not the only one!

    3. Rosewind


      You're welcome! :toriel: 

  11. 123 posts!  Good job :D 

    1. FiniteZero




      I tend to post quicklies.

    2. Lyipheoryia


      The number is most intriguing~  

      There are three digits.  

      The last digit is the number 3.

      A triangle has three sides.

      Illuminati confirmed?  

    3. FiniteZero




      Half-Life 3 confirmed.


      I'm secretly Gabe Narwhal.

  12. Whoo!  Season 7 starts on April 15th :D 

    1. tacobob


      D'Oh! I mentioned that awhile back. They're also putting out little teasers as well.

    2. Rudan


      The hype is on. BC

      Let's rock.

  13. Slow on rp's again, sorry.

    On the other hand, the RWBY ship of Sun and Blake are almost official!

    1. DreamySunday


      <Last minute Changes to Blake and the captain of that boat.>

    2. SymphonicFire


      Eh, I'm still all for Bumblebee...<goes to look for fanfics>

  14. For the first time...my name is nowhere on the main forum page...

    1. QueenCerali


      huh..... that's a surprise :/ :P

    2. Sondash145


      FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREEEVERRR!!! (Stop it, Sondash, that's beneath you!)

  15. Just got my final marks.....didn't do as well as I expected :| 

    <runs around room in a circle>

    1. ToothpasteThy


      *flops on and snugs*


      You'll live~ <3 x3

    2. CatCakey


      I did better than I thought in my exams last year, because I stopped bothering to learn and revise not long before exams started.

      It's alright, you'll be fine :)

  16. Hey, if any of you League players wanna add me (Lyipheoryia), pls do.  It's more fun playing with a friend than by myself.  None of my IRL friends play :( 

    1. Nasty


      I play League once in a while, but it's mostly Normals because I'm pretty bad at it. Not to mention I can only really play when I'm at a friend's house due to the fact that my internet here is incredibly laggy, so if anyone goes on it while I play, my ms shoots up to the thousands. I will definitely add you though next time I go on!

    2. Polyblank


      Dota 2 for lyfe.

  17. When you help two ex-friends get back together-then realize just how lonely you'll be without someone in a friendship with you.

    1. Eventide


      Aw. :< Well, we're your friends! ... Internet friends.

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Thanks :)

      It's really strange to know how hard you worked to get your two friends back together, then to have the sudden realization that-with the two of them together again, you'll serve little purpose for a close friendship~

  18. Debating if I should join more rp's...

    1. Eventide


      As long as you're certain you can keep up with the ones you've already got, I'd say sure. ;)

    2. Lyipheoryia


      That's the problem~

  19. It's Spring!  



    Expect an rp spree tomorrow or so.

    1. SymphonicFire


      Lucky, I still have 2 weeks until my spring break.

    2. Lyipheoryia


      *resisting urge to grin like a maniac at you*.  It's okay, my friend had her "Reading Week" about a few weeks ago.  It depends on Province/State/School and a whole lot other things, it seems.  Wouldn't it be interesting if the whole world had Spring Break at the same time, though?  


      (Still upset that I have homework to complete over the break :(.) 

  20. Does anyone know any free, easy-to-learn-and-use animation software for Windows?  I have Pencil 2D (which works), and Synfig (which does not work.  Too hard).  I'm trying to make an animation for a project :).

    1. Noedig


      Free animation software always have a catch/problem and are hard to come by, so keep that in mind.

      Take a look at this article for some reference, some of which you have are already in here (Which may likely mean you're kinda stuck with them):


      (This is regardless to what you're simply asking about for your project) If you truly want to animate as a profession, buy the real stuff. These free animation software will not give you the best experience or the most promising solution to bring out your full potential. Harmony Essentials is a great tool (I'm sure you may have heard of it before), and so is Adobe Animate. Personally, I would suggest Harmony, because people have said great things about using this when they started using this as beginners.

      That's all I have to say in this matter.

    2. MR4Y


      Version 3.0 of Krita will come with animations features.

  21. The Sparkle Princess Pants of the Glitter Kingdom, over the Crystal Glade  <waves to everyone>

    1. Bellosh


      You know, one day we'll be turning off the ability to change display names. You better settle on one soon......

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Gahhh..~  I'd better choose one :/

  22. A friend just basically ended the chapter of our friendship. Huh...I'm a bit confused at the moment.

    1. TheFinestSorcerer
    2. Lyipheoryia


      Through a strangely cryptic email. Then a reply about 4 hours later regretting the former and recanting his words. Word of advise, trust your conscious over the word of a teenager.

  23. My goal: To someday complete an rp! I shall rejoice when that day comes!

    1. RainbowDaringDash


      Its a REALLY good feeling, iv managed to finish two. Like, actually finished. :P

    2. DerpRavener


      In that case, my advice is to try some smaller RPs (less chance of someone dropping out and less people who need to be badgered to keep going) and have a sense of where you want to end it. Of the threads I've finished so far, the only ones that weren't like that were in events.

  24. Must. Get. Post. Number. To. 500...

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