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Everything posted by Pretzelparty

  1. posts planned for today: Foals at heart, smell of success, Unfair trade... and maybe horror coems to ponyville

  2. Pretzelparty

    Star Pony

    so beautiful!
  3. I think I need a break... I'll try to post but I don't feel any steam anymore

  4. posts will be made tomorrow

    1. leapman


      And so we wait!

    2. ShadowWalking18


      And watch....and listen...*Pulls out Binoculars*

  5. that's alll the posts I can make for now... more shall come likel at some point tomor--- er much later tonight

    1. tacobob


      Bebop Is Best Filly.

    2. ShadowWalking18


      Bebop is adorable :3

  6. I'm wondering if I shoudl stop announcing when I intend to post on this ... I always seem to jinx myself!

  7. I'm Gonna try and post some stuff tomorrow eveninig or afternoon, sorry for keeping eveyrone waiting

  8. gonna try and get some posts out tonight

  9. Posts may be a bit slow this week, I'm sorry :(

    1. tacobob


      30 Days Dungeon!

  10. gonna try and get at least three posts out tomorrow

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pretzelparty
    3. tacobob


      huzzah! Now I need to post cause you posted....I also need time to post....RL...ugh. Maybe I should start a "Keep Tacobob At Home" Kickstarter.

    4. Pretzelparty


      aaaaand three! I'll try to get more done but for now i need a break

  11. Soon... there shall be a new dragon in the world!... well two if you count CC

    1. SunsetSombra
    2. Ciraxis


      The Elder Scrolls told of their return...

    3. PyroBlaze


      Aranak has more dragons to meet!

  12. -Agressive typing noises!-

  13. *loves the art but cannot comprehend complex maths... so head explodes*
  14. posts shall be made today if hte powers that be allow me time! Wish me luck!

  15. *clickety clackety* AKA Keyboard noises...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. XanXeto


      Wub Wub *DJ noises*

    3. DreamySunday


      Boopity boop *computer noise*

    4. ShadowWalking18


      Brrriiiinggg-Crunch! *Alarm clock*

  16. "Bright colors make everythin' cute! I mean lookit you!" she said proudly before her mind drifted back to the mention of the milk snakes, "Do ya think they'd like ta pose fer a paintin' sometime? Oh! maybe I could paint you holdin' some of them or playin' with 'em!" The painter's eyes began to light up as she considered the possibilities. Fresco in the meantime seemed to be more than willing to take Fluttershy's suggestion. The little purple Chiropteran shuffled on Celestia's horn to face her then nuzzled his little piglike nose against the Sun princess' own considerably larger one as if to bid her farewell. The small creature then spread he wings and fluttered off en route to the love princess's own horn. Seems he chose to greet her just in time as she was about to leave. There was a flash of purple in front of the pink alicorn's snout before she felt a small weight hanging off her horn and would see a pair of inquisitive and playful eyes looking at her, followed by a squeak of greeting. The painter chuckled softly before she looked over to Princess Celestia, "Looks like e's a fickle little guy isn't 'e?" she smiled at the princess and took one of the apples from her own bushel and began to chew on it. "No matter how many o' these I wind up buyin' me and Fresco never gets tired of 'em..." Once Presteza finished chewing on her bite of apple she looked back to the princess, "So, does my brother do a lot o' assignments fer ya, Princess?" The Guardstallion was still frozen in place as his mind tried to desperately calculate and dissipate his ever increasing embarassment. When the Princess drew near and was about to whisper in his ear, Silver could only cringe as she was surely to do something that would shatter his hopes to live up to his father's military career with possibly the worst of punishments; Dishonorable discharge... or worse unpaid permanent leave! Soon the grey coated pony was only left blinking in confusion as the princess gave him a playful remark about how easily flustered he could be... "U-uh... um, Well our mother can be a bit exciteable... maybe that's where I got it from?" he said, trying to calm himself down. "I think I should tay at your side your highness. Miss Applejack is without a doubt a lovely mare, but I've no time for such things now... and Presteza is able to take care of herself, I'm sure of that."
  17. Working on arts! on an unrelated note be sure to vote in the alicorn voting poll if you haven't already!

    1. tacobob


      Art! Art! Art! You must draw ALL the ponies.

  18. That's adorable! I need to have Bebop meet Inkbrand again and also hang out with all these lil ponies again!
  19. She's adoooooorable.... I must draw her sister at once
  20. "Achoo!" (thank you, Zeig! for the adorable Chibi-Presteza!)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tacobob


      Zeig is best Zed.

    3. ShadowWalking18


      It's missing Razor and IB being hurled across the horizon by a sudden heavy wind but it's a cute one for sure. :)

    4. CaptainMcDerp


      Omg that is so adorable X3

  21. I have been..REBORN!(.. it's Zoebel12)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pretzelparty


      aaaand? I'm proud to be my master's student!

    3. RarityDash


      I think we all called you Pressy already anyway. Just spares the confusion. :D

    4. DreamySunday


      You got a NAme Change! :D

  22. Darnit, Cap'n! How do you make your stallion's so adorable?! Can you teach me?
  23. Working on my posts now! On a sidenote remember to vote in the alicorn voting poll!

  24. My martial arts pony has been accepted into WOE! Now where shall I put him to have him mingle...

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