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Status Updates posted by Lyipheoryia

  1. Wow. The site just crashed on me for about a minute. Just stopped working. Access denied. Now it's good again. Scared me crazy...~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lyipheoryia


      Whoof! So I'm not the only one...

    3. Noedig


      Saw it happened.

      Assumed it either failed or deactivated for a moment.

    4. DreamySunday
  2. 123 posts!  Good job :D 

    1. FiniteZero




      I tend to post quicklies.

    2. Lyipheoryia


      The number is most intriguing~  

      There are three digits.  

      The last digit is the number 3.

      A triangle has three sides.

      Illuminati confirmed?  

    3. FiniteZero




      Half-Life 3 confirmed.


      I'm secretly Gabe Narwhal.

  3. 30 people love me enough to follow me! <3 *hugs*  Thanks you~!!! 

  4. 7 years of watching MLP G4 and a lifetime of forum memories~  I can't believe it all ends in October!  It's strange seeing it all end, even after spending less and less time an an active fan - but I can't wait for G5 and the cycle to begin again. 

    1. QuickLime


      But it's not  the end, it's just the end of this chapter.


  5. Alas, my happiness is ruined~  My 10k gem in King of Thieves hath been stolen~

    1. Rosewind


      Something stolen in a game called "king of thieves" eh?

  6. Alright mateys!  Let's start on those rp's again :D.  Post below if we have an rp I need to reply to.  If you'd rather leave the rp dead and start a new one, post below too! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thorenthal


      I remember you starting up that Hotel RP a while back. It still has yet to get rolling. c:

    3. Lyipheoryia


      Hotel?  You mean the one with possibly Eventide and Dreamy~ :) 

    4. Lyipheoryia


      Replies will commence on the weekend.  On the other hand, if we started an OOC, pm me :D

  7. Any Lyi is on a roll again!  Posting here and fro~ :D 

  8. Any rp's I have yet to reply to?  Please link below :).  I used to have a document with the links to all my rp's, but my PC got a little wiry recently and the document basically won't load.  

    1. Bellosh


      If you'd so like, Calamity is free to address the Imperial Court now that the Chancellor wrapped up her report: 


    2. Blueblood
    3. Rudan
  9. Any-bwody want to rolepway with moi?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. QueenCerali


      I finally realized that I hadn't posted on A Meeting Of Queens! after 4 or 5 months......

    3. Lyipheoryia


      *cough*  Ya think?

    4. QueenCerali



  10. Anybody interested in an AU adventure rp to catch notorious criminals?  

  11. Anybody up for a slice-of-life roleplay? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lux
    3. tacobob


      I'm always up for a new RP. <3

    4. ShineRunner


      Yes, but how can I do it? I can't seem to post my characters for review!

  12. Anybody up for an rp?  

    1. CatCakey


      Depends, but probably not now.

    2. starlightchaser
  13. Anybody want to roleplay with a Royal Guard?  A Marquis?  A Brigadier General?

    1. tacobob


      I do have a few characters involved in the R.E.A....Fire Walker...(Officer) Zelda (Blacksmith)..

    2. Imagination


      I could RP with Wildflower, my Navy Captain if you wanted. Joint Operations, woo!

    3. moonshineTheleocat


      I have Star Crusader a member of the R. E. A. and currently acting as an Honor Guard.


      Voronoi Fractal (Java) is a noble, offspring to Duchess Star Breezer. Breezer is currently the captain of a calvary R. E. A. unit. By title, I guess you'd call him "Lord". He'd rather not have a title though. So... Java's a possible canidate of the Marquis. You might even be able to get Racken's Blueblood/Bluebelle in the mix.

  14. Anybody wish to roleplay with me?

    1. FiniteZero


      I'd be cool with doing dome thing in FFA to test some characters out.

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Alright~!  Yeah!  FFA sounds great :)  Wanna talk this out in pm?

    3. FiniteZero



      let's do that

      Shoot me a PM, and we can discuss.

  15. Anyone here play League of Angels II?  I could definitely use a guild...

  16. Anyone know the players for Trixie and Thorax?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tacobob


      According to the ACTIVE CAST PLAYER DIRECTORY, RainbowFoxxy  has Thorax and Brianblackberry has Trixie.
    3. tacobob


      Wow. I think we replied like the same exact time.

    4. Dio


      Drift compatible.

  17. Anyone up for a roleplay?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lyipheoryia


      Please sent a pm :D, and we can talk lots more~!  


    3. IceStorm


      okay! or if you'd like to do a group RP, ould add us to another PM!

    4. QueenCerali


      {oooh, group RP}

  18. Anyone up for a Starlight rp? 

    1. QueenCerali


      *wiggles and hops*

    2. Lux


      Sure! Considering Starlight Glimmer met Luna and Twilight we can do an RP with them or others. 

    3. Lyipheoryia
  19. Are you an actual therapist?

    1. AlextheAngel


      No, I'm not. I've been told that I could be, though.

    2. Eventide


      Ayy. I'm studying psychology. :I It's a rather interesting subject.

  20. Awesome banner Symphonic! <3 It's so cool!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lyipheoryia


      Awesome banner Symphonic and @Rosewind ! 

    3. Rosewind


      Awww thanks, Symph is very, very talented!

    4. SymphonicFire


      :blush:Mama Rosewind, you're being too kind!

  21. Clearing 13,000,000 pages of browsing history does make your Internet faster XD 

    1. ToothpasteThy


      Would've never guessed~ :P

  22. Directing a short film is hard.  Directing a short film in which your two bff's are the cast members is really hard.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lyipheoryia


      Hey...that's not so hard when you're Canadien. 

    3. Sondash145


      But when you live in hillbilly country where half the schools don't even give French as an option, it's pretty difficult. Plus it was a group of six, sooo that's a thing.

    4. PrinceoftheNight
  23. Do any of you know how to make music, and are willing to make a short, 30-45 sec piece for a short film?  

    1. ToothpasteThy


      Mmmmmmaybe~ what did you have in mind? xD 


      (( and what quality are you hoping for? ))

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Let's talk in pm :) 

  24. Do the comic arcs count as AU?  Tempted to set up a Nightmarity or Reflections AU if I'm allowed.

    1. SteelEagle


      Worlds inspired by the Arcs, of course. The Arcs themselves may not be good material because they are limited, but a world set IN the Equestria of Reflections, or an AU centered around a Nightmarity Victory, might be interesting.

  25. Do you want to rp with a Starlight Glimmer?  How about a DJ Aerion?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lyipheoryia


      Sorry, I've been offline for a while and this was an old status update.  
      Sure, I'll rp with you - but, unfortunately, I am unwilling to for her to become your girlfriend.  I play her according to the show's canon, and Starlight Glimmer doesn't have a partner in the show~

    3. BrandonTheUnicorn
    4. Lyipheoryia
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