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Posts posted by Hippo

  1. Ahh, the good ol' nature vs. nurture debate.

    I think it can be a little of both. However, I would side more with the fact that she doesn't have a clear talent and that most of the things we've seen so far are the things anypony could learn. Twilight is a leader, and leaders don't have a specific talent in any particular thing, they usually tend to have a large array of general knowledge. Not everypony can be a leader.

    In thinking about ponys' destinies and their cutie marks and motivation, I would say that some ponies have natural abilities and talents that make them special (nature), while other ponies have to work hard to find out what is so special about them (nurture).

    This is another terrific example of this show's moral character and an attempt to help the viewers understand these ways-of-life for themelves. And this theme is riddled throughoout the CMC episodes.

  2. It's pretty clear that the worst part of this episode is Twilight's mispronunciation of 'everypony.'

    However, I contest that it's not necessarily the writers messing up, especially how easy it was to catch this time. I suspect that 'body' is thrown in there every once and a while on purpose, as to not overdo the use of everypony, anypony, and no pony. It keeps the dialogue on a chain and allows the universe the characters are in to be not so 'out of this world.'


    Cast Characters





    Some Dirty Lyrics

    No Longer Shut

    Moving Mishaps

    Running of the Leaves 2011: Section 1: The Starting Line

    Running of the Leaves 2011: Section 2: Sweet Apple Acres

    Running of the Leaves 2011: Section 3: Bubbling Brook

    Running of the Leaves 2011: Section 4: Whitetail Wood

    Running of the Leaves 2011: Section 5: Mountain Pass

    Running of the Leaves 2011: Section 6: Sappy Situation

    Running of the Leaves 2011: Section 7: The Home Stretch

    Running of the Leaves 2011: The Photo Finish

    The Apple Barn Contract


    The Ponyville Pet Show

    Bobbing for Fun

    Bobbing for Fun (Part 2)

    Caterpillar Chaos

    Mixed Fruits and Veggies

    A Good Influence

    A Gift! A Hearts and Hooves Day Gift!

    Foalish Introduction

    Gem Hunt

    Relaxation, the Apple Family Way!

    The Ponyville Pet Show (Part 2)

    The Apple Family Reunion

    100 Country Kisses

    Iron Pony 2012: Cupcake Eating Challenge

    Iron Pony 2012: The Obstacle Course

    Iron Pony 2012: The Longest Yards

    A Rescue in Progress, Perhaps?

    Iron Pony 2012: Tug of War

    Town Center Roof Repair

    Iron Pony 2012: Barrel Weave

    Iron Pony 2012: The Super Sure Shot Sniping Session

    Adventures in Foalsitting

    Zecora's Cures on the Go

    Apple Bloom's Big Day

    There is Nothing Normal About Putting Your Hear Under Water Unless It's Nightmare Night

    Running of the Leaves 2012: Stage One - Ponyville Start Line

    Running of the Leaves 2012: Stage Two - Sweet Apple Acres

    Running of the Leaves 2012: Stage Three - The Bubbling Brook

    Running of the Leaves 2012: Stage Four - Galloping Glade

    Running of the Leaves 2012: Stage Five - The Rearing Ravine

    Running of the Leaves 2012: Stage Six - The Whitetail Woods

    Running of the Leaves 2012: Stage Seven - Ponyville Home Stretch

    Running of the Leaves 2012: Finish Line

    High Society Stylin' With County Profilin'

    ...The More Zap Apples Stay the Same

    Weekend With the Apples

    The Soul of a Town

    The Doors Are Always Open

    Kidnapping of a Royal Nature

    The Earth Pony Way

    Royal Hunger Pains

    Kept Under Her Hat

    Applejack's Hayride and Barn Party

    Painting the Farm Orange

    The Friendship Sales Pitch

    Saturday School Day Special

    All Work and No Play Makes Applejack a Dull Pony



    Community Service

    The Perfect Model of Honesty

    To Test This Apple for Her Worth


    The Titanium Pony!

    Beast Friends

    Apple, Falling From the Tree

    Running of the Leaves 2018: Stage One: Ponyville! Limber Limbs Lavish No More!

    Running of the Leaves 2018: Stage Two: Bubbling Brook! Time to Go Bold!

    Running of the Leaves 2018: Stage Three: Galloping Glade! Faster Than a Speeding Pegasi

    Running of the Leaves 2018: Stage Four: Rearing Ravine! Time to Make a Move?

    Running of the Leaves 2018: Stage Five: Roundbottom Hills! Over the Hills and FAR AWAY!?

    Running of the Leaves 2018: Stage Six: Whitetail Woods! Caught in a Sticky Situation?

    Running of the Leaves 2018: Stage Seven: Ponyville, The Home Stretch! One Last Push, Everycreature!

    After Party

    Running of the Leaves 2018: The End: Final Standings and Aftermath!

    Gally Day Care

    47th Annual Cider Season

    A Harmony to be Treasured

    Farm Fresh

    Uneasy Hearts Neigh the Most









    Princess Luna



    Shining Armor



    Big Macintosh



    Flax Seed






    First Base [Pop Fly]



    Sky Beak





    Original Characters



    Zap Apple






    Granola Gracie






    Arrow Plain






    Coconut Lime



    Sugar Rush


    • Like 1
  4. hi hi

    I think I've figured it out! ...the element that I was missing I mean. They foreshadowed the resolution way in advance when Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were brought to the buffalo camp.

    Spike says that the buffalo respect dragons, but ponies not so much when he is given a delicious bowl of turquoise and the other two are given mushy slop. So in the context of this episode, giving good food is a sign of genuine respect. So it is no coincidence that giving good food is part of the solution, because it is a way for the settler ponies to show that they genuinely respect their neighbors.

    except ponies dont eat jewels.

  5. Ok, I'm not a very good artist. I don't draw very well and my knowledge of coloring schemes is basic. In high school, I painted a monotone piece with three different hues of colors.

    However, I like NASCAR, and I have found a way of combining my bronihood and my love for fast cars together. Toyota is having a "Sponsafier" contest in which people can create their own paint scheme designs for their favorite driver.


    Well, I think I outdid myself this time...


    The entry dates listed March 20th as the last day to enter, but it still let me register it and submit it. I'm not thinking it will win, especially since the top voter getter is a Lime Disease awareness car, and the tallies aren't even close.

    Tell me what you guys think!!

  6. My favorite line from this episode:

    Following other character's statements, Fluttershy pops in. "I would love to be a tree."

    A couple things I loved about this episode:

    1. Character design on the buffalo. WOW!! The way they animated the buffalo, just like they animated the rest of the show, was pure awesomeness. There's seems to be no exception to the way they choose to animate action shots of the characters, slow or fast, even if it's a new or minor character. It's things like this that keep me watching the show. Anypony could write a cartoony western about a land dispute, but it takes artists, writers, and voice actresses like the ones MLPFiM has to make it awesome.

    2. Pies. As I understood the story and found out there would be a good old fashioned western fight scene (more of a battle), I discussed with myself exactly how they would do this. In the nanoseconds I wasn't being awed by the characters, I pondered the actual reality of an actual battle scene in this show. How would they do it? How much violence would they show? What would they use as weapons? As I watched the Applelossians harvest their non-ripe apples, and haul them to the town, I thought, oh, ok they're using apples. No. They took it a few steps further. Hundreds and hundreds of pies filled my screen and couldn't help but laugh at the quality of silliness. The contrast between the seriousness of the characters and the tasty goodness of a comic-destined apple pies makes for jaw-dropping scenes where you are trying not to laugh because you want to hear the serious things the distressed characters are saying and doing. Princeless!

  7. A story:

    A father is surfing the internet while his 7 year old daughter watches television. He finds this article confirming the second season of MLPFiM. He walks over to his daughter and says, "Hey, they are making more episodes of that pony cartoon you like."

    His daughter shrieks, "Yay, I love that show. I'm so glad they are making more of it. Isn't that great dad!?"

    Her dad shrugs, "hehe, yeah, it's great, i guess..." He walks into his bedroom out of sight and sound of his daughter and closes the door. He continues by jumping up and down and shouting at the top of his lungs, "YES!!!! They are making more episodes!!!"

    He opens his underwear drawer and pulls out his hidden Twilight Sparkle doll and begins brushing her hair. "You hear that, Twi? We're gooing to have MORE adventures!"

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