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Status Updates posted by Blueblood

  1. Um... I think this invasion arc is turning into a bit of a mess.

    1. NeoExlucky


      Perhaps just a little. I like it.

    2. GildedLegacy


      /v\ Still great reading though.

  2. As you could probably tell from the last blitz of posts I did, I have returned home!

    1. Aisede


      Huzzah, the prince returns!

    2. tacobob


      No, I don't believe you!

  3. And... We are back!  Apartment move was successful!

    1. starswirlthebearded
    2. Zeig


      Yay! Glad your move was (presumably) relatively stress free~

  4. Note to all who saw 'Account Suspended': It was just a server issue. Nobody's in trouble.

    1. Hawkeye12


      Oh, phew, don't scare me like that! XD

    2. stormchaser1991


      bassclef said that it got hacked by hackers

  5. I just tried to change my avatar. And now I have none.

    1. SteelEagle


      For I have no mouth and I must scream. Send me the image you want and I'll see t it when I get home you're serviced.

    2. AlphaNumeric


      I was wondering what happened. Haha.

  6. Alright, tomorrow I should be able to get my post in Equestria vs. Flash Sentry out, and then I'll be working on something special for you all...

    1. moonshineTheleocat


      Why did I read that in the voice of Mr. New Vegas...

    2. PyroBlaze


      Hmm... Interesting...

  7. You know, I really should just nerve myself up to App for a FiM Cast Character...

    1. Accellerant


      Do it, you've got nothing to lose!

    2. Lux
  8. Have you ever found that after one thread where you really hit it out of the park with one character, you're never quite able to recapture the magic afterward?

    1. DreamySunday
    2. SteelEagle


      It happens. That is why my goal is to have about ten thousand threads so I can be quite magical!

  9. Okay, how does someone actually type out musical notes? I know I've seen people do that here...

    1. SunsetSombra


      Go to notepad, Press/Hold alt, then type 14 on the numberpad - Boom, unicode ♫! ( Bonus = replace 14 for 13 and you get ♪! ) :D

    2. Quillhart
  10. Now that was awesome. I don't want to hear anything from neighsayers anymore.

    1. RegalSteel
    2. RarityDash


      Yep. I can't really see how someone could actually like the show and be disappointed with what we just got. ;)

    1. tacobob


      Meh. I prefer the "Make Tacobob A Millionaire" Kickstarter. Everyone should back that one! :D

  11. Moving has started in earnest!  I'll be out of the RP game through Saturday, when I'll hopefully be set up at the new place.

    1. Windwright


      Good luck! We'll keep things ready for when you get back.

  12. Leaving for the weekend to visit my sister; replies won't come until Monday.

    1. Dusty


      Have fun and be safe!

  13. Ok, so if I turn the wifi on my phone off I can access the site through my cell network. Interesting

    1. PyroBlaze


      Huh, interesting indeed.

  14. Aha!  It's late July, and the peaches are truly in season now!  *Scarfs down delicious fruit*

    1. tacobob


      If I had my little way, I'd eat peaches every day.

  15. "For we war not against flesh and blood, but against darkness, fear, hunger, and shame." http://www.canterlot.com/topic/20040-imagine-sign-up-and-ooc/

  16. So... what would make a good event finale tune? Looking for a good song that 3 can sing on stage. Tune is paramount, lyrics can be adjusted

    1. Dunder


      Anything by Run DMC

  17. A key tip: flexibility in posting order allows players to post at the time when they are most inspired, and let others go ahead when they are not. I find that this greatly increases the quality of RP posts in a thread.

    1. Tymiko


      I think the only problem with that is sometimes some are left with nothing or little to reply to while others may find there's a whole lot that went on without them in their absence and become too overwhelmed to reply at all.

  18. If I were to do a Fallen London crossover, would anyone be interested?

  19. I'm noticing that large threads, like the events, tend to be mostly directed by those who post more frequently in them. I don't mind so much, but it makes me worry about if I'm being too rapid myself in responding. Post order etiquette can be complicated, sometimes.

    1. moonshineTheleocat


      Sometimes it's to get things moving.

  20. Little sister came home for Spring Break; spent a nice afternoon playing games with the whole family.

    1. ParrySlice


      I wished I had a little sister :(

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