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Status Updates posted by Lyipheoryia

  1. Seriously.  Does anypaw want to roleplay with my DJ Aerion?  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lyipheoryia


      Oh...just read her app :P


    3. ToothpasteThy


      Wow. You actually put effort into your applications lol

      I'm 100% A-OK roleplaying with ya here~ I just need to figure out which character of mine would be best for this >.>

      or I could roll a die. kekekekeke~

    4. Lyipheoryia


      Let's pm, then!

  2. Wow, I haven't been on here in so long!  This place holds so many memories for me - whether that be meeting countless incredible, inspiring people or just having some motivational chats to brighten up my day :)  Thank you guys so much for the great memories!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SymphonicFire
    3. tacobob
    4. Tenkan


      Welcome back! I just came back recently. Great memories here, and good vibes.

  3. Awesome banner Symphonic! <3 It's so cool!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lyipheoryia


      Awesome banner Symphonic and @Rosewind ! 

    3. Rosewind


      Awww thanks, Symph is very, very talented!

    4. SymphonicFire


      :blush:Mama Rosewind, you're being too kind!

  4. Directing a short film is hard.  Directing a short film in which your two bff's are the cast members is really hard.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lyipheoryia


      Hey...that's not so hard when you're Canadien. 

    3. Sondash145


      But when you live in hillbilly country where half the schools don't even give French as an option, it's pretty difficult. Plus it was a group of six, sooo that's a thing.

    4. PrinceoftheNight
  5. Funny thing how I have no videos on my youtube channel, but I have two subscribers XD 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lyipheoryia


      I'm going to see how many subscribers I can pull in without posting anything XD 


    3. Sondash145


      well, 1 more sub for your quest.

    4. starlightchaser
  6. OMG somebody just messaged me on FimFic to ask if they could do a dramatic reading of my story :D 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sondash145


      That's awesome! I really don't have a joke for this, just, cool!

    3. RedCedar
    4. ToothpasteThy


      This can be nothing but good.

  7. When you realize nobody ever invites you to anything, but you invite them to all~  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zealot


      I invited you to D&D :P

    3. Pretzelparty


      I offered to let you bring a pony into my caribou rp event too. You didn't get back to me on it :(

    4. Lyipheoryia


      Ahaha!  I was referring to IRL.  I've been holding off on rp's cuz I wasn't feeling quite up to them.  I assure you they're be caught up real soon :) 

  8. Stand strong.  You're a mountain, and the winds shall pass.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lyipheoryia




      I'm just trying to have a positive status in the face of a few not-so-positive ones :sleep:  


      Mountains shall form as long as the Earth stands.  The winds can change direction to the favour of the mountain.

    3. Blueblood


      Sorry, I was part of the debate team for 6 years; I can't help but have a counter-argument for everything.  Wasn't trying to depress you.  It's just that I feel like a wind myself, sometimes, which is by no means a happy position in itself.

    4. Lyipheoryia


      I liked your comment.  Not because I like unhappiness, but because it was really nice for you to share something.  

      I'm a debater as well, but...not as great with counter-arguments :) 

  9. Apologies if I'm not getting to certain rp threads~  My notifications are still a little...behind.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lyipheoryia


      That's smart....~  I should do that...quite a few thread that I follow prove to show no notifications :(

    3. Zeig


      Dunno if the Spellbound Gala thread is one of those you haven't been getting notifications for, but just in case it is, I posted a reply to Candles.

    4. Lyipheoryia


      Yeah...didn't get notifications for that.  I shall go check it out :)

  10. I feel like I forgot to reply to an rp. Please reply if I forgot yours. Sorry :/

  11. Wow. The site just crashed on me for about a minute. Just stopped working. Access denied. Now it's good again. Scared me crazy...~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lyipheoryia


      Whoof! So I'm not the only one...

    3. Noedig


      Saw it happened.

      Assumed it either failed or deactivated for a moment.

    4. DreamySunday
  12. When did Spam Stables turn into Political Commentary?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheFinestSorcerer


      blame NormalDude... or whatever his name is

    3. Lyipheoryia


      I don't blame anyone, and it's more than one member...I was just expressing my opinion...*sigh* Why?

    4. brianblackberry


      Ignore those threads, make your own.

  13. Slow on rp's...slow on posts...gimme a second to catch up on life~

    1. Eventide


      However long you need Lyi. :) There's no rush.

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Yeah...I'm the idiotic person that signs up/starts waaay too many rp's, then unfortunately delays my replies for whiles :(.  Replies will be up-soon, though!   

    3. Jabberwock


      Hey take absolutely as much time as you need! I am an infinitely patient person, so I don't mind waiting as long as you need! ^^

  14. I think I'm getting sick again.  This is a problem.  Why do I keep getting sick?!  

    1. ToothpasteThy


      I dunno, but you're not alone .-.

      the worst part is being too tired to have any fun -.-'

      Anyways, I hope you start feeling well soon, Lyi~ We all like it best when you're at 100% ^_^ 

    2. LunarRelic


      I haven't been sick yet this year. But come the fall I have the same problem... Get well soon.

    3. Bogle


      Hope you get better quick!
      Random advice: They taste like orange peels and chalk, but there are these Vitamin C mix pouches you dump into water bottles--alternating those with alka-seltzer tabs in water bottles work miracles for colds and the like. 

  15. Queen Galaxia: who is she?

    1. starswirlthebearded


      Lauren Faust's fansona. (I can't remember if that is her actual Ponysona, but it might be)

    2. QuickLime


      It is not, It's just a fans made up character for Celestia and Luna's mother

    3. starswirlthebearded


      Then I got confused with names.

  16. When you start studying for the marks, not the knowledge :(

    1. Arcus


      Bah, studying? I hate studying. But learning... I love it.

    2. Lyipheoryia
    3. MidnightMask


      What if it were for a cutie mark? :D

  17. If I did a Masquerade Ball rp, who would be interested?

  18. Must.  Stop.  Posting.

    Must.  Start.  Studying.


    [Internal struggle]

    1. tacobob


      Ha! Nobuddy learned nuttin from studying!

    2. ToothpasteThy


      Must. Stop. Drawing.

      Must. Start. Posting.


      [the struggle is real]

    3. Rosewind


      You should study before you play games, my child! :toriel:

  19. Anyone here read A Separate Piece? I made a comic based on it.

    1. QueenCerali


      I haven't read that, but I'd like to the the comic!

    2. AlextheAngel


      That is an amazing book. I would very much like to see this comic~.

    3. Lyipheoryia
  20. Anybody want to roleplay with a Royal Guard?  A Marquis?  A Brigadier General?

    1. tacobob


      I do have a few characters involved in the R.E.A....Fire Walker...(Officer) Zelda (Blacksmith)..

    2. Imagination


      I could RP with Wildflower, my Navy Captain if you wanted. Joint Operations, woo!

    3. moonshineTheleocat


      I have Star Crusader a member of the R. E. A. and currently acting as an Honor Guard.


      Voronoi Fractal (Java) is a noble, offspring to Duchess Star Breezer. Breezer is currently the captain of a calvary R. E. A. unit. By title, I guess you'd call him "Lord". He'd rather not have a title though. So... Java's a possible canidate of the Marquis. You might even be able to get Racken's Blueblood/Bluebelle in the mix.

  21. Whomever made me AGENT OF THE CROWN, I thank thee most wholeheartedly~

    1. Rosewind
    2. Lyipheoryia


      It looks like a piratefish.  A really strange piratefish.  Now, where's the usual fishy that comes after my status updates?


      Here you are:  :carp:

    3. SymphonicFire


      It's Undyne! XD Congrats! 

  22. I was just about to rejoice at the end of finals, when I remembered I have 3 more to go. GAH

    1. Eventide


      Ha. :I Good luck mate.

    2. SymphonicFire


      So do I    TT_TT

    3. Sondash145


      the bitterness of memory. It helps a lot, but it's only a matter of time until it fails you.

  23. Anyone? How do I delete an unwanted album?

    1. starswirlthebearded


      I don't see a way. I'd contact Dio to see if he could do it. But it looks like users can only delete images, not the album itself.

    2. Rosewind


      PM me with the album you would like deleted or report your album and ask for it to be deleted.

    3. Lyipheoryia


      I shall report it, thank you :)

  24. Anybrony wanna rp? I'm trying to get my characters a weensy bit more active:)

    1. SeaJay


      Sure~ What might you have in mind? OwO

    2. Gfan93
    3. Lyipheoryia
  25. What do the stars in my profile mean? The ones under my "Online Last Active Today"

    1. DreamySunday


      User ratings. people go into your profile and click on the amount of stars they wish to give you based on their experiences with you. think of it as reputation.

    2. RainbowDaringDash


      Whops.... wrong status.... :P But yueah, what dreamy said pretty much sums it up.

    3. Lyipheoryia
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