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Status Updates posted by MetalBronyATL

  1. So I watched the most recent Rainbow Rocks short, and Applejack plays bass. Best pony plays the same instrument that I do. All of my yes.

  2. So I'm turning 21 in fifteen days...

    1. ShadowWalking18


      *Pushes a hard cider over*

    2. RegalSteel
    3. YourLittleBrony


      Time to play a MLP drinking game!

  3. So my ankle isn't broken, but it is sprained and walking is almost impossible right now. How wonderful.

    1. starswirlthebearded


      You need something like this if it is that bad http://www.betterbraces.com/procare-surround-gel-ankle-support. Not joking, I've injured joints enough to know what does and does not work wonders. That provides the support you need to walk around fairly normally.

    2. RainbowDaringDash


      I know exactly how you feel, i did that myself last week, couldnt walk for awhile. Hope it gets better for you soon

  4. So people have been talking about how horrible the season finale is going to be. What's the big deal and where do people find this info?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. starswirlthebearded


      'llura, why is it so important to make rash conclusions from next to no information? The fandom, yourself included, is freaking out over 2 sentences. That's it. We don't know what the episode will bring, how it will be presented, how it will end, or anything. Everyone needs to chill out and wait for the actual episode and decide then if it is good or bad.

    3. GhostGirl


      And remember, Allura, you absolutely hated the season 3 finale, but come season 4 premiere you were in love with everything again.

    4. brianblackberry


      There is having an opinion and then there is "that's it; I quit" from a tiny blurb that really doesn't tell us much. That and the show isn't even meant for us, we are just lucky they bend over backwards so much for us.

  5. So they're talking about "catastrophic" ice storms in South Georgia, where I live. If I suddenly disappear forever, just remember....Princess Cadence is best pony.

    1. SongHeart


      i thought Rairity in cowgirl boots was best pony.

      seriously stay safe dudete.

    2. MetalBronyATL


      I'm very confused on who best pony is for me. But seriously, thanks.

  6. So this season has introduced me to my waifu and given me the cutest Twilight mane style ever. I love S5 so far.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MetalBronyATL


      Oh don't worry, I haven't left the Church of Applejack yet!

    3. SteelEagle


      I'll be the judge of that.

    4. Dio


      AJology is a trip.

  7. So we're getting a third EQG movie. I was actually surprised by Rainbow Rocks, so I feel good about it. However, it's a little concerning to me that we have three EQG's and still no proper FiM movie.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DreamySunday


      a Fim movie is being made. It`s coming in 2017

    3. stormchaser1991


      also it looks like this movie is coming sometime in sep of this year according to its tailer

    4. QuickLime


      We get seasons of MLP, EQ girls ONLY gets the movies so.

  8. Sometimes having days off from work is a bad thing, because it leads to me staying up until 4AM doing weird things and pondering life.

    1. stormchaser1991


      if you have time for weird things you have time for ponies or video games

    2. AlextheAngel


      Pfft. Work or not, I don't get any sleep either way. Oh, the wonders of being an insomniac. :/

    3. stormchaser1991


      then alex it must seem like its all one big day to you

  9. Sometimes my mind fails to function and I do irrational things, but just know I love you all dearly and I feel at home in this community. Cheers!

    1. pinkewafflepie


      Where the h e ll are you? I've asked you if you wanna pick our RP back up 3 times already!

  10. Sorry for the lack of activity today. College is fun, no?

    1. Killjoy


      I loved College.

  11. Sorry I've been under the radar lately. Laptop is fried and school is taking all my time. Hopefully I'll be free soon and be able to get active with RP again. That being said, the season premiere was gorgeous.

  12. Spoiler Alert: There is something important in the mysterious box.

    1. leapman



    2. ShadowWalking18


      That was a big duh. I mean a magic tree that housed the elements of harmoy like fruit gave it to them. It was obvious.

  13. Steven Universe is one of the most overrated shows I've ever watched.

    1. ZephyrBurst


      I highly disagree.

    2. brianblackberry


      Well I really like it but hey, no show is for everyone.

  14. Stop what you're doing and go listen to the new Opeth album. I'm serious, go do it. Why are you still here? OPETH. PALE COMMUNION. GO LISTEN TO IT.

  15. Sweetie Belle = Best Crusader. Forever.

    1. RarityDash


      Agreed, though Scoots comes close.

    2. stormchaser1991
    3. tacobob
  16. Sweetie Belle is best crusader.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. XanXeto


      I'm in agreement with Slazer that all three of them are the best.

    3. RegalSteel


      Silver Spoon is best Filly :3

    4. tacobob
  17. Tabitha St. Germain is by far the most talented voice actress on the show.

    1. RarityDash


      She is amazing for sure. <3

    2. RegalSteel
    3. tacobob


      All their VAs are just incredible. Not a bad one in the bunch. I love 'em all.

  18. Taco Bell? Taco Bell.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. leapman


      Shoot, I'm gonna buy some right now...

    3. Ciraxis


      We had Taco Bell in Poland once. However due to the low interest and company financial troubles they just packed up and left.

    4. tacobob


      Bleh! Nasty! Make your own tacos!

  19. Tell somebody that you love them, you don't know what tomorrow holds.

    1. SongHeart


      Okay. *tells a cupcake*

    2. QuickLime


      Don't just tell people you love them/SHOW/ them that you do, because empty words mean nothing

    3. SongHeart


      so true.... *gives whoever's reading this a hug*

  20. Test block? What test block?

  21. That episode.......oh my god.

  22. That moment when you watch a Season 1 episode for the first time in forever, and remember why you love this show so much.

  23. That was the best Super Bowl I've seen in years. Congrats to the New England Patriots! Hopefully I'll see my Falcons there soon.

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