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Status Updates posted by Blueblood

  1. New Doctor Announcement: Good Choice.

    1. starswirlthebearded
    2. DamianMane


      Starswirl your comment just made me imagine Capaldi as a ginger and now I'm disturbed.

    3. starswirlthebearded


      BWAHAHAHAHA Damian. That's your fault, not mine.

  2. Alright, everyone, signing out.  Next time you hear from me, I'll be at my new apartment!

    1. RedCedar


      Good luck! Hope it's a smooth move.

    2. Ciraxis


      Have fun moving into your new Doom Citadel!

    3. Lyipheoryia
  3. Taking suggestions for a cutie mark: what would be good for a pony that has many enthusiasms, but a short attention span for each?

    1. Rosewind


      A bundle of pixi sticks!

    2. Windwright


      A kaleidoscope rose?

    3. QuickLime


      A sparkler with a short wick

  4. Can I frankly confess that the current battle over Net Neutrality has left me feeling frustrated and helpless? That no matter how many petitions I sign, congressmen I call, or dollars I donate to the cause, money trumps citizenship?

    1. ShadowWalking18


      Because we have made money a citizen, among other things. Sad, really. But I like to live with the thought the universe balances things out. Eventually even all this corrupted wealth will fall apart. Nothing lasts forever.

    2. moonshineTheleocat
    3. Solfire


      "Land of the free... for a price."

  5. When you realize that you've inadvertantly duplicated someone else's OC's color scheme for your own...

    1. TwoBits


      I think that's fairly common. Took me a while to realize my first unicorn concept's colors were essentially cloned from another accepted app.

    2. Killjoy


      there are millions of bronies in the world, it's bound to happen lol

    3. RedCedar


      Yeah, there's only so many colour combinations to go around, so I wouldn't worry about it much. Your OC's cutie mark is where you can make a unique impression.

  6. I swear, if this whole NMN Invasion ends with a Deus ex Machina....

    1. Rosewind


      It ends with a Deus ex Machina.

    2. Halide


      With actual machines. Made by greco-roman deities.

    3. tacobob


      Nah, it was all a dream..Or was just something in Derpy's snowglobe..

  7. Bit of an odd situation; I'm in a lot of threads, but many are slow to update, so I don't really know when I've overburdened myself.

    1. Bellosh


      When you have 6+ threads you're up to bat in and you're slow in responding to them all, you just might be overburdened. :P

    2. Blueblood


      No, I mean the other players respond slowly.

    3. starswirlthebearded


      Just avoid being SteelEagle. Only he can do what he does. No one even knows how he does it. Some say he just made the account and allows for his captive ponies to play themselves on Canterlot.

  8. What with having to move, I'm going to be busy for a few weeks...

    1. Kodokuna


      I hope your new place is great~

    2. tacobob


      bet it's HAUNTED!

    3. Kodokuna


      Psh, what are the chances of any cabin in the woods being haunted?

  9. Celestia is something worse than a Tyrant: an AUNT.

    1. Bellosh



    2. starswirlthebearded
    3. tacobob


      Yeah, but they always give out the best Hearth Warming Eve gifts. :3

  10. Have you ever found that after one thread where you really hit it out of the park with one character, you're never quite able to recapture the magic afterward?

    1. DreamySunday
    2. SteelEagle


      It happens. That is why my goal is to have about ten thousand threads so I can be quite magical!

  11. OK, does someone want to tell me why Vinyl Scratch, a pony who has had no canon speaking lines whatsoever, is Tier 2 in CC, while Prince Blueblood is tier 3?

    1. RarityDash


      Vinyl's tier placement is dictated by her presence in merchandising and her perceived desirability among fans. Popularity isn't the deciding factor for that kind of thing, but when it's undeniable as with her and Derpy we do take it into account.

    2. QuickLime


      Yeah, she's way more popular ^^;

  12. I don't know why, exactly, but I tend to be more creative when I'm writing up a cast RP profile, where I have to work within definite canon limitations, than when I'm writing up an OC, and have none.

    1. ping111


      Well, it's much easier to colour than to draw, is it not? It doesn't mean it's any less creative; it's just that if you have a basis, you can use that as a springboard for creativity.

    2. Blueblood


      Mhm, but I also have a lot more fun with them overall. Then again, Blueblood is just awesome.

  13. Job interview tomorrow!

    1. Corsair


      I thought you already had a job being the Prince of... what does Blueblood do, anyway? :) Good luck on your interview!

    2. Phalos
  14. Just got a call back; looks like I'm finally gonna have a job!

    1. GhostGirl
    2. tacobob


      Wooh-Hoo! Hopefully that's the case!

  15. Am I the only member here who ever had Blueblood in their forum avatar?

    1. DreamySunday
    2. Blueblood


      Ah. At least someone else appreciates magnificence...

  16. Um... I think this invasion arc is turning into a bit of a mess.

    1. NeoExlucky


      Perhaps just a little. I like it.

    2. GildedLegacy


      /v\ Still great reading though.

  17. After having to deal with 3+ paragraphs of a post getting eaten by page errors, I think I'll just give up for now and try again tomorrow.

    1. Dio


      Google Drive saves!

    2. tacobob


      I always write my posts via an text editor and then copy and paste the text here...Nice and safe. :3

  18. Okay, how does someone actually type out musical notes? I know I've seen people do that here...

    1. SunsetSombra


      Go to notepad, Press/Hold alt, then type 14 on the numberpad - Boom, unicode ♫! ( Bonus = replace 14 for 13 and you get ♪! ) :D

    2. Quillhart
  19. I just tried to change my avatar. And now I have none.

    1. SteelEagle


      For I have no mouth and I must scream. Send me the image you want and I'll see t it when I get home you're serviced.

    2. AlphaNumeric


      I was wondering what happened. Haha.

  20. Currently playing a game of Twilight Struggle via the Internet. The Soviets have conspicuously failed to come off on a great start...

    1. Dunder


      The Red Army is the strongest.

    2. Blueblood


      It's a game of international politics; try to dominate the world, but the first Superpower to cause World War III loses.

  21. This is to inform you all that Pumpkin Peanut Brittle is delicious, and you should all try some. Unless you are allergic. Then I am deeply sorry.

    1. Hawkeye12


      Gah...I was over the whole "pumpkin flavored everything" thing a long time ago. Still, that does sound good.

    2. Rosewind


      I picked up pumpkin spice pumpkin seeds today. Totally meta.

  22. Been thinking... if I made my Blueblood character discussion thread an in-character AMA, would you guys be interested?

    1. QuickLime


      Heck yeah, I could argue about blueblood for days

    2. Smartbrony


      I feel like they're all slowly turning into in-character AMAs

  23. You know, I really should just nerve myself up to App for a FiM Cast Character...

    1. Accellerant


      Do it, you've got nothing to lose!

    2. Lux
  24. Now that was awesome. I don't want to hear anything from neighsayers anymore.

    1. RegalSteel
    2. RarityDash


      Yep. I can't really see how someone could actually like the show and be disappointed with what we just got. ;)

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