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Posts posted by RainbowFoxxy

  1. Hi! I'm happy to help you get this application approved :D


    A  suggestion:


    A few bullies had the poor foal held down and were force feeding him mud


    WoE is meant to stay as close to slice of life for MLP FiM as possible. There are a few cases of bullying in the show, but nothing as drastic as force feeding mud. I would say it's enough just to say some bullies were bothering him, or at most pushed him down.



    Other than this, I'd say the app is ready to go! Let me know here when you've made a change to the suggested area and we can move forward with this one! :)

  2. Hey guys sorry for not leaving notice sooner... I'm on vacation in Hawaii until the 3rd so posting May be non existent from me for that time period. Feel free to skip me and keep going in any RP where my characters are present. Or pm me and I'll see about getting a post up :)

  3. Just a heads up for all that this might affect:

    I will most likely be going on a European backpacking trip from May 16th to June 14th. I will post as much as one can when backpacking, but it won't be as much as usual for sure. But when I get back, posting shall resume at my usual rate!

  4. Rainbow Dash

    Pegasus Mare


    Role Play Type: World of Equestria


    RP TEXT COLOR: Medium Blue


    Storm Nexus Race: Let the Games Begin! (archived)

    A New Face in Town (ffa cross over!) (archived)

    PIE! (archived)

    Fluttershy's Animal Cottage (dropped out)

    Raridash! (archived)

    Skydash! (archived)

    Rainbowblust! (archived)

    Rainbow's Attempt at Explaining Life (dropped)

    The Spire (event over)

    Derpy's Magical Princess Muffins-

    Heights of Competition-

    Stallions and Mares

    Winter Wrap Up 2016 (complete)

    A New Addition to the Apple Family

    There's Magic in the Air

    So Fancy Right Now

    Happy Derp Day

    Begin the saga for RD and Steel's AJ!

    The Heights of Competition

    RD breaks her wing and AJ helps her out. RD's heart is stolen, AJ is not thinking that way yet...

    Tonight's the Night

    RD finally makes her feeling for AJ known!

    There's Magic in the Air

    Twi magically impregnates AJ! RD is not amused...

    A New Joy to Share

    The birth of Zap Apple!

    Maternal Philosophy

    AJ and RD deal with the infant Zappers!

    Zap's First Year

    A gathering of friends for Zap's first birthday! RD is there of course 🙂 

    Apple Party Pride

    A fight is brewing between the two mares. Zap has been born and AJ feels RD is not doing her part...she is correct but RD won't admit it. 

    Oh What a Night!

    For a fight! RD starts it on a double date with Lyra and Bon Bon..eventually the two end up settling down for the night at the farm house...but AJ and RD remain unsettled. 

    Mother Know 20% Better

    Or not... Zap and RD go to CloudsDale to visit the Wonderbolts camp. Zap breaks his wing and AJ whoops RD!

    The Royal Equestrian Guard's Ball

    RD proposes to AJ with some help from the love couple of the Crystal Empire!

    Gally Day Care

    RD makes her appearance early in the thread, leaving Zappers alone with Gallus! 


    Newer RD threads without AJ involved

    Again, For the First Time

    Professor Dash leads the class on some trust exercises while Remington and Moonlight develop their relationship. 


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