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Pack your bags....


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So, a poll got me thinking... If you were honestly given the option to move to Equestria would you do it? Would you give up what you have to see it?

Think about a couple different scenarios and any combination of these scenarios

You can't go back home, only one way...

You have free roam between the two worlds.

You are still human when you enter Equestria

You change into a pony when you get there.

You change as you go back and forth.

So would any of this affect your decision?

For me, i dont really have anything i feel tying me to this world... but at the same time i dont know if i want to give up what i have to risk moving to another world entirely... Especially if i was still human when i got there... Kinda be standing out in a crowd and whatnot, and i dont like to be the odd man out... but if i were a pony that would make things better.

If i had full access to both worlds, hell yeah i'd visit daily =P No issue whatsoever. even as a human it wouldnt be as bad since i could roam between realms freely.

I wouldnt know what to do for work though... i'm kind of a geek and yet technology seems to be lacking in this world... so i'd be screwed, hehe...

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I'd do it in a heartbeat! I'd prefer it to be a one way trip... And be a pony when I show up! I would be able to get over not having my technology and video games. Although being able to freely flip between worlds would also be an appealing option too...

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I would take any of those options as longs as I could be a pegasus. This world is a dark, complicated and confusing place compared to equestria. Even if I couldnt go back I would still prefer to maybe bring a friend or two but honestly I would gladly leave this life behind perks and all. to me the positives far outweigh the negatives.

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I'd do it in a heartbeat! I'd prefer it to be a one way trip... And be a pony when I show up! I would be able to get over not having my technology and video games. Although being able to freely flip between worlds would also be an appealing option too...

Yeah, i'm sure that being such a friendly place you'd find other ways to entertain yourself... but still, i'd never be able to paly another video game again... kinda rough...

I would take any of those options as longs as I could be a pegasus. This world is a dark, complicated and confusing place compared to equestria. Even if I couldnt go back I would still prefer to maybe bring a friend or two but honestly I would gladly leave this life behind perks and all. to me the positives far outweigh the negatives.

Yeah, it's a dark world, but to leave your family, friends, job, etc... There's no way to contact them again, and even thought i'm not close to my family... it's stll a tough choice...

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I love my family but as of recently I think I could go without them, I would like to bring friend if possible but I would still go regardless. to me to be a part of equestria is the ultimate in achieving happiness, I would want for nothing else ever again.

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I'd visit, but nothing could be worth abandoning the relationships that I have spent a lifetime cultivating. Nor the dream job that took 16 years of education to achieve.

... i'm kind of a geek and yet technology seems to be lacking in this world... so i'd be screwed, hehe...

Unplugging for a brief period of time would be a perk for me.

I would take any of those options as longs as I could be a pegasus.

I'm surprised more people haven't weighed in on pony types yet. I would like to be a unicorn, because the thought of using my mouth to grab stuff causes my to gag a bit. But any of the three would be fine.

...I would still prefer to maybe bring a friend or two...

Yeah, that would be very nice. It would be weird to get back here and know that for the rest of your life, you must remain silent, or thought to be crazy.

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I'd go, regardless of whether I could come back or not. Only if I could be a pony (unicorn) though.

But yeah, I'd love to live in a place like Equestria. :)

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Without going home, and being able to choose pony type? Pegasus yes please.

I don't mind if there was an option to return to our world, but I'd be staying in Equestria more. Just being able to fly is enough for me, thanks. So is getting away from world's complexity.

In the extreme side, if this was a scenario like on of those cliche kids tv shows (has power that no one else does or can't reveal under any circumstances, but gets to use it), then the mental outtake on the situation will be crazy, but I'd totally abuse the power.

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I'd do it, so long as I could be a pony when I got there. I would hate to be a human in the pony world, I'd be an oddity, and probably be forced to live in the everfree forest to ensure a semblance of peace and quiet. Id like to be an earth pony though. I wouldnt even mind using my mouth to do some things, it seems like equestria is a generally magically cleaner place, aside from the occasional feather flu outbreak.

I have friends and family that would make me sad to leave, but if I could leave some sort of parting message, I wouldnt feel so bad about leaving if I couldnt come back.

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Yes, I'd go in a heartbeat even if it was a one way ticket. I'd want to be an earth pony when I arrive there mainly because I love the challenge of physical work. A pegasus would be okay too, but I'd have to get rid of my fear of heights firs.

Now, as for my reasons as to why, well...

I find this rather interesting.

Oddly enough, this has been a constant topic that my brother and I discuss. Not in the sense of going to Equestria, he's not a Brony, but the whole topic of leaving everything you know behind. We usually discuss it in the scenario of a one way ticket to colonize a different world or in the sense of immortality.

My answer has always been that I am way too curious to simply say no. I would leap at the opportunity to not only explore unknown terrains, but to simply learn everything that I could. All the stuff I would see and experience are enough to ease my mind about leaving behind what I know and those I care for. Sure, I'd miss my family, but I'd be carrying with me the lessons that they taught me.

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I'd definitely go if I could come back. Even if I was stuck as a human, I'd check it out at least a couple times for curiosity's sake. And if I was a pony while there, well, I could probably end up using a decent chunk of vacation time. And weekends.

If I *couldn't* come back, though, I wouldn't be as eager. Crappy as my life may be right now, I'm not quite ready to abandon everything and start over. But who knows where everything might be a year from now...

And yeah, I'd probably freak out over using my mouth for everything if I was an earth pony.

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if I can't come back to human world, then definitely no.

if I'm stuck as a human, I'd still go, but I wouldn't spend much time there. ponies get freaked out by zebras, I doubt a human would be any less terrifying.

my ideal would be to change into a pony and freedom to go back and fourth. I don't have any overwhelming desire to go to Equestria though. I'd just look at it as a neat experience to have.

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If I could freely roam between both worlds, yes. (Assuming I'd be a human)

If it was one way as a human, I don't know. Life would be wierd as hell.

If it was one way as a pony...would I really want to be one? I still don't know.

And it was free roam as a pony...I could never come back. Why the 'ell would I want to be a pony on Earth?

Also, I wonder what Equestria would be like in reality. Is it still cartoonish? Or is it real? If so, how do the ponies look? Like the show ones or the real ones? What's the area actually like? And, the question asked by many, how would it smell?

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One-way trip? If I could bring my family and my practically-sisters with me. We could all be ponies together! If I had to leave them, I doubt I'd go. I love 'em too much.

Back and forth? Then heck to the yes! Even if I were stuck as a human, I'd probably still go once or twice to check it out. See what poison joke would do to me. :P If I got to change into a pony every time I went... My family would probably only see me on holidays. XD

I'd probably be an earth pony. That, or a unicorn, but I have an affinity for earth ponies. I like that whole "one with the earth and the critters" thing. I've always wanted to have my own little mini-farm setup, anyway, so it'd be perfect.

As for smell... There was a bathtub in the show once! I'm going to assume they have running water and some kind of sanitation setup. >.> I'd hope sentient ponies would clean up after themselves.

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I would have some resurvations if I had to stay a human there, otherwise... (and I'm suprised no one thought of this) I'd pack up my laptop/phone and some spare parts and some solar-cells and go. While I'd miss the internet I would have a much happier life there so I probably wouldnt notice it as much. I'd be a little dissapointed if I got there and was an earth-pony, (Obviously I'd prefer to be a pegasus) but otherwise... wouldnt care if it was one-way or not. If the transformation was one-way and comming back meant I was still a pony in our world... I'd probably never come back (after all the moment I did, I'd be killed or put into some circus or something) I would, though, drag my closest friends along, of course most of them would be thrilled to go, so it wouldnt be hard to do ;)

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If it was one way... probably not, i still do have loose ends over here. If it was free roam, but as a human for both, probably yea, i like having opposable thumbs. but if it was free roam, but i was stuck as a pony, then no, since i would be practically stuck in Equestria, and as said before, loose ends. If it was free roam, and i change based on which world, then heck yea! though i would hope i would be a unicorn.

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